It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Atheists will have little impact. The Christian authoritarian movement under tough guy unChristlike father figure Trump is white. The push back against Mashmont ’s Trump absurdity will come from black evangelical Christians, and multicultural liberal anti-Trump Catholics and the rest of us secular and minority religions. All Trump has will be the white evangelical Christian huge voting bloc and the rag tag white nationalistic militants and Qanon adherents minus one - Ashley BAnnit.
It's comical when the irreligious left complains that Trump isn't a good Christian. That must mean he is an excellent Christian, and Trump apparently is. First, even though Trump isn't Catholic, he's a far better Catholic than Joe Biden. Trump has been the best friend the pro-life movement has ever had. He was the first president to appear in person at the annual March for Life rally in Washington. He also appointed three excellent conservative Catholic justices to the court, two of them devout Catholics. Practicing Catholics like me LOVE the guy.
What is wrong with Catholics?

22JAN31-POST#0555 above

NFBW wrote: When the first five American Presidents and Ben Franklin, Tom Paine and Ethan Allen walked upon Nature’s God’s green earth 250 years ago, finding an admitted atheist individual or group in the old civilized world of European monarchies would have been a difficult task. Atheist nations did not exist at that time. All the bloodshed, death, wars, scandal, torture in the Old World for the most part was related in some way to Jesus Christ, and his believers from the lowest peasants to the heads of the dynasties on the golden thrones. And the often corrupted hierarchy in Rome. The framers of the US Constitution had to be wary of creating a constitutional Republic that allowed the powerful forces of religion to have a significant role in running a new type of state that put individuals in control of their own destiny. And they created a Constitutional government that was mandated to be neutral with respect to religion - siding with none. Atheism in the literal sense that God does not exist was not a threat to the new order of things - it was merely the rejection of organized Christianity in any of its mind controlling forms.

So I’m not favoring @Mashmont’s Catholic dictatorship driven by his trumped up fears of an atheists godless dictatorship that Mashmont has invented to show what a great Christian he is.

Are you with me on that ding as no fan of Catholics. I’m fine with most of them who want to keep the Constitution in its original neutrality on religion form.
NFBW is really fighting to keep atheists in charge of government and Christian majority out. He doesn't want to see that power slip away.
No, I'm not. But people always push back against forces trying to dismiss them.
The harder the Xtian right in the US tries to assert itself and impose it's will, the harder there will be push back, with Atheists leading the charge.
No you're not? You just said it. Now you're walking it back.
Looked like you said you were not a fan of Catholics- It didn’t make sense so I asked. Are you ok with Catholics that voted for Biden?
It didn't look like that. You misread it.

I don't care who anyone votes for. I couldn't care less.
30. Christianity gave us America.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.
NFBW wrote: Not yet ding your fellow Catholic Mashmont wants to make America a Christian nation 240 years after the fact - formally - to correct the mistakes of the white European male founders in order to preserve their original intent because Mashmont knows exactly what their unwritten intent was in the Constitution.
Leftwingers hate America and want it destroyed.
NFBW wrote: Does Mashmont ’s Catholic Christian America bring back the Christian law that negroes cannot eat at a white lunch counter and must ride in the back of the bus. Or do you just make it illegal to be black, or born in Kenya, Trump’s concern for America, and be done with such a race that had no constructive input into what ding refers to as western civilization
, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization,
NFBW wrote: Since no self respecting white Christian American today had anything to do with the ownership of slaves will Mashmont ’s Catholic Christian America send their descendants back to Africa - the uncivilized place from where they all came? 22FEB01-POST#590
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NFBW wrote: Not yet ding your fellow Catholic Mashmont wants to make America a Christian nation 240 years after the fact - formally - to correct the mistakes of the white European male founders in order to preserve their original intent because @Mashmint knows exactly what their unwritten intent was in the Constitution.

