Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

I just bought a washer and dryer from Lowes. The combined price increase for the same models next week are going to be $400 more, due to steel tariffs.

US steel prices up 'dramatically' due to Trump tariffs: Fed

you're welcome.
Ahh but the prices are not hurting anyone ahhh gotcha haha..
So demand for America steel is up and the prices went up? Ha funny

that's econ 101... supply & demand. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... NEW plants are not being built to meet them - which means most will be imported - which means higher cost due to tariffs. so, when does the consumer 'win'? consumer confidence has dropped 2 months in a row - which means less spending - which means what? can you figure it out?

so much 'winning'! Ha funny.
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Lol 10 cents oh no haha

try more like $10 - $100s more. the bigger the item, the bigger the cost to *you*.

Be a patriot. Buy American.

lol... i already do when i can. i can afford it. but the majority of walmartians can't.

how about yer 'president'? why isn't HE patriotic & have all his overpriced crap made here?
100% of his hats are now made in America

only cause they hafta be. you think that if he coulda gotten away with them being made overseas for pennies & selling them a huuuuuuge profit - he wouldn't have?

& what about ' Trump apparel, home items,hotel items, beverages' as stated in the article? what deplorable excuse you got for them?
Have democrats back the tariffs, he has said it would be better if everything was made here.. he’s a biz man and is using what democrats are allowing at the moment.. if you want it made here vote republican! He wants everything made here
Ahh but the prices are not hurting anyone ahhh gotcha haha..
So demand for America steel is up and the prices went up? Ha funny

that's econ 101... supply & demand. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... NEW plants are not being built to meet them - which means most will be imported - which means higher cost due to tariffs. so, when does the consumer 'win'? consumer confidence has dropped 2 months in a row - which means less spending - which means what? can you figure it out?

so much 'winning'! Ha funny.
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was
Urban areas are struggling for middle class jobs come on democrats lets build some manufacturing in these cities.. show some patriotism

trump has been in the white house over 2 years. where's e-vank-A's crap still being made?

Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US
By Justin RohrlichDecember 4, 2018

Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.
The president and his daughter largely manufacture Trump-branded products in countries like China, Indonesia, Turkey and Canada.

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.

Fact Checker
How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

So you are ok with manufacturing in urban areas?? Yes or no

why wouldn't i? in fact that would be much more economical for both biz'nez AND consumers AND the environment.
Well welcome to the Republican Party! Ha democrats refuse to even think about it because it might have smog lol,, and democrats only allow permits for biz that will use high priced union contracts... so hell yea! Welcome to the republican parry!

lol... uh-huh. first of all, i am not a (D)... so there's that. 2nd of all - deregulations on air & water should never be compromised. now show me a credible, unbiased link about them thar union jobs & companies ok?

<psssst> you should read eisenhower's platform regarding unions. in case you are really poorly educated - i'll fill you in on a little secret.

general eisenhower was a (R). lol....
try more like $10 - $100s more. the bigger the item, the bigger the cost to *you*.

Be a patriot. Buy American.

lol... i already do when i can. i can afford it. but the majority of walmartians can't.

how about yer 'president'? why isn't HE patriotic & have all his overpriced crap made here?
100% of his hats are now made in America

only cause they hafta be. you think that if he coulda gotten away with them being made overseas for pennies & selling them a huuuuuuge profit - he wouldn't have?

& what about ' Trump apparel, home items,hotel items, beverages' as stated in the article? what deplorable excuse you got for them?
Have democrats back the tariffs, he has said it would be better if everything was made here.. he’s a biz man and is using what democrats are allowing at the moment.. if you want it made here vote republican! He wants everything made here

then why hasn't he brought his stuff here already? you simply cannot answer that with anything solid.
Ahh but the prices are not hurting anyone ahhh gotcha haha..
So demand for America steel is up and the prices went up? Ha funny

that's econ 101... supply & demand. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... NEW plants are not being built to meet them - which means most will be imported - which means higher cost due to tariffs. so, when does the consumer 'win'? consumer confidence has dropped 2 months in a row - which means less spending - which means what? can you figure it out?

so much 'winning'! Ha funny.
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was

& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
Urban areas are struggling for middle class jobs come on democrats lets build some manufacturing in these cities.. show some patriotism

trump has been in the white house over 2 years. where's e-vank-A's crap still being made?

Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US
By Justin RohrlichDecember 4, 2018

Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.
The president and his daughter largely manufacture Trump-branded products in countries like China, Indonesia, Turkey and Canada.

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.

Fact Checker
How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

So you are ok with manufacturing in urban areas?? Yes or no

why wouldn't i? in fact that would be much more economical for both biz'nez AND consumers AND the environment.
Well welcome to the Republican Party! Ha democrats refuse to even think about it because it might have smog lol,, and democrats only allow permits for biz that will use high priced union contracts... so hell yea! Welcome to the republican parry!

lol... uh-huh. first of all, i am not a (D)... so there's that. 2nd of all - deregulations on air & water should never be compromised. now show me a credible, unbiased link about them thar union jobs & companies ok?

<psssst> you should read eisenhower's platform regarding unions. in case you are really poorly educated - i'll fill you in on a little secret.

general eisenhower was a (R). lol....
So you would rather Healthy fish but poor uneducated citizens? Lol OKAY

Almost all building projects can only be done by either unions or a handful of contractors that have been issued licenses by democrat mayor,, WHICH DRIVES THE PRICE OF LAND AND REAL ESTATE, only access to these properties is extremely rich people. Which forces poor and ordinary people in to subsidize housing and gov control housing aka slavery.

This also hampers small business, because they can’t compete with unions and rich contractors who can buy there way in to contracts.

Unions were a lot less corrupt back then..
Be a patriot. Buy American.

lol... i already do when i can. i can afford it. but the majority of walmartians can't.

how about yer 'president'? why isn't HE patriotic & have all his overpriced crap made here?
100% of his hats are now made in America

only cause they hafta be. you think that if he coulda gotten away with them being made overseas for pennies & selling them a huuuuuuge profit - he wouldn't have?

& what about ' Trump apparel, home items,hotel items, beverages' as stated in the article? what deplorable excuse you got for them?
Have democrats back the tariffs, he has said it would be better if everything was made here.. he’s a biz man and is using what democrats are allowing at the moment.. if you want it made here vote republican! He wants everything made here

then why hasn't he brought his stuff here already? you simply cannot answer that with anything solid.
Because he is a biz man.. he is using what the market and democrats are offering... DEMOCRATS DO YOUR JOB.. stop taking donations from people that outsource jobs
trump has been in the white house over 2 years. where's e-vank-A's crap still being made?

Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US
By Justin RohrlichDecember 4, 2018

Only 15% of the products in the Trump store are made in the US

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.
The president and his daughter largely manufacture Trump-branded products in countries like China, Indonesia, Turkey and Canada.

Trump event touted 'made in America' goods. A lot of his merchandise couldn't be featured.

Fact Checker
How many Trump products were made overseas? Here’s the complete list.

So you are ok with manufacturing in urban areas?? Yes or no

why wouldn't i? in fact that would be much more economical for both biz'nez AND consumers AND the environment.
Well welcome to the Republican Party! Ha democrats refuse to even think about it because it might have smog lol,, and democrats only allow permits for biz that will use high priced union contracts... so hell yea! Welcome to the republican parry!

lol... uh-huh. first of all, i am not a (D)... so there's that. 2nd of all - deregulations on air & water should never be compromised. now show me a credible, unbiased link about them thar union jobs & companies ok?

<psssst> you should read eisenhower's platform regarding unions. in case you are really poorly educated - i'll fill you in on a little secret.

general eisenhower was a (R). lol....
So you would rather Healthy fish but poor uneducated citizens? Lol OKAY

Almost all building projects can only be done by either unions or a handful of contractors that have been issued licenses by democrat mayor,, WHICH DRIVES THE PRICE OF LAND AND REAL ESTATE, only access to these properties is extremely rich people. Which forces poor and ordinary people in to subsidize housing and gov control housing aka slavery.

This also hampers small business, because they can’t compete with unions and rich contractors who can buy there way in to contracts.

Unions were a lot less corrupt back then..

the most prosperous time in american history was post WW2 during the 50s & 60s when unionized jobs flourished & were the norm. my father - who only had an 8th grade education was able to afford a car, home, supported my stay at home mom & 5 kids on a factory union job at the international silver company.

