It's time we stopped cheering for one side or the other...

Just follow the law. Did Julian Assange release classified information and met the parameters of breaking the law??
America would have never been established if no one took sides.

Thank you, Patriots!
Just follow the law. Did Julian Assange release classified information and met the parameters of breaking the law??

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

[The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.
You have...

  1. One side that proudly touts their anti-fact, anti-intellectual opinions, literally bashing intellect and education, daily.
  2. One side that publicly claims and brags about "hating the polls" and otherwise not believing them.
  3. There's one side that gets upset anytime their bubble even gets a pin prick, you know, like if/when one of their anchors dares to give them truth they don't like. They bash him and say he should be off the channel.
  4. One side that has it's representatives openly and in the media say things like "Truth isn't truth." and things like "well we have alternative facts.:"
  5. There's only ONE side who's members have been saying for 2 plus years, that as long as the other side is upset, triggered or whatever pedantic phrase they use then they are for whatever thing it is that upset the other side. And their leader does the same thing, xept on a Presidential scale (if you get my meaning.)

But yet and still, in your meth-addled brain, BOTH sides are still somehow exactly the same.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
Last edited:
[The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.
You have...

  1. One side that proudly touts their anti-fact, anti-intellectual opinions, literally bashing intellect and education, daily.
  2. One side that publicly claims and brags about "hating the polls" and otherwise not believing them.
  3. There's one side that gets upset anytime their bubble even gets a pin prick, you know, like if/when one of their anchors dares to give them truth they don't like. They bash him and say he should be off the channel.
  4. One side that has it's representatives openly and in the media say things like "Truth isn't truth." and things like "well we have alternative facts.:"
  5. There's only ONE side who's members have been saying for 2 plus years, that as long as the other side is upset, triggered or whatever pedantic phrase they use then they are for whatever thing it is that upset the other side. And their leader does the same thing, xept on a Presidential scale (if you get my meaning.)

But yet and still, in your meth-addled brain, BOTH sides are still somehow exactly the same.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
It must be nice for you to be so above the fray, and so irrelevant.
[The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.
You have...

  1. One side that proudly touts their anti-fact, anti-intellectual opinions, literally bashing intellect and education, daily.
  2. One side that publicly claims and brags about "hating the polls" and otherwise not believing them.
  3. There's one side that gets upset anytime their bubble even gets a pin prick, you know, like if/when one of their anchors dares to give them truth they don't like. They bash him and say he should be off the channel.
  4. One side that has it's representatives openly and in the media say things like "Truth isn't truth." and things like "well we have alternative facts.:"
  5. There's only ONE side who's members have been saying for 2 plus years, that as long as the other side is upset, triggered or whatever pedantic phrase they use then they are for whatever thing it is that upset the other side. And their leader does the same thing, xept on a Presidential scale (if you get my meaning.)

But yet and still, in your meth-addled brain, BOTH sides are still somehow exactly the same.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
It must be nice for you to be so above the fray, and so irrelevant.

He can't get his finger out of his eye.
Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.
The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.

You are wrong Mac, you really are, but we can agree to disagree.

Understand-------------------> there is no version of the truth, the truth is the truth! That is NOT what is important though to most of us. What IS important is--------->what did the lies cost us! Why do you think people fight so hard for their side?

Let me ask YOU MAC----------------------> if the Left is telling the truth, shouldn't Hillary be President? I mean, the Left got screwed over, if they are correct. Doesn't mean I like their politics, but if Trump did what they say he did, he should NOT be President!

Now reverse it. What if the right is correct! The Left would NEVER have gained control of the House in the midterms. No election except in the deepest of blue states would even have been close, they would have been routed.

Depending upon which side was correct, (and you have to trust me on this) it was worth 6 points in their direction virtually EVERYWHERE! Doesn't mean Republicans would control California or New York, but it DOES mean everything that was reasonably close would have easily gone their way, and vice-versa for the Democrats if they were proven accurate.

Now for REALITY------------> This is why people are now fighting soooooooooo damn hard, because it looks like we are finally going to get an answer to this question. Both sides pretend they are confident, but trust me, they aren't. Whichever way this goes, it is going to be a "wipe out" for the other side in 2020, and anybody with an IQ over 25 knows this. It can't happen any other way. REGULAR people from both the Democratic party, and the Republican party, will not tolerate being purposely lied to. Oh, the fringes will, but regular Americans, no freaking way! Those who were told bold face lies, will stay home in disgust, giving the other side, not only a resounding victory, but an absolute mandate.

We all MUST remember, it is IMPOSSIBLE that both positions are correct, so one side is screwed. You can place your bets any way you want, but which ever side has lied, forget about 2020!
[The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.
You have...

