its time we tell these anti-gun people to shove it

its time we tell these anti-gun people to shove it

I hate to be the one to tell you this; but that's what you've been doing right along. Making this a bit useless.
they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

only a totalitarian would believe peace comes from removing rights.
where does this kind of thinking end?

everyone has to forfeit their car because someone died in a car accident?
that dude killed that dude with a rock so no one can go into nature without a pass?
better yet, lets ban all activities except for going to work and putting in a 12 hour shift, that will really be safe!

if you spend some time and think about how stupid the anti-gun argument is, it's unbelievable the government and the media get away with it.
they keep showing people in suits and acting like this anti-Constitution action it's a valid argument.

all these people want is an unarmed defenseless public that they can control, and they put on a big act like they care about people.
I keep hearing sob stories about the guy who got shot, but where's the sob story for the innocent person the police killed?
where's the sob stories for all of the homeless people they let rot in the streets every year?

everything is ass backwards.
we, the public, have a Constitutional guarantee of gun ownership.
it is perfectly legal for us to tell the government, you can't have a military, your police can't carry guns, your federal police agencies need to disband.
the Constitution offers them no protection what so ever

It's time for you to grow the fuck up and read the 2nd Amendment.

"A WELL REGULATED MILITIA STATE, being necessary for the security of a Free State, the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.

What Well Regulated Militia are you a member of?

Have you not been paying attention?

The 14th has now been forever and thank the good lord it has been tied to the 2nd.

IT'S THE FREE MAN THAT RULES Read the 14th and learn something.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless.

You Libturds have one hell of an imagination.

Not at all. We have lots of things that can stop bullets, up to some pretty damn big bullets. Remember, all we have to do is slow the bullet way down or make the gun too hot to hold, or even blow up in your hands.

But what about me? I do bow. I do black powder. How are you going to hinder my life of being able to hunt?
they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

only a totalitarian would believe peace comes from removing rights.
where does this kind of thinking end?

everyone has to forfeit their car because someone died in a car accident?
that dude killed that dude with a rock so no one can go into nature without a pass?
better yet, lets ban all activities except for going to work and putting in a 12 hour shift, that will really be safe!

if you spend some time and think about how stupid the anti-gun argument is, it's unbelievable the government and the media get away with it.
they keep showing people in suits and acting like this anti-Constitution action it's a valid argument.

all these people want is an unarmed defenseless public that they can control, and they put on a big act like they care about people.
I keep hearing sob stories about the guy who got shot, but where's the sob story for the innocent person the police killed?
where's the sob stories for all of the homeless people they let rot in the streets every year?

everything is ass backwards.
we, the public, have a Constitutional guarantee of gun ownership.
it is perfectly legal for us to tell the government, you can't have a military, your police can't carry guns, your federal police agencies need to disband.
the Constitution offers them no protection what so ever

A liberal teacher I know tried to explain how the left would like to ban all guns eventually. While he admitted that criminals will have them long after they are taken from the law abiding, that eventually the law will catch up with them as well. Meanwhile, the rest of us should be willing to sacrifice (our lives) for the benefit of the future. The belief is that the day will come when all guns are destroyed and no one will have them save for police, military and other government agencies. Of course, the left believes that government is so honest and trustworthy that no corrupt people will allow criminals access to guns and the government would never misuse them. It takes the kind of faith that only a heavy koolaid drinker can muster.

The teacher had the same idea toward public schools. He thinks people should send their children to the public schools and do away with private schools (for the public). Of course, the wealthiest and the government would need them because they are different. While the next few generations of children in public schools will have horrible conditions, the schools would eventually get better because the better parents would be forced to deal with them. It seemed an admission that government dependents are not the best parents.

In other words, we should all suffer a great deal now and encourage everyone to obey government so that future generations will never know that the 2nd amendment and other freedoms ever existed. Can't miss what you never had.

The liberal plan for utopia depends on ceding free will to a powerful and controlling government. If we can learn to obey and not question our masters, we will finally be happy. For current Americans, that means forgetting life as we know it. With all the indoctrination going on in public schools, future generations will be clueless and taught the radical way of doing things. It will feel as normal to them as our freedoms did to us.

How many are willing to give up choice in hopes that liberal ideas will finally work this time? Never mind that it's never worked before. The liberals of today claim that they can do it better than past dictators. Never mind that those who would impose their will on us will continue to live as they see fit and allow themselves freedoms and liberty not granted to the little people. We wouldn't appreciate it anyway because we are not special like they are.

The argument is that anyone can get a gun. What they don't say is that not everyone can legally get a gun. Criminals don't walk into gun shops and fill out forms. They know a guy who knows a guy....etc......and they buy a gun on the black market for cash. Or just steal one. Or wait till the Obama regime hosts another big giveaway like Fast and Furious.

If something is a right, does government have the authority to take it away?

The left doesn't take the constitution seriously unless it says something they like. They act as if the 2nd amendment doesn't exist, while claiming that health care is a right. They act like welfare is a right. Last time I checked, rights don't include forcing other people to sacrifice on your behalf.

We are a generous and kind nation and I know no one who would deny a poor or disabled person a helping hand. That benevolence does not extend to those who would take advantage of such generosity. And if you dare complain about the scammers or the lazy, you are automatically accused of hating poor people.

Same with health care.

Yet, the left insists that people are entitled to things. The only things they don't feel people are entitled to is the fruit of their own labors or the rights guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They think that "rights" are things that should be granted only under their discretion. They will give "rights" and they can take them away.

By virtue of being born, you are entitled to other people's money. Yet, by virtue of being an American citizen, your rights under the founding documents depend on whether the current regime allows it or not. Right now they are reluctantly letting us keep our 2nd amendment right, but they keep insinuating that things might change.