NFBW wrote: Does Mashmont ’s Catholic Christian America bring back the Christian law that negroes cannot eat at a white lunch counter and must ride in the back of the bus. Or do you just make it illegal to be black, or born in Kenya, Trump’s concern for America, and be done with such a race that had no constructive input into what ding refers to as western civilization

NFBW wrote: Since no self respecting white Christian American today had anything to do with the ownership of slaves will Mashmont ’s Catholic Christian America send their descendants back to Africa - the uncivilized place from where they all came? 22Feb01-POST#
You got it bad.
America made itself (and is making itself) into what it is. If there was anywhere left to expand on this planet, I might be in favor of trying a new, Catholic nation for Catholics who wanted to give it a try. I would want to bring along my atheist husband. Oh, and my youngest daughter who is studying Judaism.
You got it bad
NFBW wrote: Intelligence and truth seeking - yes I agree - Is that your counter ding ? After all this is a forum for discussion and fact finding, not brain dead insulting ,sniveling and griping - at least I attempt to make it so. 22FEB01-POST#593
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NFBW wrote: Intelligence and truth seeking - yes I agree - Is that your counter ding ? After all this is a forum for discussion and fact finding, not brain dead insulting ,sniveling and griping - at least I attempt to make it so. 22FEB01-POST#593
I'm sure you do see yourself that way.
NFBW wrote: Let me ask again ding now that I’m reminded that you are indeed a Catholic.

Mashmont wrote: Far better than an atheist dictatorship. They're the most violent and murderous in history. 22JAN31-POST#0555 above

NFBW wrote: When the first five American Presidents and Ben Franklin, Tom Paine and Ethan Allen walked upon Nature’s God’s green earth 250 years ago, finding an admitted atheist individual or group in the old civilized world of European monarchies would have been a difficult task. Atheist nations did not exist at that time. All the bloodshed, death, wars, scandal, torture in the Old World for the most part was related in some way to Jesus Christ, and his believers from the lowest peasants to the heads of the dynasties sitting on the golden thrones as representatives of God on earth of some fashion. And there was the often corrupted hierarchy in Rome as well. - - - The framers of the US Constitution had to be wary of creating a constitutional Republic that allowed the powerful forces of religion to have a significant role in running a new type of state that put individuals in control of their own destiny. And they created a Constitutional government that was mandated to be neutral with respect to religion - siding with none. - - - Atheism in the literal sense that God does not exist was not a threat to the new order of things - it was seen as by Christians in their time merely as the rejection of their own accepted version of organized Christianity in any of its mind controlling forms.

NFBW wrote: So ding , I’m not favoring @Mashmont’s Catholic dictatorship driven by his trumped up fears of an atheistic godless dictatorship that Mashmont has invented to show what a great Christian he is. - - - Are you with me on that @ding as a Catholic yourself, because I’m fine with most of them who want to keep the Constitution in its original “neutrality on religion” form. 22FEB01-POST#595
NFBW wrote: Let me ask again ding now that I’m reminded that you are indeed a Catholic.

Mashmont wrote: Far better than an atheist dictatorship. They're the most violent and murderous in history. 22JAN31-POST#0555 above

NFBW wrote: When the first five American Presidents and Ben Franklin, Tom Paine and Ethan Allen walked upon Nature’s God’s green earth 250 years ago, finding an admitted atheist individual or group in the old civilized world of European monarchies would have been a difficult task. Atheist nations did not exist at that time. All the bloodshed, death, wars, scandal, torture in the Old World for the most part was related in some way to Jesus Christ, and his believers from the lowest peasants to the heads of the dynasties sitting on the golden thrones as representatives of God on earth of some fashion. And there was the often corrupted hierarchy in Rome as well. - - - The framers of the US Constitution had to be wary of creating a constitutional Republic that allowed the powerful forces of religion to have a significant role in running a new type of state that put individuals in control of their own destiny. And they created a Constitutional government that was mandated to be neutral with respect to religion - siding with none. - - - Atheism in the literal sense that God does not exist was not a threat to the new order of things - it was seen as by Christians in their time merely as the rejection of their own accepted version of organized Christianity in any of its mind controlling forms.