  1. One side that proudly touts their anti-fact, anti-intellectual opinions, literally bashing intellect and education, daily.
  2. One side that publicly claims and brags about "hating the polls" and otherwise not believing them.
  3. There's one side that gets upset anytime their bubble even gets a pin prick, you know, like if/when one of their anchors dares to give them truth they don't like. They bash him and say he should be off the channel.
  4. One side that has it's representatives openly and in the media say things like "Truth isn't truth." and things like "well we have alternative facts.:"
  5. There's only ONE side who's members have been saying for 2 plus years, that as long as the other side is upset, triggered or whatever pedantic phrase they use then they are for whatever thing it is that upset the other side. And their leader does the same thing, xept on a Presidential scale (if you get my meaning.)

But yet and still, in your meth-addled brain, BOTH sides are still somehow exactly the same.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
Typical partisan zombie, only "sees" the bad in the other tribe.

And show me one (1) time I said the two tribes are "exactly the same". Once. One time. Go ahead. I'll wait here.

"Meth-addled brain", indeed.

#LOLpartisanzombies #TooFunny
Last edited:
[The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.
You have...

  1. One side that proudly touts their anti-fact, anti-intellectual opinions, literally bashing intellect and education, daily.
  2. One side that publicly claims and brags about "hating the polls" and otherwise not believing them.
  3. There's one side that gets upset anytime their bubble even gets a pin prick, you know, like if/when one of their anchors dares to give them truth they don't like. They bash him and say he should be off the channel.
  4. One side that has it's representatives openly and in the media say things like "Truth isn't truth." and things like "well we have alternative facts.:"
  5. There's only ONE side who's members have been saying for 2 plus years, that as long as the other side is upset, triggered or whatever pedantic phrase they use then they are for whatever thing it is that upset the other side. And their leader does the same thing, xept on a Presidential scale (if you get my meaning.)

But yet and still, in your meth-addled brain, BOTH sides are still somehow exactly the same.

#LOLGOP #TooFunny
It must be nice for you to be so above the fray, and so irrelevant.
He's so easily triggered, it's almost not fair.
Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.
The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.

You are wrong Mac, you really are, but we can agree to disagree.

Understand-------------------> there is no version of the truth, the truth is the truth! That is NOT what is important though to most of us. What IS important is--------->what did the lies cost us! Why do you think people fight so hard for their side?

Let me ask YOU MAC----------------------> if the Left is telling the truth, shouldn't Hillary be President? I mean, the Left got screwed over, if they are correct. Doesn't mean I like their politics, but if Trump did what they say he did, he should NOT be President!

Now reverse it. What if the right is correct! The Left would NEVER have gained control of the House in the midterms. No election except in the deepest of blue states would even have been close, they would have been routed.

Depending upon which side was correct, (and you have to trust me on this) it was worth 6 points in their direction virtually EVERYWHERE! Doesn't mean Republicans would control California or New York, but it DOES mean everything that was reasonably close would have easily gone their way, and vice-versa for the Democrats if they were proven accurate.

Now for REALITY------------> This is why people are now fighting soooooooooo damn hard, because it looks like we are finally going to get an answer to this question. Both sides pretend they are confident, but trust me, they aren't. Whichever way this goes, it is going to be a "wipe out" for the other side in 2020, and anybody with an IQ over 25 knows this. It can't happen any other way. REGULAR people from both the Democratic party, and the Republican party, will not tolerate being purposely lied to. Oh, the fringes will, but regular Americans, no freaking way! Those who were told bold face lies, will stay home in disgust, giving the other side, not only a resounding victory, but an absolute mandate.

We all MUST remember, it is IMPOSSIBLE that both positions are correct, so one side is screwed. You can place your bets any way you want, but which ever side has lied, forget about 2020!
What is your definition of The Truth?
Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.
The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.

You are wrong Mac, you really are, but we can agree to disagree.

Understand-------------------> there is no version of the truth, the truth is the truth! That is NOT what is important though to most of us. What IS important is--------->what did the lies cost us! Why do you think people fight so hard for their side?

Let me ask YOU MAC----------------------> if the Left is telling the truth, shouldn't Hillary be President? I mean, the Left got screwed over, if they are correct. Doesn't mean I like their politics, but if Trump did what they say he did, he should NOT be President!

Now reverse it. What if the right is correct! The Left would NEVER have gained control of the House in the midterms. No election except in the deepest of blue states would even have been close, they would have been routed.

Depending upon which side was correct, (and you have to trust me on this) it was worth 6 points in their direction virtually EVERYWHERE! Doesn't mean Republicans would control California or New York, but it DOES mean everything that was reasonably close would have easily gone their way, and vice-versa for the Democrats if they were proven accurate.

