Ivanka shoes

I'm not going to be a cop... good try though. How can you have the position you say you do and think that being a cop or going to law school are the only professions a person with a Criminal Justice degree can get? You must be in a Union... that is the only way someone so incompetent could keep your job.
I said what they say and they are familiar with the field. Better than you obviously. No, you'd never be accepted as a cop, you're full of shit and they'll smell it a mile away.

What "They" say? Who is "They?" I've worked in the Criminal Justice field. I'm a Criminal Justice major. I deal with people in the field all the time. There is NEVER a short for people with the degree. The only problem is WHO the person gets the degree from. There were people getting it from places like ITT Tech which was worthless. That's why I'm getting mine from one of the top colleges for Criminal Justice in the country. You are so uneducated on the subject it is hilarious. Anyone that knows anything about it can see how full of shit YOU are.
I said who they were, you can't even read. The cops on the LE board who get asked a LOT about CJ degrees.

Here's 20 top jobs...
20 Jobs You Can Get with a Criminal Justice Degree

...more than half are law enforcement related and like I said they know what the requirements are and what agencies look for. Who you got your piece of paper from doesn't mean jack shit. With the rest there are better degrees than CJ.

Again... COPS on the LE board. I'm not going to be a cop. I told you that already. You must have reading comprehension problems.

Did you know corporate loss prevention jobs is one of the top growing professions in the country?
I didn't say you wanted to be a cop but I did say you can't read. I said if. Loss prevention? Yeah, I'm sure that degree will come in handy. Meanwhile a former cop will get the job.
I'm not going to be a cop... good try though. How can you have the position you say you do and think that being a cop or going to law school are the only professions a person with a Criminal Justice degree can get? You must be in a Union... that is the only way someone so incompetent could keep your job.
I said what they say and they are familiar with the field. Better than you obviously. No, you'd never be accepted as a cop, you're full of shit and they'll smell it a mile away.

What "They" say? Who is "They?" I've worked in the Criminal Justice field. I'm a Criminal Justice major. I deal with people in the field all the time. There is NEVER a short for people with the degree. The only problem is WHO the person gets the degree from. There were people getting it from places like ITT Tech which was worthless. That's why I'm getting mine from one of the top colleges for Criminal Justice in the country. You are so uneducated on the subject it is hilarious. Anyone that knows anything about it can see how full of shit YOU are.
I said who they were, you can't even read. The cops on the LE board who get asked a LOT about CJ degrees.

Here's 20 top jobs...
20 Jobs You Can Get with a Criminal Justice Degree

...more than half are law enforcement related and like I said they know what the requirements are and what agencies look for. Who you got your piece of paper from doesn't mean jack shit. With the rest there are better degrees than CJ.

Again... COPS on the LE board. I'm not going to be a cop. I told you that already. You must have reading comprehension problems.

Did you know corporate loss prevention jobs is one of the top growing professions in the country?
I didn't say you wanted to be a cop but I did say you can't read. I said if. Loss prevention? Yeah, I'm sure that degree will come in handy. Meanwhile a former cop will get the job.

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be dangerous.
Yes....and I worked my way through college.....

See, you and I need Americans making shoes....me for the 1%'ers making investments in shoe manufacturing; and you for the common labor making shoes.....

Makers make America, not takers.....don't be a taker.....

Haha... you Trump supporters crack me up.

Let me fill you in on something. I care more about the middle class and the poor because they need it.

When Trump got elected the stocks of private prisons sky rocketed. Which would help in the field I'm going into. But I don't care about that. I think many of the things people get locked up for, like pot, should be legalized. You guys ACT like you care about people, but like Trump all you care about is the rich, and if the stocks owned by the rich will go up.
So, you're telling us you think the poor will build shoe factories here?

Huh....that's pretty fucking stupid.....

Are you saying the RICH will work at the factories here?
Public k-12 too?

At one of the top public schools in Ohio... graduating with Honors, in the National Honors Society, with a 4.0 GPA and a full ride scholarship to The Ohio State University.
Yes...I thought so....
Haha... you Trump supporters crack me up.

Let me fill you in on something. I care more about the middle class and the poor because they need it.

When Trump got elected the stocks of private prisons sky rocketed. Which would help in the field I'm going into. But I don't care about that. I think many of the things people get locked up for, like pot, should be legalized. You guys ACT like you care about people, but like Trump all you care about is the rich, and if the stocks owned by the rich will go up.
LOL, you're getting a CJ degree from a prestigious institution, not like that darned ITT school ...so you could be a corrections officer? Too funny!

