It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Because I'm neither a Muslim or an atheist and I have a problem with it.

Then again, any decent person would...
Again, I consider irreligious and atheists the same because their actions and rhetoric are the same.
I know plenty of Christians who are divorced drunks.

I also know of one Catholic who was so unhappy in his marriage that he hung himself.

What makes you believe that your god is the "real one"? Why do you think others should believe as you do?
I differentiate between practicing Christians who attend weekly services and try very hard versus check-the-box Christians who fill out forms.
Practicing Christians aren't drunks. Practicing Christians are much less likely to suffer depression, according to research.

You can say there is no proof of God. I say the proof is in the great lives of the most devout Christians. Both canonized saints and other devout Christians.
Is this nonsense thread still going on?
Well, have you taken a gander at the topics in the religion and ethics forum?

This nonsense is about as coherent as it gets in this forum. It is loony tunes over here.
I never said anything about reinstating blue laws, although I would be fine with it. Jews wouldn't be forced to work that day.
You don't get it. With Blue laws, businesses were forced to be closed on Sunday. Observant Jews are prohibited from working on Shabbat, meaning they were closed on Saturday. The laws effectively put them at a disadvantage because thy could not open on the weekend at all.
Where's your evidence, bro? Just link to the post that you think shows meriweather is a zealot. Is that too hard to do?

meriweather isn't the OP so I don't know why you keep bringing that up.

Because he's a zealot, too...
Personally, what I see as foolish is that when people are concerned about the millions of abortions that have taken place, people trot out a thirteen year old rape victim who is afraid to tell anyone of the rape so could not be asked about the morning after pill and is now well into the pregnancy. Like millions of thirteen year old girls are the reason for all the abortions.

No, they're not, so don't be so fucking stupid.

No, millions of 13 year old girls aren't the reason for abortion. I would never suggested something so fucking retarded. But if one 13 year old girl gets raped by her uncle and gets pregnant, it would be criminal to not allow her to terminate that pregnancy if that'e her chjoice. Zealots like the OP would do exactly that, though. and are unapologetic about it. They're the types of cretins who would blame the girl...
You can't seem to understand that you are insisting your atheism remain the default religion. How is that fair? How is that better? I say it's worse. It's zealotry just the same as you accuse of others.

I'm not an atheist, you stupid dumbfuck.

Religion and government should be separate. Period.

My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend have sex. We have a lot of sex (those Puerto Rican chicks can be insatiable). Now, not being married, would that be legal in your Christian country? If we want to watch porn would that be allowed? I'm 59 and she's 52. Surely we can decide what's appropriate for our own bedroom, correct?
Again, I consider irreligious and atheists the same because their actions and rhetoric are the same.

And herein lies the problem. As an alleged Christian, you feel you have the right to characterize people into groups to which they do not belong. Irreligious and atheist are no the same.

I consider Catholics and child molesters to be the same. After all, the Catholic church has paid out untold millions trying to sweep the improprieties of priests who raped children under the rug while, at the same time, trying to hide the fact that it ever happened.

See, the difference between your example and mine is that mine is backed up with factual information. Yours is backed up with nothing but zealotry and hate...
You haven't seen any evidence she's a zealot either but that hasn't kept you from believing that.

Didn't your mother teach you any manners?

I was taught that manners are to be shown when appropriate.

Thus far, they're not appropriate here...
You don't get it. With Blue laws, businesses were forced to be closed on Sunday. Observant Jews are prohibited from working on Shabbat, meaning they were closed on Saturday. The laws effectively put them at a disadvantage because thy could not open on the weekend at all.

People like the OP don't give a fuck about that. They don't care that the laws governing any other religion would be ignored in lieu of his own beliefs ruling the day.

I have a good friend who's in upper management for B&H Photo in New York (the owners of B&H are observant, devout Jews). On any given Sunday, he's told me that B&H can easily bring in over $500,000 between in-store and online sales. The OP would seek to take that away from them.

People like the OP are exactly the reason the Founding Fathers saw fit to NOT make us a Christian nation...
I'm not an atheist, you stupid dumbfuck.

Religion and government should be separate. Period.

My smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend have sex. We have a lot of sex (those Puerto Rican chicks can be insatiable). Now, not being married, would that be legal in your Christian country? If we want to watch porn would that be allowed? I'm 59 and she's 52. Surely we can decide what's appropriate for our own bedroom, correct?
You and your girlfriend are sinners. For you punishment, you need to whip each other. :icon_sjung:
People like the OP don't give a fuck about that. They don't care that the laws governing any other religion would be ignored in lieu of his own beliefs ruling the day.

I have a good friend who's in upper management for B&H Photo in New York (the owners of B&H are observant, devout Jews). On any given Sunday, he's told me that B&H can easily bring in over $500,000 between in-store and online sales. The OP would seek to take that away from them.

People like the OP are exactly the reason the Founding Fathers saw fit to NOT make us a Christian nation...
Didn't B&H used to shut their website down on Shabbat?
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