It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Not an atheist, dipshit, regardless how many times you say it. Your beliefs mean exactly nothing to me. If you want to live in a Catholic country, move to the Vatican (good luck with that, dipshit)...
Not a fan of Catholics?
Not a fan of Catholics?
Atheists hate Catholics the most. I think it's because we've always been their biggest obstacle, and we've always stood up to them. Talking internationally. Not the peons in here.
Atheists hate Catholics the most. I think it's because we've always been their biggest obstacle, and we've always stood up to them. Talking internationally. Not the peons in here.
It probably has something to do with what's written in the Catechism.

Just kidding. They have never read the Catechism.

Not all atheists are the same which can probably be said about all religious sects really. I prefer to treat each encounter on its own merit. I can adjust accordingly. I'd much rather have friendly cordial discussions. I find them to be more effective.
Uh oh. You just earned a place in the iggy bin.
You'll treat chatters with respect, I gave you once chance. Now you're gone.

Atheists, from my experience can dish it out, but they have surprisingly thin skin themselves.

What a fucking coward; so afraid to answer questions about the zealotry-laden cesspool of a country you want to live in.

You're such a fucking pussy...
It probably has something to do with what's written in the Catechism.

Just kidding. They have never read the Catechism.

Not all atheists are the same which can probably be said about all religious sects really. I prefer to treat each encounter on its own merit. I can adjust accordingly. I'd much rather have friendly cordial discussions. I find them to be more effective.
I try to be that way too. I'm nice to the chatters. I'll endure a little unpleasantness, but if they insult profanely, they're gone.

"From the contents of the heart, speaketh the mouth"
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I never brought up Blue Laws. You did. But Catholics adjusted to the Blue Laws by starting a Saturday night mass.
You still don't get it. Observant Jews can't adapt to Blue laws because they are closed on Saturday. That's the problem with Xtian bigots. You have no idea what others do, and frankly you don't care because all that matters to you is you.
Just the militant ones. I don't believe that Canon Shooter is a militant atheist. I'm not even sure if he is an atheist for that matter.
Militant atheist are most often a reaction to militant Xtians
You still don't get it. Observant Jews can't adapt to Blue laws because they are closed on Saturday. That's the problem with Xtian bigots. You have no idea what others do, and frankly you don't care because all that matters to you is you.
Didn't I just answer this? Catholics adapted to the law by having Mass on Saturday night. Jews have adapted by having services on Friday night. The repeal of the law is simply more proof the atheist anti-Christian bigots have taken power.
Militant atheist are most often a reaction to militant Xtians
What a cop-out and denial of responsibility. Murderous atheists are murderous because they are evil, and for no other reason.
Didn't I just answer this? Catholics adapted to the law by having Mass on Saturday night. Jews have adapted by having services on Friday night. The repeal of the law is simply more proof the atheist anti-Christian bigots have taken power.
Not at all. First off, Friday night service is not a service the night before Shabbat. Shabbat starts at sundown Friday night. Second, observant Jews cannot have their store open from before sundown on Friday to 1 hour after sundown on Saturday. So they must be closed 1 day on the weekend. Then Xtian "morality" had them close on Sunday. So they lost both important retail days of the week. Educate yourself on other religions first.
What a cop-out and denial of responsibility. Murderous atheists are murderous because they are evil, and for no other reason.
Atheists push back harder when religious try harder to shove their beliefs down their throats.
Atheists push back harder when religious try harder to shove their beliefs down their throats.
Every communist regime of the 20th century were militant atheistic regimes who were hostile to religion, specifically Christianity. Are you saying they were only militant towards religion because Christians were militant first?

Because Shafarevich paints a different picture.

Every communist regime of the 20th century were militant atheistic regimes who were hostile to religion, specifically Christianity. Are you saying they were only militant towards religion because Christians were militant first?

Because Shafarevich paints a different picture.

No, I'm not. But people always push back against forces trying to dismiss them.
The harder the Xtian right in the US tries to assert itself and impose it's will, the harder there will be push back, with Atheists leading the charge.
No, I'm not. But people always push back against forces trying to dismiss them.
The harder the Xtian right in the US tries to assert itself and impose it's will, the harder there will be push back, with Atheists leading the charge.
Sure. Equal and opposite reactions. It's quite natural. But this phenomenon isn't that. This is one rival religion (atheism) attacking another rival religion (Christianity) for no other reason than they condemn respect for Christians.
Not a fan of Catholics?
What is wrong with Catholics?
Far better than an atheist dictatorship. They're the most violent and murderous in history.
22JAN31-POST#0555 above

NFBW wrote: When the first five American Presidents and Ben Franklin, Tom Paine and Ethan Allen walked upon Nature’s God’s green earth 250 years ago, finding an admitted atheist individual or group in the old civilized world of European monarchies would have been a difficult task. Atheist nations did not exist at that time. All the bloodshed, death, wars, scandal, torture in the Old World for the most part was related in some way to Jesus Christ, and his believers from the lowest peasants to the heads of the dynasties on the golden thrones. And the often corrupted hierarchy in Rome. The framers of the US Constitution had to be wary of creating a constitutional Republic that allowed the powerful forces of religion to have a significant role in running a new type of state that put individuals in control of their own destiny. And they created a Constitutional government that was mandated to be neutral with respect to religion - siding with none. Atheism in the literal sense that God does not exist was not a threat to the new order of things - it was merely the rejection of organized Christianity in any of its mind controlling forms.

So I’m not favoring @Mashmont’s Catholic dictatorship driven by his trumped up fears of an atheists godless dictatorship that Mashmont has invented to show what a great Christian he is.

Are you with me on that ding as no fan of Catholics. I’m fine with most of them who want to keep the Constitution in its original neutrality on religion form.
the harder there will be push back, with Atheists leading the charge.
Atheists will have little impact. The Christian authoritarian movement under tough guy unChristlike father figure Trump is white. The push back against Mashmont ’s Trump absurdity will come from black evangelical Christians, and multicultural liberal anti-Trump Catholics and the rest of us secular and minority religions. All Trump has will be the white evangelical Christian huge voting bloc and the rag tag white nationalistic militants and Qanon adherents minus one - Ashley BAnnit.
Not at all. First off, Friday night service is not a service the night before Shabbat. Shabbat starts at sundown Friday night. Second, observant Jews cannot have their store open from before sundown on Friday to 1 hour after sundown on Saturday. So they must be closed 1 day on the weekend. Then Xtian "morality" had them close on Sunday. So they lost both important retail days of the week. Educate yourself on other religions first.
Atheists despise Jews, so things will continue to go downhill for Jews if we continue to allow atheists total power. Sounds like you're all for that.
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