People don't get locked up for pot, dealers get locked up for pot. And even then the case was likely pled way down.

Let me fill YOU in on something, the citizens don't need your help or sympathy, they need less people like you trying to help them. The better businesses do the better the economy does.

I never said I was going to be a Corrections Officer. I already was... and in most places, to advance in Corrections you have to have a degree....

The more you talk the more ignorance you show. You should probably stop now. You are in my world on this subject.
You say you were a CO but think people are thrown in prison for pot. Yeah, I know which world you live in.
I said what they say and they are familiar with the field. Better than you obviously. No, you'd never be accepted as a cop, you're full of shit and they'll smell it a mile away.

What "They" say? Who is "They?" I've worked in the Criminal Justice field. I'm a Criminal Justice major. I deal with people in the field all the time. There is NEVER a short for people with the degree. The only problem is WHO the person gets the degree from. There were people getting it from places like ITT Tech which was worthless. That's why I'm getting mine from one of the top colleges for Criminal Justice in the country. You are so uneducated on the subject it is hilarious. Anyone that knows anything about it can see how full of shit YOU are.
I said who they were, you can't even read. The cops on the LE board who get asked a LOT about CJ degrees.

Here's 20 top jobs...
20 Jobs You Can Get with a Criminal Justice Degree

...more than half are law enforcement related and like I said they know what the requirements are and what agencies look for. Who you got your piece of paper from doesn't mean jack shit. With the rest there are better degrees than CJ.

Again... COPS on the LE board. I'm not going to be a cop. I told you that already. You must have reading comprehension problems.

Did you know corporate loss prevention jobs is one of the top growing professions in the country?
I didn't say you wanted to be a cop but I did say you can't read. I said if. Loss prevention? Yeah, I'm sure that degree will come in handy. Meanwhile a former cop will get the job.

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be dangerous.
Wow, wisdom from an ex-CO. Usually means you couldn't cut it as a cop.
Haha... you Trump supporters crack me up.

Let me fill you in on something. I care more about the middle class and the poor because they need it.

When Trump got elected the stocks of private prisons sky rocketed. Which would help in the field I'm going into. But I don't care about that. I think many of the things people get locked up for, like pot, should be legalized. You guys ACT like you care about people, but like Trump all you care about is the rich, and if the stocks owned by the rich will go up.
LOL, you're getting a CJ degree from a prestigious institution, not like that darned ITT school ...so you could be a corrections officer? Too funny!

People don't get locked up for pot, dealers get locked up for pot. And even then the case was likely pled way down.

Let me fill YOU in on something, the citizens don't need your help or sympathy, they need less people like you trying to help them. The better businesses do the better the economy does.

I never said I was going to be a Corrections Officer. I already was... and in most places, to advance in Corrections you have to have a degree....

The more you talk the more ignorance you show. You should probably stop now. You are in my world on this subject.
You say you were a CO but think people are thrown in prison for pot. Yeah, I know which world you live in.

I say I was a CO? I know I was a CO. There is another member on this board that worked for the state of Ohio as a CO... I can answer any questions you can have about being a CO. I was also on the SRT team. That's the tactical prison SWAT team if you don't know what that means.
What "They" say? Who is "They?" I've worked in the Criminal Justice field. I'm a Criminal Justice major. I deal with people in the field all the time. There is NEVER a short for people with the degree. The only problem is WHO the person gets the degree from. There were people getting it from places like ITT Tech which was worthless. That's why I'm getting mine from one of the top colleges for Criminal Justice in the country. You are so uneducated on the subject it is hilarious. Anyone that knows anything about it can see how full of shit YOU are.
I said who they were, you can't even read. The cops on the LE board who get asked a LOT about CJ degrees.

Here's 20 top jobs...
20 Jobs You Can Get with a Criminal Justice Degree

...more than half are law enforcement related and like I said they know what the requirements are and what agencies look for. Who you got your piece of paper from doesn't mean jack shit. With the rest there are better degrees than CJ.

Again... COPS on the LE board. I'm not going to be a cop. I told you that already. You must have reading comprehension problems.

Did you know corporate loss prevention jobs is one of the top growing professions in the country?
I didn't say you wanted to be a cop but I did say you can't read. I said if. Loss prevention? Yeah, I'm sure that degree will come in handy. Meanwhile a former cop will get the job.

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be dangerous.
Wow, wisdom from an ex-CO. Usually means you couldn't cut it as a cop.