Now for REALITY------------> This is why people are now fighting soooooooooo damn hard, because it looks like we are finally going to get an answer to this question. Both sides pretend they are confident, but trust me, they aren't. Whichever way this goes, it is going to be a "wipe out" for the other side in 2020, and anybody with an IQ over 25 knows this. It can't happen any other way. REGULAR people from both the Democratic party, and the Republican party, will not tolerate being purposely lied to. Oh, the fringes will, but regular Americans, no freaking way! Those who were told bold face lies, will stay home in disgust, giving the other side, not only a resounding victory, but an absolute mandate.

We all MUST remember, it is IMPOSSIBLE that both positions are correct, so one side is screwed. You can place your bets any way you want, but which ever side has lied, forget about 2020!
What is your definition of The Truth?

Truth is------------->what actually happened, no matter which way it goes. It is what it is.
Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.
The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.

You are wrong Mac, you really are, but we can agree to disagree.

Understand-------------------> there is no version of the truth, the truth is the truth! That is NOT what is important though to most of us. What IS important is--------->what did the lies cost us! Why do you think people fight so hard for their side?

Let me ask YOU MAC----------------------> if the Left is telling the truth, shouldn't Hillary be President? I mean, the Left got screwed over, if they are correct. Doesn't mean I like their politics, but if Trump did what they say he did, he should NOT be President!

Now reverse it. What if the right is correct! The Left would NEVER have gained control of the House in the midterms. No election except in the deepest of blue states would even have been close, they would have been routed.

Depending upon which side was correct, (and you have to trust me on this) it was worth 6 points in their direction virtually EVERYWHERE! Doesn't mean Republicans would control California or New York, but it DOES mean everything that was reasonably close would have easily gone their way, and vice-versa for the Democrats if they were proven accurate.

Now for REALITY------------> This is why people are now fighting soooooooooo damn hard, because it looks like we are finally going to get an answer to this question. Both sides pretend they are confident, but trust me, they aren't. Whichever way this goes, it is going to be a "wipe out" for the other side in 2020, and anybody with an IQ over 25 knows this. It can't happen any other way. REGULAR people from both the Democratic party, and the Republican party, will not tolerate being purposely lied to. Oh, the fringes will, but regular Americans, no freaking way! Those who were told bold face lies, will stay home in disgust, giving the other side, not only a resounding victory, but an absolute mandate.

We all MUST remember, it is IMPOSSIBLE that both positions are correct, so one side is screwed. You can place your bets any way you want, but which ever side has lied, forget about 2020!
What is your definition of The Truth?

Truth is------------->what actually happened, no matter which way it goes. It is what it is.
So your version is about looking back and describing something that happened?
Let's just cheer for the rule of law and supporting the Constitution.

The news coming out is mindboggling. In one year, someone is anti Trump then they are anti Dems the next.

Assange: Revealed Clinton emails and helped elect the president...Good for the Dems

Assange: Now is being extradited to the US for releasing national intelligence information from Chelsea Manning. Good for Republicans.

Releasing the Meuller report: Good for Dems if they can have everything unredacted including grand jury testimony. They'll find mor Democratic talking points.
Releasing the Meuller report. Good for Republicans if the grand jury information is not available to media to try to do their own investigation that would be biased according to the individual media reports.

Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.

The arguments over grand jury testimony is pointless. Say a person accused you of being a child molester. You would be invested up one side and down the other. In the end all the evidence would go to a grand jury for review and to see if charges would be brought. So the grand jury tells the DA nope, not enough evidence to charge. What you are saying is that it would be okay for the DA to take all the information his office collected against you, your family, friends, and employer and make it public. Every website you visited, or would have been visited from your computer, every accusation and make all that info available to your neighbors. Your tune would change real fast, all because you weren’t charged with that crime. Hypocrisy at its best.
I'm sorry but I don't buy into the moral equivalency argument of the OP.

The Democrats are clearly in the wrong, as proven by their support for Roe v. Wade, which has led to the wholesale slaughter of 50 million unborn babies since 1973.

The Republicans have done nothing even remotely equivalent to that level of evil.

FACT CHECK: 50 million abortions claim checks out
Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.
The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.

I call it rock throwing contest.
80% of this forum consist of just that.
And when you try to elevate the conversation above the contest.... you get it from both sides.
Typical partisan zombie, only "sees" the bad in the other tribe.

And show me one (1) time I said the two tribes are "exactly the same". Once. One time. Go ahead. I'll wait here.

"Meth-addled brain", indeed.

#LOLpartisanzombies #TooFunny
Show me the equivalency buddy.

Note, I didn't mention a specific side, just a set of behavior/actions, and this is your retort.

Why don't we just end up on the side of truth and justice? Forget the D and R. Opt for Truth.
The problem is that wingers on each end are absolutely convinced that their version of "The Truth" is the only real one.

Just like children on the playground.

I call it rock throwing contest.
80% of this forum consist of just that.
And when you try to elevate the conversation above the contest.... you get it from both sides.
That is so sad. I hope you weren't hurt too badly by all those virtual rocks thrown at virtual you.

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