It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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So no Schindler's List past the censors right? Violence, nudity, unchristian values.

No Star Wars either (alternative religions).

How about the Ten Commandments? That's Jewish.

No Bond films. Bollywood? Could Buddhist churches advertise?

Could someone put up a billboard with "there is no god but God and his name is Allah" on it?
You sure seem preoccupied with dirty movies. That's the only thing on the list you want to talk about.
But representations of sex outside marriage and violence in movies influence young children and contribute in the shaping of their mores. That's why we need more wholesome shows like from the 1950s like Leave it to Beaver, Donna Reed Show, and Father Knows Best.
You sure seem preoccupied with dirty movies. That's the only thing on the list you want to talk about.
But representations of sex outside marriage and violence in movies influence young children and contribute in the shaping of their mores. That's why we need more wholesome shows like from the 1950s like Leave it to Beaver, Donna Reed Show, and Father Knows Best.
Literally none of those are "dirty movies."
Because the government runs everything. Remove the government and watch the private sector, particularly Christian churchpeople, rush to fill the void.
Except it wasn't happening before, else it wouldn't have been needed.
It's hard to follow your word salad, but the moment of conception is not at all arbitrary or ambiguous.

NFBW wrote: It’s not understanding the moment of conception that is in dispute. I detect you need to avoid all conversation about whether life begins instantly at that point. You say God creates a soul right there when the first diploid cell is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of an embryo. You are a liar when you say that your fascist Christian religious belief makes it absolutely certain that human life begins at the zygote stage. And you are compelled because of religious zealotry and fervor to seek to force, compel, crusade and attack all non-believers of your insanity in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a nice evening mass - I hope your fellow congregants are not as nuts as you. - - - I know Joe Biden isn’t. - - - He’s a Catholic but he is president for all religions and beliefs. 22JAN30-POST#0432
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I've read it from cover to cover. Can you name anything Jesus had in common with today's leftwing practices?
The unconditional caring for the poor and the sick comes to mind. The seeming opposition to the capitalism of the moneychangers.

NFBW wrote: It’s not understanding the moment of conception that is in dispute. I detect you need to avoid all conversation about whether life begins instantly at that point. You say God creates a soul right there when the first diploid cell is formed by the fusion of male and female gametes resulting in the formation of an embryo. You are a liar when you say that your fascist Christian religious belief makes it absolutely certain that human life begins at the zygote stage. And you are compelled because of religious zealotry and fervor to seek to force, compel, crusade and attack all non-believers of your insanity in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a nice evening mass - I hope your fellow congregants are not as nuts as you. - - - I know Joe Biden isn’t. - - - He’s a Catholic but he is president for all religions and beliefs. 22JAN30-POST#0432
As far as I know, fascists don't protect the lives of little babies. I do, and so do Christians like me.
Sadly, Biden isn't Catholic. He rejects the major teachings of Jesus and Jesus' Catholic Church.
The unconditional caring for the poor and the sick comes to mind. The seeming opposition to the capitalism of the moneychangers.
Hate to tell you, but the leftwing leadership doesn't care about the poor or sick. Their policies cause people to stay poor and sick. Sure, they talk a good game, but then they take all that taxpayer money and give it to cronies, buy votes, and otherwise squander it, all the while proudly and hypocritically thumping their chests and proclaiming how charitable they are, while disparaging those who actually do help these people. Conservatives are the ones who care about the poor and the sick. They're the ones who donate more in terms of time and resources to charities that help. They walk the walk. Like Jesus did.
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