I didn't WANT to be a cop. You think everything leads to being a cop in Criminal Justice? That's just how ignorant you are.
No....there simply isn't any production capacity in the clothing industry to make products here....

You know it, I know it, ex-textile workers know it, everyone knows it....so, let's just be honest.....

I closed the last Levis factory because of Clean Water Act regulations.....their last straw was complying with industrial discharge pre-treatment requirements over starch used in the denim and the color.....

It was a fucking travesty.....

There are all kinds of clothing companies in the U.S. and people pay more for their stuff because it is made in the U.S. This has been going on long before Trump's candidacy. Trump ONLY cares about money. If he didn't he'd open his own factory... unless he doesn't have the money to do that? Wait, no he says he is a Billionaire so I guess that isn't the problem right?
Key word in my post: capacity....capacity......
So, you are saying Ivanka called all the US manufascturers & they all said they were too busy to take on more business.

You know her first call was to China, not the last one.
there is no one left to pick up the phone here....
Shoes Made In The USA | Americans Working
There are all kinds of clothing companies in the U.S. and people pay more for their stuff because it is made in the U.S. This has been going on long before Trump's candidacy. Trump ONLY cares about money. If he didn't he'd open his own factory... unless he doesn't have the money to do that? Wait, no he says he is a Billionaire so I guess that isn't the problem right?
Key word in my post: capacity....capacity......
So, you are saying Ivanka called all the US manufascturers & they all said they were too busy to take on more business.

You know her first call was to China, not the last one.
there is no one left to pick up the phone here....
Shoes Made In The USA | Americans Working

That's a fake site. There are no shoe manufacturers in the U.S.
Haha... you Trump supporters crack me up.

Let me fill you in on something. I care more about the middle class and the poor because they need it.

When Trump got elected the stocks of private prisons sky rocketed. Which would help in the field I'm going into. But I don't care about that. I think many of the things people get locked up for, like pot, should be legalized. You guys ACT like you care about people, but like Trump all you care about is the rich, and if the stocks owned by the rich will go up.
LOL, you're getting a CJ degree from a prestigious institution, not like that darned ITT school ...so you could be a corrections officer? Too funny!

People don't get locked up for pot, dealers get locked up for pot. And even then the case was likely pled way down.

Let me fill YOU in on something, the citizens don't need your help or sympathy, they need less people like you trying to help them. The better businesses do the better the economy does.

I never said I was going to be a Corrections Officer. I already was... and in most places, to advance in Corrections you have to have a degree....

The more you talk the more ignorance you show. You should probably stop now. You are in my world on this subject.
You say you were a CO but think people are thrown in prison for pot. Yeah, I know which world you live in.

I say I was a CO? I know I was a CO. There is another member on this board that worked for the state of Ohio as a CO... I can answer any questions you can have about being a CO. I was also on the SRT team. That's the tactical prison SWAT team if you don't know what that means.
...and they had people in prison for just having pot? Nope, had to be resale quantity. Your degree isn't helping. See what I mean?
There are all kinds of clothing companies in the U.S. and people pay more for their stuff because it is made in the U.S. This has been going on long before Trump's candidacy. Trump ONLY cares about money. If he didn't he'd open his own factory... unless he doesn't have the money to do that? Wait, no he says he is a Billionaire so I guess that isn't the problem right?
Key word in my post: capacity....capacity......
So, you are saying Ivanka called all the US manufascturers & they all said they were too busy to take on more business.

You know her first call was to China, not the last one.
there is no one left to pick up the phone here....
Shoes Made In The USA | Americans Working
St Louis was a shoe industry mecca and has still never recovered.....
I said who they were, you can't even read. The cops on the LE board who get asked a LOT about CJ degrees.

Here's 20 top jobs...
20 Jobs You Can Get with a Criminal Justice Degree

...more than half are law enforcement related and like I said they know what the requirements are and what agencies look for. Who you got your piece of paper from doesn't mean jack shit. With the rest there are better degrees than CJ.

Again... COPS on the LE board. I'm not going to be a cop. I told you that already. You must have reading comprehension problems.

Did you know corporate loss prevention jobs is one of the top growing professions in the country?
I didn't say you wanted to be a cop but I did say you can't read. I said if. Loss prevention? Yeah, I'm sure that degree will come in handy. Meanwhile a former cop will get the job.

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be dangerous.
Wow, wisdom from an ex-CO. Usually means you couldn't cut it as a cop.

