Its time we admit it....Trump has issues with people of color.....period!!

The NFL, NBA, Jamille, Puerto Rico, Latino's, blacks, black soldier, you name the color brown, he's got issues with it.

Now lets wait on the attack tweets.
We need more angry black bitches with no racial issues.
The NFL, NBA, Jamille, Puerto Rico, Latino's, blacks, black soldier, you name the color brown, he's got issues with it.

Now lets wait on the attack tweets.

Shit, unless there's something you can do for him, he's got issues with people in general...
Uppity are the ones who have a chip on their shoulder and blame everyone but themselves for their failures in the life and the total failure of the black community at large.

You know, like you. :biggrin:

I think I've done better than you and the black community at large hasn't failed. The failed community is the white one because of the existence of racists like you which lowers the overall level of the white community. Calling you out on your racism isn't failure, not doing so and just taking it is. You got things ass backwards son. And that's why you are a failure as a human being.

So you believe that whites calling out racists in the black community is a good thing?
What's good for the goose...
Uppity are the ones who have a chip on their shoulder and blame everyone but themselves for their failures in the life and the total failure of the black community at large.

You know, like you. :biggrin:

I think I've done better than you and the black community at large hasn't failed. The failed community is the white one because of the existence of racists like you which lowers the overall level of the white community. Calling you out on your racism isn't failure, not doing so and just taking it is. You got things ass backwards son. And that's why you are a failure as a human being.

So you believe that whites calling out racists in the black community is a good thing?
What's good for the goose...

I have to laugh at this. So exactly who are you going to call out? What black person(s) are responsible for creating laws and policies purposefully done to stop whites or denying whites of anything? And what black person(s) are actively supporting and advocating for such laws and policies? Certainly you aren't going to call Ben Carson a racist are you?

Please don't try to pretend I said anything anything of the sort. Are you trying to claim a person must advocate racially discriminatory laws to be a racist? Like maybe "affirmative action"? I strongly suspect that not everyone you would brand as "racist" advocates racially discriminatory laws and the same is true of me. I have yet to see evidence that President Trump is in any way racist. Wishful thinking and attempts to spin only.

Affirmative Action is not racially discriminatory. You not seeing evidence of Trump being a racist is because you don't want to see it. But I am quite sure you can try telling me how Jesse Jackson is a racist or how BLM are racists even though they have no record of racism whatsoever. I know what people you could qualify as racists in the national black community even though I am being extremely fair in doing that since their hate is created because of white racism. This you fail to understand. We do not operate with amnesia in the black community. So then understand this as you try telling me who the black racists are in your opinion.

Affirmative Action is clearly discriminatory because it very clearly discriminates in favor of one race at the expense of others. You just refuse to admit it. BLM is every bit as racist as the KKK and for exactly the same reasons. Jesse Jackson is not only a racist but a professional racist. He has amassed a fortune playing off races against each other. You either favor racial equality or not. If not you are a racist. End of story.
I think I've done better than you and the black community at large hasn't failed. The failed community is the white one because of the existence of racists like you which lowers the overall level of the white community. Calling you out on your racism isn't failure, not doing so and just taking it is. You got things ass backwards son. And that's why you are a failure as a human being.

So you believe that whites calling out racists in the black community is a good thing?
What's good for the goose...
I think I've done better than you and the black community at large hasn't failed. The failed community is the white one because of the existence of racists like you which lowers the overall level of the white community. Calling you out on your racism isn't failure, not doing so and just taking it is. You got things ass backwards son. And that's why you are a failure as a human being.

So you believe that whites calling out racists in the black community is a good thing?
What's good for the goose...

I have to laugh at this. So exactly who are you going to call out? What black person(s) are responsible for creating laws and policies purposefully done to stop whites or denying whites of anything? And what black person(s) are actively supporting and advocating for such laws and policies? Certainly you aren't going to call Ben Carson a racist are you?

Please don't try to pretend I said anything anything of the sort. Are you trying to claim a person must advocate racially discriminatory laws to be a racist? Like maybe "affirmative action"? I strongly suspect that not everyone you would brand as "racist" advocates racially discriminatory laws and the same is true of me. I have yet to see evidence that President Trump is in any way racist. Wishful thinking and attempts to spin only.

Affirmative Action is not racially discriminatory. You not seeing evidence of Trump being a racist is because you don't want to see it. But I am quite sure you can try telling me how Jesse Jackson is a racist or how BLM are racists even though they have no record of racism whatsoever. I know what people you could qualify as racists in the national black community even though I am being extremely fair in doing that since their hate is created because of white racism. This you fail to understand. We do not operate with amnesia in the black community. So then understand this as you try telling me who the black racists are in your opinion.

Affirmative Action is clearly discriminatory because it very clearly discriminates in favor of one race at the expense of others. You just refuse to admit it. BLM is every bit as racist as the KKK and for exactly the same reasons. Jesse Jackson is not only a racist but a professional racist. He has amassed a fortune playing off races against each other. You either favor racial equality or not. If not you are a racist. End of story.

The lesson beginneth.

When it comes to affirmative action, white women occupy a rather peculiar position. White women are the main beneficiaries of affirmative action policies, and also the most likely to sue over them (at least when it comes to education). Today continues the Trouble with White Women series, with a focus on white women and affirmative action.

