It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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And a kid can. What a religious teacher should not do is organize praying kids into groups and set aside class time for prayer or any tries at convincing non religious kids they will burn in hell if they don’t believe what other kids and a person of authority believes. that’s extreme but you should know what mean.

I remember back after 1988 when Pat Robertson won four states in the GOP primary and I moved to California - The Christian Coalition under Robertson and Ralph Reed launched the culture war where prayer in school was a hot topic. I remember because with 20 years of happy adult unreligious life and father of two happily unreligious young daughters by that time and my California dream come true I was eating alone in a McDonalds when a nice looking family of four one boy one girl sat at the table next to me. They put their trays on the table, sat down, then all four held hands bowed their heads and silently prayed together for a minute or so and then dived in. I thought it was sweet, not showy and very sincere. It made such an impact on me because in all my years of eating out I did not recall ever seeing anything like it happen before. With all the political culture war heating up and living In a dominant Christian society, after that scene I kinda began watching to see if it ever happened again. After thirty years I cannot say that I have. So I donbt that many Christian kids want to bow their heads and pray before eating lunch in school. Just like McDonalds, a public place, if a Christian wished to communicate with their idea of God they can - The government does not stop them. It’s a phony culture war issue.
Then you must really oppose using classtime for 'Black History Month' and its accompanying BLM indoctrination.
I’m pretty certain that we guaranteed freedom of religion. President Reagan’s some prefers to call it freedom from religion. He’s partly right but largely wrong.

What we have is a nation where anyone may practice (or not) a faith of their choice and where no religion may be outlawed. There are no religious tests placed on anyone, like a qualification to hold any public office. There is no official “state” religion.

The notion of a high wall of separation between church and state is an overstatement. Sorry, but Jefferson was sloppy in his writing on that one. If a kid wants to pray in school, that should be between him and his God; it isn’t something the state should say anything about. An inscription on a courtroom wall declaring “In God We Trust” imposes no required religious belief on anyone and establishes no state religion.

Our First Amendment religion clauses are actually quite clear yet have been misinterpreted over time. Judges get stuff wrong, too.
So you are fine with the Muslim kid being excused from the classroom 5 times per day to go pray?
Of course Jews would be welcome. The only groups that would have a problem with the new rules are radical Muslims and atheists, which are really two sides of the same coin.
Xtian law always includes the "Blue laws". That everything must be closed on Sunday. Now you have just economically hurt Jewish businesses that cannot be opened on Saturday. Jews would absolutely have an issue with your concept.
Who says they're actual documents? How do you know for sure? How is it any different from the bible. It's all in what and whom you trust, isn't it?

Never mind.

You can't show me a single thing supposedly penned by Jesus. There is plenty penned by Washington. Now, if you choose to deny that, well, that's up to you, and I won't try to convince you otherwise, simply because your denial would all but prove the profound and, frankly, frightening level of ignorance you possess. It will only make you look even more stupid than you've made yourself appear, and it will only make you appear as even more of a zealot.

You don't answer difficult questions. For that reason alone everything you belch up is to be, if not completely ignored, taken with a very large grain of salt.

You say you want a Christian nation. Why not a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation or a Hindu nation? You whine about people bringing up a "Muslim country". Well, what about the others?

I don't want a Christian nation because:

  • I'm not a Christian
  • I don't want those who are Christian determining that I should adhere to Christian law
  • I do not believe that one religion should take precedence over others
  • I do not trust those who believe one religion should take precedence over others
  • No one can show me how being a citizen of a Christian nation would be good

Until you can demonstrate that you're willing to engage in an actual conversation, and stop dodging difficult questions, you can pretty much piss off. See, you want to convince people that we should be a Christian nation. It's fascinating to me that you've chosen to do such a monumentally poor job of doing that...
Again, you are creating someone else in your own mind. Clearly you have no wish to discuss anything with me. Your question was asked and answered, but as it did not fit your view of me, you did not hear, you did not see.

Sorry, I am not going to play the role you assigned to me.

You're a coward and a zealot. Those two go hand in hand.

Your "answer" was actually no answer at all. It was a dodge, and a clumsy one, at that...
What I have been saying all along...yet there seems to be an overwhelming need to reproach me anyway. Or call me a coward. Shrug.

Having a say in the matter and having an opinion on the matter are two entirely different things. You're a coward in that you refuse to share the latter.

I have no say in whether or not someone gets an abortion, but I certainly have an opinion on abortion...
Of course Jews would be welcome. The only groups that would have a problem with the new rules are radical Muslims and atheists, which are really two sides of the same coin.


Because I'm neither a Muslim or an atheist and I have a problem with it.

Then again, any decent person would...
Is that why atheists lead all belief groups in alcoholism, drug abuse, broken relationships, and suicides?
Looks like they've just substituted a bunch of fake inferior gods for the real One.
Where do you come up with this nonsense? All alcoholics that I have known have been christians-----and I have been married almost 30 years.

Atheists believe in NO gods dear.
Meriweather is no zealot.
Someone who sees rightly! I have been chuckling over the entire exchange. Someone notes abortion should be on the table. I note that life should also be on the table. The person who notes both on the table is the zealot and the coward. Those who insist on only one option do not see themselves as zealots at all. ;)
Agreed. Zealots often DON'T recognize other zealots...
Actually I was implying the opposite. That a zealot will be the first to accuse someone else - who isn't a zealot - of being a zealot. It's that whole dunning-kruger effect thingee.
Someone who sees rightly! I have been chuckling over the entire exchange. Someone notes abortion should be on the table. I note that life should also be on the table. The person who notes both on the table is the zealot and the coward. Those who insist on only one option do not see themselves as zealots at all. ;)

I've not insisted on only one option, so stop being stupid.

If a 13 year old pregnant rape victim insisted on getting an abortion, would you be supportive of that 13 year old pregnant rape victim making that choice?

This is not a difficult question, and please don't stupidly answer it by asking another question...
Is that why atheists lead all belief groups in alcoholism, drug abuse, broken relationships, and suicides?
Looks like they've just substituted a bunch of fake inferior gods for the real One.

I know plenty of Christians who are divorced drunks.

I also know of one Catholic who was so unhappy in his marriage that he hung himself.

What makes you believe that your god is the "real one"? Why do you think others should believe as you do?
I know plenty of Christians who are divorced drunks.

I also know of one Catholic who was so unhappy in his marriage that he hung himself.

What makes you believe that your god is the "real one"? Why do you think others should believe as you do?
It's pretty illogical to confuse religion for God. That or dishonest. Probably both.
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