NFBW wrote: So ding , I’m not favoring @Mashmont’s Catholic dictatorship driven by his trumped up fears of an atheistic godless dictatorship that Mashmont has invented to show what a great Christian he is. - - - Are you with me on that @ding as a Catholic yourself, because I’m fine with most of them who want to keep the Constitution in its original “neutrality on religion” form. 22FEB01-POST#595
If you are asking me if I am for a theocracy or believe the Founding fathers were for a NATIONAL theocracy, the answer to both is no.

But I will point out that Madison unsuccessfully tried to attach the the 1st amendment restriction that was applied to the federal government to the states but that version of the amendment was defeated in the senate. As far as the Founders were concerned it was up to the states to decide if the states wanted to establish state religions. So what the founders were willing to tolerate was not as clear cut as you might want to believe. In other words, the establishment clause was written to restrict the federal government from interfering with state established religions; of which half the states had at the time the constitution was ratified.
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NFBW wrote: How did you determine @Mashmont “the will of the Christian majority”? 22JAN30-POST#0201

When you use the phrase “the will of the Christian majority” do you mean the DEM Christian multi-racial sub group or the GOP mostly white Christian sub-group, or are you too confused to answer this question? 22JAN30-POST#0201

NFBW wrote: Your response Mashmont to the above was this:

Again, I differentiate between practicing Catholics who attend weekly Mass and subscribe to Catholic teachings versus and check-the-box non-practicing Catholics. The former vote overwhelmingly Republican; the latter vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

NFBW wrote: Kinda figured, your brand of Catholic is the only true kind of Christian. that’s nice, not in dispute- so can you put together a response to the questions you were asked on 22JAN30 in POST#0201 ?
NFBW wrote: Not yet ding your fellow Catholic Mashmont wants to make America a Christian nation 240 years after the fact - formally - to correct the mistakes of the white European male founders in order to preserve their original intent because Mashmont knows exactly what their unwritten intent was in the Constitution.

NFBW wrote: Does Mashmont ’s Catholic Christian America bring back the Christian law that negroes cannot eat at a white lunch counter and must ride in the back of the bus. Or do you just make it illegal to be black, or born in Kenya, Trump’s concern for America, and be done with such a race that had no constructive input into what ding refers to as western civilization

NFBW wrote: Since no self respecting white Christian American today had anything to do with the ownership of slaves will Mashmont ’s Catholic Christian America send their descendants back to Africa - the uncivilized place from where they all came? 22FEB01-POST#590
My Catholic Church took an early stand against slavery with a Papal declaration in 1839. Sorry to flush your anti-Catholic narrative.
NFBW wrote: Your response Mashmont to the above was this:

NFBW wrote: Kinda figured, your brand of Catholic is the only true kind of Christian. that’s nice, not in dispute- so can you put together a response to the questions you were asked on 22JAN30 in POST#0201 ?
I did answer it by bebunking your silly premise, then stating the facts. You just don't like the facts.
They're pretty simple, really. If you are a practicng Catholic like Alito and Barreett, you are Republican; if you are fake Catholic in name only like Biden and Pelosi, you are a Democrat.
My Catholic Church took an early stand against slavery with a Papal declaration in 1839. Sorry to flush your anti-Catholic narrative.

NFBW wrote: My point addressed 1780 - wwjd

That’s early? CatholicTrump voter? CMON MAN! The Vatican did not take a moral stand that they should have taken 600 years earlier because filling the coffers with gold and loot from the New World they needed the African shave trade to get the most bang for the buck from Catholic Spanish Kings doing empire building with a commission tohh by the Pope.

. The first of these sectors was urban and was directed in large measure by the needs of the Spanish colonial state, reaching its height in the 1760s.​
As of 1778, it was reported by Thomas Kitchin that "about 52,000 slaves" were being brought from Africa to the West Indies by Europeans, with approximately 4,000 being brought by the Spanish​
NFBW wrote: 1839 was about the time the industrial revolution started replacing the need for slaves as an asset. Just in time to dump slaves and leave them all in poverty - But hey they were free.

You do realize Mashmont that Trump governor Abbot in Texas is not going to be able to erase all the bad Christianity press from the history books. Those damned atheists are storing it all in a great big database called Wikipedia 666 22FEB02-POST#0600
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