It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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So, you would allow for an abortion in the case of a 13 year old rape victim?
Don't be silly. I am not in a position to either allow or disallow. Not my nature, either. If you want a hard-bitten person, you will want to look elsewhere.
I'm the least serious guy I know. But, I am when I have to be...
Yes, I get that...Like when someone wants to add "Life" to your "Abortion Only" table. Apparently, that is something that even the most facetious finds intolerable.
Sorry, but there is no way you can justify killing little babies in the womb
22JAN30-POST#0355 above

NFBW wrote: The best thing about being American is that I have freedom of religion and that means I do not have to believe what you believe. I don’t believe in fascist Christianity. - - - To respond to your post on that basis, I don’t have to justify anything to you that breaks no law or does not harm you or interfere in your rights - - - And we already know that you are a zealot and want to impose your beliefs on the entire country if not the world. So we already know that you want to spend your life trying to ban abortion. In the meantime why don’t you try having a conversation here and respond to the points that I made. 22JAN30-POST#03
Should not be a problem. We can throw gays off roofs like Daesh does. God's Will and all.
God's will? Simply show us in the New Testament Covenant of Christ Jesus where there is a command to throw any sinner off roofs.........

If you want homosexuals tossed off roof tops.......simply allow your fellow citizens to legislate such a law, as its the governments that God has ordained to serve justice. (Romans 13:1-4) ;)

Ignorance of God's will is no excuse, as God has revealed His will in scripture (Eph. 5:13)

Or as Peter declared, "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men; " -- 1 Peter 2:15

Homosexuals are in the same position as are all sinners, God has no respect of person. What? Homosexuals are not human? :dunno: All sin carries the same it the thief, the adulterer, the fornicator, or the sodomite, or those who worship false gods (idolaters), such as those who worship wealth, power etc. and make that their one that makes practice of "unrighteousness" shall inherit the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 6:9)

As for all the long as there is life........THERE IS HOPE, as there is an advocate to stand between all sin and God, if you but accept His conditions ...........Christ Jesus.
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God's will? Simply show us in the New Testament Covenant of Christ Jesus where there is a command to throw any sinner off roofs.........

If you want homosexuals tossed off roof tops.......simply allow your fellow citizens to legislate such a law, as its the governments that God has ordained to serve justice. (Romans 13:1-4) ;)

Ignorance of God's will is no excuse, as God has revealed His will in scripture (Eph. 5:13)

Or as Peter declared, "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men; " -- 1 Peter 2:15

Homosexuals are in the same position as are all sinners, God has no respect of person. What? Homosexuals are not human? :dunno: All sin carries the same it the thief, the adulterer, the fornicator, or the sodomite, or those who worship false gods (idolaters), such as those who worship wealth, power etc. and make that their one that makes practice of "unrighteousness" shall inherit the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 6:9)

As for all the long as there is life........THERE IS HOPE, as there is an advocate to stand between all sin and God, if you but accept His conditions ...........Christ Jesus.
OP already said nope to Da Gayz.
Sorry, but there is no way you can justify killing little babies in the womb, with or without tax dollars.
22JAN30-POST#0355 above

NFBW wrote:
That split second after a sperm cell gets inside the egg you are referring to that force of nature event as a baby in the womb. When you are attempting to persuade the American public of adopting fascist Christianity you should try to view it using words and phrases that are not absolutely absurd. Just some advice. 22JAN30-POST#0408
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You most certainly are imposing your religion on me when you force me to pay for abortions through my tax dollars
22JAN29-POST#0315 above

NFBW wrote:
Are you at odds with Jesus because you rendered unto Ceasar what is Ceasars as he told you to do. Perhaps GOD, you, Jesus, Trump and the Holy Ghost need to hire a new communications director. 22JAN30-POST#0409
And now comes the disrespectful part, because you didn't answer the fucking question.

If you would insist that your 12 year old daughter carry a pregnancy derived from rape to term, you're unfit to be a father.

Once again, you prove that you lack the intellectual agility to respond to a simple fucking question..

I already stated my position. I oppose aborting children resulting from rape or incest. Do I have to parrot your disgusting premise word for word?
Mashmont wrote 22JAN30-POST#0347 above

NFBW wrote
; written You dodged the “when life begins” problem you have regarding your enforcement of your fascist Christian law against raped and molested girls based on the arbitrary “moment of conception” Eleventh Commandment handed down to Moses but he ran out of room on the stone tablet. Probably why Catholic Priests favor boys and don’t need to worry about that sticky messy conception issue at all. 22JAN30-POST#0347
It's hard to follow your word salad, but the moment of conception is not at all arbitrary or ambiguous. And once again you return to the few rogue gay priests who violated their vows and molested boys, which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
How do we know what he really taught? How do we know he even existed?
How do we know Plato existed? Do you pick and choose which historical writings you trust? How do we know George Washington existed? How do we know anyone we haven't seen with our own eyes existed?
But the fact is, virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically.
It's probably also the most heavily guarded city on the planet. Having been there, and having traveled pretty extensively all over the world, I can tell you that I've never seen a higher level of security anywhere.

Now, how about someplace like Indonesia, where gays are lashed up to 100 times for the crime of... wait for it... being gay?

Or how about ISIS throwing suspected homosexuals off of buildings or beheading them. That's what religious rule gets you, and decent American will have no part of it. Take your zealotry elsewhere...
You guys keep talking about Muslim countries for some reason. I'm talking about having a Christian country. Radical Islamic countries aren't much different from atheist countries in terms of their violence.
You guys keep talking about Muslim countries for some reason. I'm talking about having a Christian country. Radical Islamic countries aren't much different from atheist countries in terms of their violence.
Because the country you describe you want is very much a Xtian counterpart to the Muslims theocracies in the ME.
Within the context of the time he lived, Jesus was definitely NOT a conservative.
We're talking about today's standard of conservative vs leftwing. Jesus had zero in common with today's leftwing.
Because the country you describe you want is very much a Xtian counterpart to the Muslims theocracies in the ME.
No, that's silly. Muslims kill people for being gay. Muslims kill people who don't agree with them. The Muslim religion dictates that they do. Jesus's perfect teachings were nothing like that. They were of love and peace.
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