I didn't WANT to be a cop. You think everything leads to being a cop in Criminal Justice? That's just how ignorant you are.
Nope, I said you can't read. I said if. Also said it was their opinion, being sorta in the criminal field and all and all on board with the same assessment. Like I also said, go there and look for yourself.
Haha... you Trump supporters crack me up.

Let me fill you in on something. I care more about the middle class and the poor because they need it.

When Trump got elected the stocks of private prisons sky rocketed. Which would help in the field I'm going into. But I don't care about that. I think many of the things people get locked up for, like pot, should be legalized. You guys ACT like you care about people, but like Trump all you care about is the rich, and if the stocks owned by the rich will go up.
LOL, you're getting a CJ degree from a prestigious institution, not like that darned ITT school ...so you could be a corrections officer? Too funny!

People don't get locked up for pot, dealers get locked up for pot. And even then the case was likely pled way down.

Let me fill YOU in on something, the citizens don't need your help or sympathy, they need less people like you trying to help them. The better businesses do the better the economy does.

I never said I was going to be a Corrections Officer. I already was... and in most places, to advance in Corrections you have to have a degree....

The more you talk the more ignorance you show. You should probably stop now. You are in my world on this subject.
You say you were a CO but think people are thrown in prison for pot. Yeah, I know which world you live in.

I say I was a CO? I know I was a CO. There is another member on this board that worked for the state of Ohio as a CO... I can answer any questions you can have about being a CO. I was also on the SRT team. That's the tactical prison SWAT team if you don't know what that means.
...and they had people in prison for just having pot? Nope, had to be resale quantity. Your degree isn't helping. See what I mean?

Wrong. Again... in this thread wrong. Do you know the pot laws in Ohio? Do you know during what years I worked as a Corrections Officer? You make statements without knowing any facts... how did you ever get a job making any kind of fucking important decisions?
There was this little factory in Bristol, Rhode Island that used to make "boat shoes". Then they got an order for Moochelle and the "boat" part took over. They don't make "boat shoes" anymore - only boats. Small ones, it is true, then then the shoe closet at the (former) White House is only so large.....
Key word in my post: capacity....capacity......
So, you are saying Ivanka called all the US manufascturers & they all said they were too busy to take on more business.

You know her first call was to China, not the last one.
there is no one left to pick up the phone here....
Shoes Made In The USA | Americans Working

That's a fake site. There are no shoe manufacturers in the U.S.
Of course...I forgot about the "dismiss the source" argument.
Again... COPS on the LE board. I'm not going to be a cop. I told you that already. You must have reading comprehension problems.

Did you know corporate loss prevention jobs is one of the top growing professions in the country?
I didn't say you wanted to be a cop but I did say you can't read. I said if. Loss prevention? Yeah, I'm sure that degree will come in handy. Meanwhile a former cop will get the job.

If you were as smart as you think you are, you'd be dangerous.
Wow, wisdom from an ex-CO. Usually means you couldn't cut it as a cop.

I didn't WANT to be a cop. You think everything leads to being a cop in Criminal Justice? That's just how ignorant you are.
Nope, I said you can't read. I said if. Also said it was their opinion, being sorta in the criminal field and all and all on board with the same assessment. Like I also said, go there and look for yourself.

No, you talk out your ass... and have no clue what you are talking about. Here is a cop with a worthless degree from EKU.

Chief of Police | City of Lexington
LOL, you're getting a CJ degree from a prestigious institution, not like that darned ITT school ...so you could be a corrections officer? Too funny!

People don't get locked up for pot, dealers get locked up for pot. And even then the case was likely pled way down.

Let me fill YOU in on something, the citizens don't need your help or sympathy, they need less people like you trying to help them. The better businesses do the better the economy does.

I never said I was going to be a Corrections Officer. I already was... and in most places, to advance in Corrections you have to have a degree....

The more you talk the more ignorance you show. You should probably stop now. You are in my world on this subject.
You say you were a CO but think people are thrown in prison for pot. Yeah, I know which world you live in.

I say I was a CO? I know I was a CO. There is another member on this board that worked for the state of Ohio as a CO... I can answer any questions you can have about being a CO. I was also on the SRT team. That's the tactical prison SWAT team if you don't know what that means.
...and they had people in prison for just having pot? Nope, had to be resale quantity. Your degree isn't helping. See what I mean?

Wrong. Again... in this thread wrong. Do you know the pot laws in Ohio? Do you know during what years I worked as a Corrections Officer? You make statements without knowing any facts... how did you ever get a job making any kind of fucking important decisions?
Ohio? I think you've been to O.com before! I think I know who you are now. Give us an example of someone doing prison time for personal possession.

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