Just how far does the left wish to go when it comes to shredding the constitution? Will they stop at the 2nd amendment? Will freedom of speech be next on the hit list? Truth is that once they successfully trample on one right, the coast is clear to trample on the next. They know they can't shred the entire document at one time, but if they do it slowly while claiming it's for the greater good, they will eventually have abolished the foundation on which this country was built. Luckily, they have a growing population of indoctrinated idiots who will never question government.
You Libturds have one hell of an imagination.

Not at all. We have lots of things that can stop bullets, up to some pretty damn big bullets. Remember, all we have to do is slow the bullet way down or make the gun too hot to hold, or even blow up in your hands.

But what about me? I do bow. I do black powder. How are you going to hinder my life of being able to hunt?
What do you use the black powder for? And we aren't worried about bows at the moment.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless.

You Libturds have one hell of an imagination.

Not at all. We have lots of things that can stop bullets, up to some pretty damn big bullets. Remember, all we have to do is slow the bullet way down or make the gun too hot to hold, or even blow up in your hands.

Have you been watching SyFy while drinking bathtub absinthe again?
Oh, I'm sorry I was under the impression that the right just likes to repeat the same thing over and over, like they way they question birth certificates.
they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

You don't care that an innocent boy lost his life and his father is grieving and naturally lashing out?

Of course you don't. You selfish bastards care only about your shiny weapons.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless. Guns in this country, for the most part, need to be outlawed and I own guns BTW, around here most do, I just don't treat them as toys or a way of life.

Where is Jones? He claims no one wants to ban all firearms, here is ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF JUST THAT.
they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

only a totalitarian would believe peace comes from removing rights.
where does this kind of thinking end?

everyone has to forfeit their car because someone died in a car accident?
that dude killed that dude with a rock so no one can go into nature without a pass?
better yet, lets ban all activities except for going to work and putting in a 12 hour shift, that will really be safe!

if you spend some time and think about how stupid the anti-gun argument is, it's unbelievable the government and the media get away with it.
they keep showing people in suits and acting like this anti-Constitution action it's a valid argument.

all these people want is an unarmed defenseless public that they can control, and they put on a big act like they care about people.
I keep hearing sob stories about the guy who got shot, but where's the sob story for the innocent person the police killed?
where's the sob stories for all of the homeless people they let rot in the streets every year?

everything is ass backwards.
we, the public, have a Constitutional guarantee of gun ownership.
it is perfectly legal for us to tell the government, you can't have a military, your police can't carry guns, your federal police agencies need to disband.
the Constitution offers them no protection what so ever

It's time for you to grow the fuck up and read the 2nd Amendment.

"A WELL REGULATED MILITIA STATE, being necessary for the security of a Free State, the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.

What Well Regulated Militia are you a member of?

Well lets see, EVERY Male aged 17 to 46 is part of the unformed militia by US Law. But more to the point retard, the Supreme Court ruled the second is an individual right with absolutely no requirement to belong to a militia to exercise it. I mean what rock have you been living under that you don't know that?
So why aren't gun worshippers surrounding the NSA headquarters to defend the Constitution?
You Libturds have one hell of an imagination.

Not at all. We have lots of things that can stop bullets, up to some pretty damn big bullets. Remember, all we have to do is slow the bullet way down or make the gun too hot to hold, or even blow up in your hands.

Have you been watching SyFy while drinking bathtub absinthe again?
Nope, but that is a drink I approve of. I'm glad to see it back on the shelves.
So why aren't gun worshippers surrounding the NSA headquarters to defend the Constitution?
Well that would be a problem, none of them know it apparently.

I notice you ignored the fact that the 2nd does not require one to be in a militia to exercise it.
If gun owners formed a mob surrounding the NSA headquarters, that would be a worthwhile militia. When toothless hill monkeys drive to Nevada to hide behind unarmed volunteer human shields to protect a rich racist's cows, then that is just a sick joke that makes a complete mockery of the 2nd Amendment.

Use the 2nd for what it was intended for, or just shut about it because it means that you're nothing but a pussy with a gun.
So why aren't gun worshippers surrounding the NSA headquarters to defend the Constitution?
Well that would be a problem, none of them know it apparently.

I notice you ignored the fact that the 2nd does not require one to be in a militia to exercise it.
Nope. You'll find that I posted there are two dogs that won't hunt; guns can't be regulated, and to own a gun you need to belong to a militia. Neither are true.
they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

only a totalitarian would believe peace comes from removing rights.
where does this kind of thinking end?

everyone has to forfeit their car because someone died in a car accident?
that dude killed that dude with a rock so no one can go into nature without a pass?
better yet, lets ban all activities except for going to work and putting in a 12 hour shift, that will really be safe!

if you spend some time and think about how stupid the anti-gun argument is, it's unbelievable the government and the media get away with it.
they keep showing people in suits and acting like this anti-Constitution action it's a valid argument.

all these people want is an unarmed defenseless public that they can control, and they put on a big act like they care about people.
I keep hearing sob stories about the guy who got shot, but where's the sob story for the innocent person the police killed?
where's the sob stories for all of the homeless people they let rot in the streets every year?

everything is ass backwards.
we, the public, have a Constitutional guarantee of gun ownership.
it is perfectly legal for us to tell the government, you can't have a military, your police can't carry guns, your federal police agencies need to disband.
the Constitution offers them no protection what so ever

Nah, that's all nonsense. You should be able to own any gun you want, and you should be able to take it anywhere you want. The one caveat is that should any innocent person be killed with your gun, it should be an automatic death sentence for you. That way, at least you would be more likely to be responsible with your guns.

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