It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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If you need me to explain it to you I will.

There's no reason to believe you wouldn't do a shitty job of that, as well.

Here's the definition of "zealot":

Zealot -

1. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

I'm not the one who started a thread suggesting that it's time to call us a "Christian nation"...
It's pretty illogical to confuse religion for God. That or dishonest. Probably both.

Pay attention. The entire premise of this thread is that Catholicism would be the reigning religion. If the OP has his way, religion, government and God would be one in the same.

Anyone who's okay with that is diseased...
Someone who sees rightly! I have been chuckling over the entire exchange. Someone notes abortion should be on the table. I note that life should also be on the table. The person who notes both on the table is the zealot and the coward. Those who insist on only one option do not see themselves as zealots at all. ;)
I think it is more likely that you are seen and being treated as an adversary for no other reason than you don't believe exactly as he does. He has to see you as someone who he could hate to validate his beliefs. In other words, it's not possible for you to be a good person because good people must believe as he does because he is a good person. They don't even see it. At least not until someone else does it to them. Then they see it very clearly and can't understand why everyone else can't see it too. Such is life in a world full of unaccountability.
There's no reason to believe you wouldn't do a shitty job of that, as well.

Here's the definition of "zealot":

Zealot -

1. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.

I'm not the one who started a thread suggesting that it's time to call us a "Christian nation"...
But you are the one who called merriweather a zealot and when asked what she wrote that made you believe she is a zealot you couldn't say.

That's what started our little exchange. This exchange has nothing to do with the OP unless you are trying to make a two wrongs makes a right argument.
Pay attention. The entire premise of this thread is that Catholicism would be the reigning religion. If the OP has his way, religion, government and God would be one in the same.

Anyone who's okay with that is diseased...
I am paying attention. It is illogical to confuse religion for God. You are literally arguing that since there are multiple perceptions of God that adherents must reject every other perception of God that does not match identically to theirs. That's silly.
You are literally arguing that since there are multiple perceptions of God that adherents must reject every other perception of God that does not match identically to theirs.

Clearly you're not paying attention, as the OP has spoken of the "real God".

Perhaps you need a refresher:

In post #173 Mashmont says this:

"Looks like they've just substituted a bunch of fake inferior gods for the real One."

Now, this is the guy who says we need to be a "Christian nation". I'm not making the argument that adherents of anything must reject every other perception of God that does not match identically to theirs. Mashmont is.

You seem to have an issue with that, yet I'll bet a nice, new shiny nickel that you don't criticize him for it as you have me...
Clearly you're not paying attention, as the OP has spoken of the "real God".

Perhaps you need a refresher:

In post #173 Mashmont says this:

"Looks like they've just substituted a bunch of fake inferior gods for the real One."

Now, this is the guy who says we need to be a "Christian nation". I'm not making the argument that adherents of anything must reject every other perception of God that does not match identically to theirs. Mashmont is.

You seem to have an issue with that, yet I'll bet a nice, new shiny nickel that you don't criticize him for it as you have me...
I haven't criticized you. I corrected you. Merriweather is not a zealot. You have made an unfounded accusation that you have failed to either back up or apologize for. Be accountable. I suspect you expect others to be accountable when it suits you.
I haven't criticized you. I corrected you. Merriweather is not a zealot. You have made an unfounded accusation that you have failed to either back up or apologize for. Be accountable. I suspect you expect others to be accountable when it suits you.

Hey, if you think I'm wrong, fine. So what? I see her posts differently than you. Deal with it.

Now, let's look at the fact that you suggested I'm the zealot, when I'm not the one who started a thread about how this country should be a Christian country. That's literally about as close to "zealot" as you can get, yet it would appear as though, for whatever reason, you're afraid to take issue with that.

Or maybe you're just a hypocrite...
Hey, if you think I'm wrong, fine. So what? I see her posts differently than you. Deal with it.

Now, let's look at the fact that you suggested I'm the zealot, when I'm not the one who started a thread about how this country should be a Christian country. That's literally about as close to "zealot" as you can get, yet it would appear as though, for whatever reason, you're afraid to take issue with that.

Or maybe you're just a hypocrite...
Of course I believe you are wrong about Meriweather. I have seen no signs that she is a zealot. And since you have provided no evidence that she is your standard must be you are looking for her to prove to you she isn't which is a ludicrous proposition. That would be akin to me asking you to prove you weren't a child molester and believing you were unless you could prove otherwise. Sounds sort of stupid when I put it like that, right?

