It's time to send more American jobs overseas

Unions demanding raises every year started the job movement to Asia. Will manufactures move these American jobs overseas? Will union workers ever learn?

---Volkswagen workers vote overwhelmingly to join the UAW---

Corporate profits at all time high, on American productivity, after long period or ever rising corporate profit, produced by the workers, while wages stagnated for years. The top 1% do not deserve all the profits, at a time when many corporations are cutting benefits, filling with part timers to avoid benefits, and replacing American workers with foreign immigrant labor, both legal and illegal aliens.
Corporate profits at all time high, on American productivity, after long period or ever rising corporate profit, produced by the workers, while wages stagnated for years. The top 1% do not deserve all the profits, at a time when many corporations are cutting benefits, filling with part timers to avoid benefits, and replacing American workers with foreign immigrant labor, both legal and illegal aliens.
I might add, with these huge profits, they certainly are not passing them along as large stock dividends. The amount many corporate execs are making is simply beyond belief, ever rising on the backs of their labor force.
Corporate profits at all time high, on American productivity, after long period or ever rising corporate profit, produced by the workers, while wages stagnated for years. The top 1% do not deserve all the profits, at a time when many corporations are cutting benefits, filling with part timers to avoid benefits, and replacing American workers with foreign immigrant labor, both legal and illegal aliens.

Profits are not at an all time high in auto manufacturing. Large companies often have plants that loss money relying on a few to make a profit. With the EV push the industry is having to make decisions on future direction since EV use less parts. What people need to keep in mind especially in manufacturing, large profit years are needed to make up for previous year losses.
Unions demanding raises every year started the job movement to Asia. Will manufactures move these American jobs overseas? Will union workers ever learn?

---Volkswagen workers vote overwhelmingly to join the UAW---
Volkswagen workers in America are overseas.
Profits are not at an all time high in auto manufacturing. Large companies often have plants that loss money relying on a few to make a profit. With the EV push the industry is having to make decisions on future direction since EV use less parts. What people need to keep in mind especially in manufacturing, large profit years are needed to make up for previous year losses.
There have always been winners and losers, temporarily or long term, yet there is not denying the level of corporate profits, overall in the last 4 years, the production increases, export increases, all accomplished with American labor, whose modest increases in pay while benefits reduced came nowhere near keeping pace with the percentage rate of increase the executives decided to pay themselves, far outstripping and inflation, mostly also paid by American labor. Theses profits have not generated much higher return dividend rates to the millions of stockholders either. The profits generated by American labor productivity had to be accounted somewhere as business expenses, so they paid themselves and the corporations wrote it off, to balance corporate taxes, while many employees lost access to company healthcare, profit sharing and company match 401k reduced and pension plans disposed of.
There have always been winners and losers, temporarily or long term, yet there is not denying the level of corporate profits, overall in the last 4 years, the production increases, export increases, all accomplished with American labor, whose modest increases in pay while benefits reduced came nowhere near keeping pace with the percentage rate of increase the executives decided to pay themselves, far outstripping and inflation, mostly also paid by American labor. Theses profits have not generated much higher return dividend rates to the millions of stockholders either. The profits generated by American labor productivity had to be accounted somewhere as business expenses, so they paid themselves and the corporations wrote it off, to balance corporate taxes, while many employees lost access to company healthcare, profit sharing and company match 401k reduced and pension plans disposed of.

I'm only talking about the auto industry, and in the US many companies have plants that loss money, but check boxes.
You also have the auto industry retooling for EV, and that ain't cheep. Executives that actually do their job earn their pay, I know my husband is one.
I'm only talking about the auto industry, and in the US many companies have plants that loss money, but check boxes.
You also have the auto industry retooling for EV, and that ain't cheep. Executives that actually do their job earn their pay, I know my husband is one.
They had best keep hedging their bets on EV, not switching prematurely. Just because Musk wants to put all his eggs in that basket, does not mean the technology is matured enough to provide consistent, safe service with minimal drawbacks for the majority of drivers in America, or that they are ready to accept it, with other options available.
I might add, with these huge profits, they certainly are not passing them along as large stock dividends. The amount many corporate execs are making is simply beyond belief, ever rising on the backs of their labor force.
Many of these large corporations, the richest corporations are all ran by Democrats. How do we force the Democrats to increase the dividends they pay to the stock holders.

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