its time we tell these anti-gun people to shove it

The one caveat is that should any innocent person be killed with your gun, it should be an automatic death sentence for you.
Very Biblical of you. If you just wing the guy, is it an eye for an eye? That could make for great TV.

Unfortunately they don't even hold criminals to that standard. I wonder if he would execute a cop that had a stray kill an innocent? That actually happens more with cops than civilians.
In reading the OP, it is almost as if they have not been telling us to "shove it" for the last 75 years already.....
they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

only a totalitarian would believe peace comes from removing rights.
where does this kind of thinking end?

everyone has to forfeit their car because someone died in a car accident?

Lets treat guns like cars...please.

It's time for you to grow the fuck up and read the 2nd Amendment.

"A WELL REGULATED MILITIA STATE, being necessary for the security of a Free State, the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.

What Well Regulated Militia are you a member of?

let's grow up some more and read a little further.
the well regulated militia i'm a part of is called the American public.

the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed

So, do you believe that the People have the right to own a truck mounted .50 caliber machine gun? Grenades? How about RPG's? Hand held missiles? Mines? Artillery?
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they're trying to make some guy from Frisco a big anti-gun star because his son was murdered.
...I don't freaking care.

only a totalitarian would believe peace comes from removing rights.
where does this kind of thinking end?

everyone has to forfeit their car because someone died in a car accident?
that dude killed that dude with a rock so no one can go into nature without a pass?
better yet, lets ban all activities except for going to work and putting in a 12 hour shift, that will really be safe!

if you spend some time and think about how stupid the anti-gun argument is, it's unbelievable the government and the media get away with it.
they keep showing people in suits and acting like this anti-Constitution action it's a valid argument.

all these people want is an unarmed defenseless public that they can control, and they put on a big act like they care about people.
I keep hearing sob stories about the guy who got shot, but where's the sob story for the innocent person the police killed?
where's the sob stories for all of the homeless people they let rot in the streets every year?

everything is ass backwards.
we, the public, have a Constitutional guarantee of gun ownership.
it is perfectly legal for us to tell the government, you can't have a military, your police can't carry guns, your federal police agencies need to disband.
the Constitution offers them no protection what so ever

thats right. vote their powerbase out in november. they can't amend the constitution from the sidelines
It's time for you to grow the fuck up and read the 2nd Amendment.

"A WELL REGULATED MILITIA STATE, being necessary for the security of a Free State, the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.

What Well Regulated Militia are you a member of?

let's grow up some more and read a little further.
the well regulated militia i'm a part of is called the American public.

the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed

So, do you believe that the People have the right to own a truck mounted .50 caliber machine gun? Grenades? How about RPG's? Hand held missiles? Mines? Artillery?

does our government have them? if so, then yes.
Well that would be a problem, none of them know it apparently.

I notice you ignored the fact that the 2nd does not require one to be in a militia to exercise it.
If gun owners formed a mob surrounding the NSA headquarters, that would be a worthwhile militia. When toothless hill monkeys drive to Nevada to hide behind unarmed volunteer human shields to protect a rich racist's cows, then that is just a sick joke that makes a complete mockery of the 2nd Amendment.

Use the 2nd for what it was intended for, or just shut about it because it means that you're nothing but a pussy with a gun.

Nah it would still be just a mob of gun owners. The Militias were the defense of the country and could be called into service by the President. It was Washington who first did it to put down the Whiskey Rebellion (Tax Protests). That was good about the Bundy Monkeys :lol:
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless.

You Libturds have one hell of an imagination.

Not at all. We have lots of things that can stop bullets, up to some pretty damn big bullets. Remember, all we have to do is slow the bullet way down or make the gun too hot to hold, or even blow up in your hands.

So you're saying you'd condone the actions of a government that goes against the rights of the people?
Of course you don't. You selfish bastards care only about your shiny weapons.

And hacks like you don't give shit about people being able to defend themselves.

I assume you support the theory that all women can urinate or vomit on command to fend off a rapist?
It was Washington who first did it to put down the Whiskey Rebellion (Tax Protests).

this incident is used by the left to try to justify government domination.
Washington didn't walk in there and say "everyone is going to do what I say because i'm the government" , he had support from other free militias.
Of course you don't. You selfish bastards care only about your shiny weapons.

And hacks like you don't give shit about people being able to defend themselves.

I assume you support the theory that all women can urinate or vomit on command to fend off a rapist?

That's their best option. Pulling a gun most likely means he still rapes and he gets a free gun as a parting gift.
I think gun's in America makes this a more exciting place to live. In fact, we should go to every inner city neighborhood where gangsta's are at war with one another and put crates of ammunition on street corners and hand out free "9's" to every "banger" and tell them "happy hunting" for their rivals on the other side.
let's grow up some more and read a little further.
the well regulated militia i'm a part of is called the American public.

the right of the People To Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed

So, do you believe that the People have the right to own a truck mounted .50 caliber machine gun? Grenades? How about RPG's? Hand held missiles? Mines? Artillery?

does our government have them? if so, then yes.

Honestly...I disagree. A militiaman's weapon is an infantry 1776, it was a smoothbore musket. In 1870, it was a rifled musket, a lever-action Henry, or a Spencer carbine. In 1918, it was a bolt-action rifle and/or a BAR. In 1945, it was an M1 Garand and/or a BAR or a Thompsen. Now, it's an M-14/16 or an M-4 carbine and an M203. RPG's, maybe. A .50 M2? Sure. Anything
You Libturds have one hell of an imagination.

Not at all. We have lots of things that can stop bullets, up to some pretty damn big bullets. Remember, all we have to do is slow the bullet way down or make the gun too hot to hold, or even blow up in your hands.

So you're saying you'd condone the actions of a government that goes against the rights of the people?

Of course. He's a psycho.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless. Guns in this country, for the most part, need to be outlawed and I own guns BTW, around here most do, I just don't treat them as toys or a way of life.

actually technology is already allowing us to make our own guns. want an AR 15? you don't even need to go to the gun shop any more. buy a drill press and a jig and make your own.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless. Guns in this country, for the most part, need to be outlawed and I own guns BTW, around here most do, I just don't treat them as toys or a way of life.

Spot on. Bill Maher's "New Rules" commentary last night about "Ammo-sexuals" was absolutely hilarious, as if he had the O/P in mind when he wrote it.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless. Guns in this country, for the most part, need to be outlawed and I own guns BTW, around here most do, I just don't treat them as toys or a way of life.

actually technology is already allowing us to make our own guns. want an AR 15? you don't even need to go to the gun shop any more. buy a drill press and a jig and make your own.

Or go to any good machine shop with a computerized CNC can literally disassemble a gun, scan in the parts, and MAKE a new one.
You can tell us anything you like, it won't change the fact that we will eventually get the guns or make them, through technological advances, essentially useless. Guns in this country, for the most part, need to be outlawed and I own guns BTW, around here most do, I just don't treat them as toys or a way of life.

Spot on. Bill Maher's "New Rules" commentary last night about "Ammo-sexuals" was absolutely hilarious, as if he had the O/P in mind when he wrote it.

Bill Maher has been operating under the delusion that he is funny for quite some time now...
Of course you don't. You selfish bastards care only about your shiny weapons.

And hacks like you don't give shit about people being able to defend themselves.

I assume you support the theory that all women can urinate or vomit on command to fend off a rapist?

Pulling a gun most likely means he still rapes and he gets a free gun as a parting gift.

Not unless the woman get's a shot off. I'm sure it'd be hard to rape a woman while trying to hold your giblets in.

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