It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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God's will? Simply show us in the New Testament Covenant of Christ Jesus where there is a command to throw any sinner off roofs.........

If you want homosexuals tossed off roof tops.......simply allow your fellow citizens to legislate such a law, as its the governments that God has ordained to serve justice. (Romans 13:1-4) ;)

Ignorance of God's will is no excuse, as God has revealed His will in scripture (Eph. 5:13)

Or as Peter declared, "For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men; " -- 1 Peter 2:15

Homosexuals are in the same position as are all sinners, God has no respect of person. What? Homosexuals are not human? :dunno: All sin carries the same it the thief, the adulterer, the fornicator, or the sodomite, or those who worship false gods (idolaters), such as those who worship wealth, power etc. and make that their one that makes practice of "unrighteousness" shall inherit the Kingdom of God. (1 Cor. 6:9)

As for all the long as there is life........THERE IS HOPE, as there is an advocate to stand between all sin and God, if you but accept His conditions ...........Christ Jesus.

Such horseshit.

Instead of cutting and pasting, make a real argument. Using quotes from a book is meaningless...
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How do we know Plato existed? Do you pick and choose which historical writings you trust? How do we know George Washington existed? How do we know anyone we haven't seen with our own eyes existed?
But the fact is, virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically.

I have no doubt that he existed.

Your question of "How do we know George Washington existed?", that's easy. We have actual documents written in the hand of George Washington. Do you have anything even remotely similar from Jesus? Jesus wasn't even alive when the four gospels of the new testament were first penned. He had been dead for 40 years...
I have no doubt that he existed.

Your question of "How do we know George Washington existed?", that's easy. We have actual documents written in the hand of George Washington. Do you have anything even remotely similar from Jesus? Jesus wasn't even alive when the four gospels of the new testament were first penned. He had been dead for 40 years...
Who says they're actual documents? How do you know for sure? How is it any different from the bible. It's all in what and whom you trust, isn't it?
, Biden isn't Catholic.
22JAN30-POST#0437 above

NFBW wrote:
Which major teachings of Jesus and major teachings of the Catholic Church.has Biden rejected, You must have a list. 22JAN31-POST#0464
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No, that's silly. Muslims kill people for being gay. Muslims kill people who don't agree with them. The Muslim religion dictates that they do. Jesus's perfect teachings were nothing like that. They were of love and peace.

Have you read that during the Crusades that kings said it was "Gods will" to retake the Holy land from the muslims?
Jesus had zero in common with liberalism as practiced in the US.

My top three conservatives of all time:
1. Jesus Christ
2. Rush Limbaugh
3. Antonin Scalia

All three are enjoying each other's company in Heaven right now.
I'm sure rush will enjoy the prescription free Oxy...
What is a "Christian-extremist" nation?

Why If you have to pick one religion, which we do, it's best to pick the best one, and that is Christianity.

NFBW wrote: A "Christian-extremist" nation is one where a Christian fascist siezed power and dictates that we “have to pick one religion” and that is Christianity; and make a once a year pilgrimage to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the sacred white ass of Donald J Trump bringing a loyalty tax donation of 10% of your previous years income in new unmarked $100 dollar bills or check or money order payable to President Ivanka or any progeny that follows. Note: Arrsngements for alternative method of payment can be accommodated for attractive porn stars with female genitalia just waiting to be grabbed, 22JAN31- POST#0469
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I’m pretty certain that we guaranteed freedom of religion. President Reagan’s some prefers to call it freedom from religion. He’s partly right but largely wrong.

What we have is a nation where anyone may practice (or not) a faith of their choice and where no religion may be outlawed. There are no religious tests placed on anyone, like a qualification to hold any public office. There is no official “state” religion.

The notion of a high wall of separation between church and state is an overstatement. Sorry, but Jefferson was sloppy in his writing on that one. If a kid wants to pray in school, that should be between him and his God; it isn’t something the state should say anything about. An inscription on a courtroom wall declaring “In God We Trust” imposes no required religious belief on anyone and establishes no state religion.

Our First Amendment religion clauses are actually quite clear yet have been misinterpreted over time. Judges get stuff wrong, too.
If a kid wants to pray in school, that should be between him and his God;
And a kid can. What a religious teacher should not do is organize praying kids into groups and set aside class time for prayer or any tries at convincing non religious kids they will burn in hell if they don’t believe what other kids and a person of authority believes. that’s extreme but you should know what mean.

I remember back after 1988 when Pat Robertson won four states in the GOP primary and I moved to California - The Christian Coalition under Robertson and Ralph Reed launched the culture war where prayer in school was a hot topic. I remember because with 20 years of happy adult unreligious life and father of two happily unreligious young daughters by that time and my California dream come true I was eating alone in a McDonalds when a nice looking family of four one boy one girl sat at the table next to me. They put their trays on the table, sat down, then all four held hands bowed their heads and silently prayed together for a minute or so and then dived in. I thought it was sweet, not showy and very sincere. It made such an impact on me because in all my years of eating out I did not recall ever seeing anything like it happen before. With all the political culture war heating up and living In a dominant Christian society, after that scene I kinda began watching to see if it ever happened again. After thirty years I cannot say that I have. So I donbt that many Christian kids want to bow their heads and pray before eating lunch in school. Just like McDonalds, a public place, if a Christian wished to communicate with their idea of God they can - The government does not stop them. It’s a phony culture war issue.
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Because you feel a need to insult me, there is no need to insult my daughter, my brothers, and my brother-in-law. My daughter was not quite twelve when I had to teach her how to protect herself--which she did quite competently when she was thirteen.

You as much as confess you have no case at all for "abortion on the table" when you have to create a thirteen-year-old being raped as your best argument.

As for rape of a 13-year-old...isn't that an excellent case for the use of a morning-after pill so that a pregnancy does not occur? Or are you now going to create a story about an uncle raping a niece and making threats if she mentions it to her mom? I don't know about your children, but I know for a fact that I am the first person my children would tell--and immediately at that.

Hope your children are as fortunate in their parents. Have a good day.
That's not an answer! Are you for abortion Yes or No?

Without abortion rights any man can rape women & FORCE them to carry his child, deliver it & raise it. That woman & her family will have no right to refuse.

All 13 year old children don't have parents to defend them or teach them defense.

The Vatican sees the morning-after pill as as a form of abortion. The Catholic church does not even allow the use of condoms as a means of birth control, arguing that only abstinence and monogamy can be used to prevent pregnancy.

You have no vote or say in the matter. The Catholic church thinks they can dictate what a husband & wife can do in the privacy of their own bedroom. Yet their priest were free to rape children at will.
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Well, now you're just being a coward.
Again, you are creating someone else in your own mind. Clearly you have no wish to discuss anything with me. Your question was asked and answered, but as it did not fit your view of me, you did not hear, you did not see.

Sorry, I am not going to play the role you assigned to me.
22JAN30-POST#0437 above

NFBW wrote:
Which major teachings of Jesus and major teachings of the Catholic Church.has Biden rejected, You must have a list. 22JAN31-POST#0464
Stealing (Plagiarism)
I can tell you for sure that Jews would not.
Of course Jews would be welcome. The only groups that would have a problem with the new rules are radical Muslims and atheists, which are really two sides of the same coin.
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