As Sally Kohn cogently points out, women weren’t even included in the original legislation that attempt to level the playing field in education and employment that we now refer to as “affirmation action”. (The same policies are known as “employment equity” in Canada and “positive action” in the UK.) The first affirmative action measure in America was an executive order signed by President Kennedy in 1961 requiring that federal contractors “take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.” In 1967, President Johnson amended this, and a subsequent measure included sex, recognizing that women also faced many discriminatory barriers and hurdles to equal opportunity. Meanwhile, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 only included sex in the list of prohibited forms of discrimination because conservative opponents of the legislation hoped that including it would sway moderate members of Congress to withdraw their support for the bill.

My own narrative intersects with affirmative action at key points. I was born in 1961, the year President Kennedy started requiring federal contractors to “take affirmative action.” When I started applying to colleges in Texas in the late 1970s, my father – who claimed Indian heritage – urged me to “check the box” for Native American on my college applications and to pursue student loans based on this (for me) faux-identity. Years later, with PhD in hand, I began the often painful task of getting turned down for a tenure-track job, and being told by a white colleague on the search committee that they “had to give it to the Latina,” who, it was implied, was less qualified than I for the position (more about this in a moment).

So, where’s the evidence that we, as white women, are the main beneficiaries of affirmative action policies? Well, there’s lots of it – but it can be hard to find, as Jennifer Hochschild points out (Affirmative Action as Culture War. In: The Cultural Territories of Race: Black and White Boundaries. edited by Michèle Lamont. Chicago IL and New York: University of Chicago Press and Russell Sage Foundation; 1999. pp. 343-368). According to the United States Labor Department, the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women. The Department of Labor estimated that 6 million white women workers are in higher occupational classifications today than they would have been without affirmative action policies. This pays off in dividends in the labor force and to (mostly) white men and families. You can see how some of these benefits accrue to white women in the following infographic from the

White Women and Affirmative Action: Prime Beneficiaries and Opponents -

Then you begin to get stupid with you assessment of Black Lives matter. There is no similarity to BLM and the KKK. NONE whatsoever. And Jesse Jackson, are you crazy? So you explain to me what racial equality means to you because there is no mother fucking evidence anywhere in this country that shows whites are being discriminated against because of race. If you think so, then you are getting race pimped.

Thus endeth the lesson.
obama hated whites and America
you hate whites
we can post all kinds of unsubstantiated crap
obama hated whites and America
you hate whites
we can post all kinds of unsubstantiated crap

I don't post unsubstantiated crap. And I don't hate whites. But that's your shield because you are a failure as a human being.
The NFL, NBA, Jamille, Puerto Rico, Latino's, blacks, black soldier, you name the color brown, he's got issues with it.

Now lets wait on the attack tweets.

obama hated whites and America
you hate whites
we can post all kinds of unsubstantiated crap

I don't post unsubstantiated crap. And I don't hate whites. But that's your shield because you are a failure as a human being.
even though you say hateful-mean things to me, I still love you as a human being

And stop playing the victim. You are the one making rude and racist comments. What ye sows, ye shall also reap.
The NFL, NBA, Jamille, Puerto Rico, Latino's, blacks, black soldier, you name the color brown, he's got issues with it.

Now lets wait on the attack tweets.



Liar. It drives you crazy that none of your bullshit games have power over me.

And more and more white people each day.

Not really. And fewer whites are on your side, not more.

The young whites have been raised in a environment where any hint of racism was taboo.

They know they are not racist.

When you and people like you call them racist for not wanting to be door mats for their entire lives, they will know you are full of shit, and get tired of you FAST.

And the more you vilify them for bullshit reasons, the angrier you will make them.
The NFL, NBA, Jamille, Puerto Rico, Latino's, blacks, black soldier, you name the color brown, he's got issues with it.

Now lets wait on the attack tweets.



Liar. It drives you crazy that none of your bullshit games have power over me.

And more and more white people each day.

Not really. And fewer whites are on your side, not more.

The young whites have been raised in a environment where any hint of racism was taboo.

They know they are not racist.

When you and people like you call them racist for not wanting to be door mats for their entire lives, they will know you are full of shit, and get tired of you FAST.

And the more you vilify them for bullshit reasons, the angrier you will make them.

Well as long as whites are practicing racism and hey see it, as whites they will want to stop it because they are white and don't like it. That is what's going to happen. White like you who stand around talking about how jews wont replace you is going to make them angry and they will reject your racism. That's what's going on now and if you don't think so then look at the complexion of the majority of the members of ANTIFA.

Liar. It drives you crazy that none of your bullshit games have power over me.

And more and more white people each day.

Not really. And fewer whites are on your side, not more.

The young whites have been raised in a environment where any hint of racism was taboo.

They know they are not racist.

When you and people like you call them racist for not wanting to be door mats for their entire lives, they will know you are full of shit, and get tired of you FAST.

And the more you vilify them for bullshit reasons, the angrier you will make them.

Well as long as whites are practicing racism and hey see it, as whites they will want to stop it because they are white and don't like it. That is what's going to happen. White like you who stand around talking about how jews wont replace you is going to make them angry and they will reject your racism. That's what's going on now and if you don't think so then look at the complexion of the majority of the members of ANTIFA.

I wouldn't be bragging about Antifa if I were you.

Hey, practicing racism? LIke saying the word "niggardly"?

Controversies about the word "niggardly" - Wikipedia

"On January 15, 1999, David Howard, an aide to Anthony A. Williams, the mayor of Washington, D.C., used "niggardly" in reference to a budget.[3] This apparently upset one of his black colleagues (Howard is white), identified by Howard as Marshall Brown, who misinterpreted it as a racial slur and lodged a complaint. As a result, on January 25, Howard tendered his resignation, and Williams accepted it."

You lefties are operating a witch hunt. And you are out of control.

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