It's time to question the loyalties of "Ted" Cruz


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
People are voting for Trump because he had the balls to speak out against our reckless immigration policy, and our insane trade policy with China.

According to the left-wing wackos and the GOP leadership, those are vorboten topics and no longer part of the conservative agenda.

this guy Ted Cruz just made an alliance with Kasich to not oppose each other , state by state.

in-other-words, he's working to throw the primary into a contested convention.

The funny part is, a contested convention is not going to choose Cruz as the candidate, This guy is trying to help people that hate his guts. He's working to help status quo.
Cruz is a smart, very strategic guy. As long as he can slow Trump down, he's got power (not to mention combining with Kasich and Rubio they actually have more delegates than Trump)
He is an Ayatollah and they are very dangerous.

He's not the one with the Ayatollah Muslim name.




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