Yes, I did suggest you were a zealot. I did so on the grounds that you made an unfounded and unsubstantiated accusation that meriweather is a zealot. An accusation I know to be false.

Now you are calling me a hypocrite? Oh vey.... that shit just rolls off your tongue so easily.
Yes, I did suggest you were a zealot. I did so on the grounds that you made an unfounded and unsubstantiated accusation that meriweather is a zealot. An accusation I know to be false.

Now you are calling me a hypocrite? Oh vey.... that shit just rolls off your tongue so easily.

Here's the thing, Slappy: I've done nothing which smacks of zealotry. I would ask you to re-read the definition of "zealot" and explain how I'm a zealot but the OP isn't. I don't think you possess the quality of character required to do that...
I've not insisted on only one option, so stop being stupid.
And neither did I. So why are you arguing with me? I merely noted life should be on the table as well. You see yourself as seeing more than one option? Then why haven't you seen me as observing more than one option?
Here's the thing, Slappy: I've done nothing which smacks of zealotry. I would ask you to re-read the definition of "zealot" and explain how I'm a zealot but the OP isn't. I don't think you possess the quality of character required to do that...
Where's your evidence, bro? Just link to the post that you think shows meriweather is a zealot. Is that too hard to do?

meriweather isn't the OP so I don't know why you keep bringing that up.
If a 13 year old pregnant rape victim insisted on getting an abortion, would you be supportive of that 13 year old pregnant rape victim making that choice?
I never have and never will support abortion over life. On the other hand, I am extremely supportive of 13-year-olds who see things differently than I.

Personally, what I see as foolish is that when people are concerned about the millions of abortions that have taken place, people trot out a thirteen year old rape victim who is afraid to tell anyone of the rape so could not be asked about the morning after pill and is now well into the pregnancy. Like millions of thirteen year old girls are the reason for all the abortions.

I support life over abortion. I support women who have gone through abortions. So what. To me it is unbelievable that you think a person cannot sincerely do both. You ever have a friend who did have an abortion at 13 because all the adults in her life assured her it was the right thing to do? She still mourns that abortion--on the date of the abortion and on the birthdays of her other three children. Life is also an option. Abortion is not for every thirteen year old girl. I know. I've been there.
Have you read that during the Crusades that kings said it was "Gods will" to retake the Holy land from the muslims?
A lot of people say a lot of things. Joe Biden claims he's a devout Catholic, when he isn't.
Xtian law always includes the "Blue laws". That everything must be closed on Sunday. Now you have just economically hurt Jewish businesses that cannot be opened on Saturday. Jews would absolutely have an issue with your concept.
I never said anything about reinstating blue laws, although I would be fine with it. Jews wouldn't be forced to work that day.
NFBW wrote: A "Christian-extremist" nation is one where a Christian fascist siezed power and dictates that we “have to pick one religion” and that is Christianity; and make a once a year pilgrimage to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the sacred white ass of Donald J Trump bringing a loyalty tax donation of 10% of your previous years income in new unmarked $100 dollar bills or check or money order payable to President Ivanka or any progeny that follows. Note: Arrsngements for alternative method of payment can be accommodated for attractive porn stars with female genitalia just waiting to be grabbed, 22JAN31- POST#0469

Silly comments don't make your case.
Never mind.

You can't show me a single thing supposedly penned by Jesus. There is plenty penned by Washington. Now, if you choose to deny that, well, that's up to you, and I won't try to convince you otherwise, simply because your denial would all but prove the profound and, frankly, frightening level of ignorance you possess. It will only make you look even more stupid than you've made yourself appear, and it will only make you appear as even more of a zealot.

You don't answer difficult questions. For that reason alone everything you belch up is to be, if not completely ignored, taken with a very large grain of salt.

You say you want a Christian nation. Why not a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation or a Hindu nation? You whine about people bringing up a "Muslim country". Well, what about the others?

I don't want a Christian nation because:

  • I'm not a Christian
  • I don't want those who are Christian determining that I should adhere to Christian law
  • I do not believe that one religion should take precedence over others
  • I do not trust those who believe one religion should take precedence over others
  • No one can show me how being a citizen of a Christian nation would be good

Until you can demonstrate that you're willing to engage in an actual conversation, and stop dodging difficult questions, you can pretty much piss off. See, you want to convince people that we should be a Christian nation. It's fascinating to me that you've chosen to do such a monumentally poor job of doing that...
You can't seem to understand that you are insisting your atheism remain the default religion. How is that fair? How is that better? I say it's worse. It's zealotry just the same as you accuse of others.
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