It's well documented that Trump lies constantly. Doesn't that bother right wingers just a little?

Show me a politician who doesn't lie. You can't. So why should I or anyone hold Trump to a higher standard than any other Politician is held to?

That's the fly in the buttermilk so to speak. The truth is that both the Republicans, and the Democrats put forth their worst candidates for President in 2016. Hillary lost to the Republicans in Polling, she did better against Trump than she did with any of the "serious" candidates except perhaps Jeb. Trump did better against Hillary than he did head to head with just about anyone you care to mention. That includes Bernie.

The reality was both sides put forth horrifically polarizing candidates. Hillary was hated by the Right, and Trump is hated by the Left. Not disliked, not disagreed with, but actually hated. I'd been a loyal Democratic Voter since 1988, and I could not bring myself to even contemplate voting for Hillary.

But back to the lies. That's the funny thing about the Democrats in this last election, and since. Democrats take Trump Literally, but not seriously. Republican voters took him seriously, but not literally. They assume he's doing a good job if the Democrats are out there at least twice a day screaming about how awful Trump is.

Want to see his support evaporate? Shut up about him. That is about all it would take. If the media and the rest of the left would shut the fuck up for about two weeks, then the supporters would start to assume that Trump was doing what the media wanted and the support would drop. The Left can't do this of course. They would rather eat a raw turd than not spend every waking moment screaming about how awful Trump is.

Oh, I know the lies. He said he would release his taxes. He hasn't. So? Are you telling me that is a disqualifying act? We know he's rich. Are you suggesting that people would be disgusted when they found out he used lawyers, accountants, and former IRS agents to make sure he saved every dime he could on taxes? Like every other god damned rich person in the nation?

That's the problem. The confirmed lies are actually pretty small, and the alleged lies tend to fall apart like the CNN story attempting to prove some collusion.

Now, I've given you the secret to destroy Trump. Shut the fuck up, and do nothing for about two weeks. Or go out and talk about how awesome some of his policy actions would be. Giving Missile Systems to Poland to defend against Russia. Hey, great job Donald. You can't do it. No one on the left can. No one on the left can go a day without spitting out some hatred towards Trump. Don't feel bad though. I sincerely doubt that those on the right could remain silent for a day if Hillary had been elected.
Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period"
"I was against gay marriage before I was for it"
I was waiting for those.
The funny part is that if your plan met minimum standards, you could keep it. I did.
And Republicans want gays dead.
And that's it. Two pitiful answers.

Trump has so many, where to start? How about we start with coal miners, or elderly in rest homes?

Show me an actual Republican that "wants gays dead". I'm sure you can find some nutter, but find me a mainstream one.

Maybe you can check the 51st through 57th states.

And Obama didn't say if you liked your minimum requirement meeting plan.....
Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period"
"I was against gay marriage before I was for it"

THAT is why you support Trump lying? WTF?

Who says I support lying? I am pointing out all politicians lie. You are just butthurt because you don't like the guy and his lies are of a different flavor than normal politician lies.

Kind of like the lies this makes fun of.

Trump says things to freak out the libbies, it's funny
Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period"
"I was against gay marriage before I was for it"
I was waiting for those.
The funny part is that if your plan met minimum standards, you could keep it. I did.
And Republicans want gays dead.
And that's it. Two pitiful answers.

Trump has so many, where to start? How about we start with coal miners, or elderly in rest homes?
And Republicans want gays dead.
Obama the first bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator, opened the doors for Muslims, and you say Republicans want gays dead?

Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance -
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance

Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period"
"I was against gay marriage before I was for it"

THAT is why you support Trump lying? WTF?

Who says I support lying? I am pointing out all politicians lie. You are just butthurt because you don't like the guy and his lies are of a different flavor than normal politician lies.

Kind of like the lies this makes fun of.

You're defending Trump's lying which means you support lying.
Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?
What lies? I remember obama hoodwinking America with his healthcare scam among many others. You libs get wrapped around the axle over Trump farts. Most of the so called lies are things you all don't support anyway.

Your incessant whining is having the opposite effect of what you want, I'm sure.
How many more thousands of threads like these will be created in the next month? Only time will tell.
Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period"
"I was against gay marriage before I was for it"

THAT is why you support Trump lying? WTF?

Who says I support lying? I am pointing out all politicians lie. You are just butthurt because you don't like the guy and his lies are of a different flavor than normal politician lies.

Kind of like the lies this makes fun of.

You're defending Trump's lying which means you support lying.

Not caring is not the same as supporting.

And getting the vapors over it while ignoring progressive/democratic lies is hypocrisy.
Well, doesn't that bother you? Even a little?

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan, period"
"I was against gay marriage before I was for it"

THAT is why you support Trump lying? WTF?

Who says I support lying? I am pointing out all politicians lie. You are just butthurt because you don't like the guy and his lies are of a different flavor than normal politician lies.

Kind of like the lies this makes fun of.

You're defending Trump's lying which means you support lying.

Not caring is not the same as supporting.

And getting the vapors over it while ignoring progressive/democratic lies is hypocrisy.

I think the real difference was that Obama was lying up his ass, to fundamentally transform America into a 3rd world nation, and almost succeeded, while Trump lies once in a while to distract the left, while he is Making America Great. We the People of the US had to take the bullshit from the bi-racial, Muslim loving, homosexual, community agitator for 8 years, now it is you whiney ass liberals who need to shut up for the next. Liberals are petulant, little, spoiled little brats, and cry when they don't get their way.


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