It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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How is it a slur?
How is it not a slur? Especially when it is unsupported. In fact, it is because it is unsupported which makes it a slur.

By definition you are acting like a zealot by being fanatical and uncompromising in your belief that meriweather is a zealot because your belief is not founded in reality.

But to answer your question more directly... it is a slur because it is untrue. Meriweather is not fanatical and is not uncompromising. She is way more accommodating to others than I am. She is way more willing to suffer fools than I am. As far as I'm concerned she's a saint. You really should be ashamed of yourself.
How is it not a slur? Especially when it is unsupported. In fact, it is because it is unsupported which makes it a slur.

By definition you are acting like a zealot by being fanatical and uncompromising in your belief that meriweather is a zealot because your belief is not founded in reality.

But to answer your question more directly... it is a slur because it is untrue. Meriweather is not fanatical and is not uncompromising. She is way more accommodating to others than I am. She is way more willing to suffer fools than I am. As far as I'm concerned she's a saint. You really should be ashamed of yourself.

Fuck off, dipshit.

For whatever reason, you've got your nose buried so far up his/her ass that you're unable to be objective.

Welcome to the steaming pile of human shit that is my ignore list...
Fuck off, dipshit.

For whatever reason, you've got your nose buried so far up his/her ass that you're unable to be objective.

Welcome to the steaming pile of human shit that is my ignore list...
Interesting. Where is your objectivity? You called meriweather a zealot. I asked you for what it was she wrote that made you call her that.

And I'm still waiting for your reply.

Let me be clear, your slur was unfounded and that's why you can't point to one thing she said. You are being emotional.
What is a "Christian-extremist" nation? One in which there is TOO much love? TOO much caring for one's fellow man? You people throwing these terms around never think about them. What you SHOULD fear is the coming atheist/Marxist takeover if we continue to go the way we're going. Then y'all won't be free to go to the bathroom. Think HARD, people.
Conservativism is a malignancy on the Nation – Christo-fascism in particular.
You don't get it. With Blue laws, businesses were forced to be closed on Sunday. Observant Jews are prohibited from working on Shabbat, meaning they were closed on Saturday. The laws effectively put them at a disadvantage because thy could not open on the weekend at all.
I never brought up Blue Laws. You did. But Catholics adjusted to the Blue Laws by starting a Saturday night mass.
People like the OP don't give a fuck about that. They don't care that the laws governing any other religion would be ignored in lieu of his own beliefs ruling the day.

I have a good friend who's in upper management for B&H Photo in New York (the owners of B&H are observant, devout Jews). On any given Sunday, he's told me that B&H can easily bring in over $500,000 between in-store and online sales. The OP would seek to take that away from them.

People like the OP are exactly the reason the Founding Fathers saw fit to NOT make us a Christian nation...
The atheist guy completely misses the irony that government atheists did this exact same thing to Christians by repealing blue laws.
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There’s nothing ‘funny’ about the neo-fascist right’s desire to create a theocratic dictatorship.

This is who and what conservatives are – it’s refreshing they’re being honest about it.
Far better than an atheist dictatorship. They're the most violent and murderous in history.
I'm not an atheist, you stupid dumbfuck.

Religion and government should be separate. Period.

My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend have sex. We have a lot of sex (those Puerto Rican chicks can be insatiable). Now, not being married, would that be legal in your Christian country? If we want to watch porn would that be allowed? I'm 59 and she's 52. Surely we can decide what's appropriate for our own bedroom, correct?
Uh oh. You just earned a place in the iggy bin.
You'll treat chatters with respect, I gave you once chance. Now you're gone.

Atheists, from my experience can dish it out, but they have surprisingly thin skin themselves.
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The atheist guy completely misses the irony that government atheists did this exact same thing to Christians by repealing blue laws.

Not an atheist, dipshit, regardless how many times you say it. Your beliefs mean exactly nothing to me. If you want to live in a Catholic country, move to the Vatican (good luck with that, dipshit)...
Just the militant ones. I don't believe that Canon Shooter is a militant atheist. I'm not even sure if he is an atheist for that matter.
From my experience, atheists/irreligious are often childishly profane.
Reminds me of college kids bragging about getting drunk.
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