Ahh but the prices are not hurting anyone ahhh gotcha haha..
So demand for America steel is up and the prices went up? Ha funny

that's econ 101... supply & demand. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... NEW plants are not being built to meet them - which means most will be imported - which means higher cost due to tariffs. so, when does the consumer 'win'? consumer confidence has dropped 2 months in a row - which means less spending - which means what? can you figure it out?

so much 'winning'! Ha funny.
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was

& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
When unemployment reached 10% the house was controlled by democrats.. who’s Main job was to come up with ideas to keep people working but all they did was grand stand and attack bush all day.
lol... i already do when i can. i can afford it. but the majority of walmartians can't.

how about yer 'president'? why isn't HE patriotic & have all his overpriced crap made here?
100% of his hats are now made in America

only cause they hafta be. you think that if he coulda gotten away with them being made overseas for pennies & selling them a huuuuuuge profit - he wouldn't have?

& what about ' Trump apparel, home items,hotel items, beverages' as stated in the article? what deplorable excuse you got for them?
Have democrats back the tariffs, he has said it would be better if everything was made here.. he’s a biz man and is using what democrats are allowing at the moment.. if you want it made here vote republican! He wants everything made here

then why hasn't he brought his stuff here already? you simply cannot answer that with anything solid.
Because he is a biz man.. he is using what the market and democrats are offering... DEMOCRATS DO YOUR JOB.. stop taking donations from people that outsource jobs

nope - he's a fraud who touts american jobs, whilst outsourcing his crap to the same countries he calls 'shit holes'.

that's econ 101... supply & demand. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... NEW plants are not being built to meet them - which means most will be imported - which means higher cost due to tariffs. so, when does the consumer 'win'? consumer confidence has dropped 2 months in a row - which means less spending - which means what? can you figure it out?

so much 'winning'! Ha funny.
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was

& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
When unemployment reached 10% the house was controlled by democrats.. who’s Main job was to come up with ideas to keep people working but all they did was grand stand and attack bush all day.

trump had both the house AND senate for 2 years.

So you are ok with manufacturing in urban areas?? Yes or no

why wouldn't i? in fact that would be much more economical for both biz'nez AND consumers AND the environment.
Well welcome to the Republican Party! Ha democrats refuse to even think about it because it might have smog lol,, and democrats only allow permits for biz that will use high priced union contracts... so hell yea! Welcome to the republican parry!

lol... uh-huh. first of all, i am not a (D)... so there's that. 2nd of all - deregulations on air & water should never be compromised. now show me a credible, unbiased link about them thar union jobs & companies ok?

<psssst> you should read eisenhower's platform regarding unions. in case you are really poorly educated - i'll fill you in on a little secret.

general eisenhower was a (R). lol....
So you would rather Healthy fish but poor uneducated citizens? Lol OKAY

Almost all building projects can only be done by either unions or a handful of contractors that have been issued licenses by democrat mayor,, WHICH DRIVES THE PRICE OF LAND AND REAL ESTATE, only access to these properties is extremely rich people. Which forces poor and ordinary people in to subsidize housing and gov control housing aka slavery.

This also hampers small business, because they can’t compete with unions and rich contractors who can buy there way in to contracts.

Unions were a lot less corrupt back then..

the most prosperous time in american history was post WW2 during the 50s & 60s when unionized jobs flourished & were the norm. my father - who only had an 8th grade education was able to afford a car, home, supported my stay at home mom & 5 kids on a factory union job at the international silver company.

So is mine you’re so intellectually struggling it’s not even funny ... THE PRICE OF PROPERTIES HAS SKYROCKETED because these cities have limited the amount of contractors by placing unrealistic passing requirements that only a few people can obtain ..

In the 50’s and 60’s you had tons more private contractors that kept them in cities competing for JOBS, and a grandmother calling city hall everyday. Now they moved out or died they have been replaced with submissive uneducated foreigners and democrats are running shop over the people.. absolutely zero questioning. The media has a left wing agenda . Its a dictatorship over jobs here and it’s un-American.
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

:omg: .. kinda petty ankle gnawing and misogyny going on here.. for shaaame... :eusa_snooty:

I did find the TDS bobble-head pretty amusing though.. :popcorn:
100% of his hats are now made in America

only cause they hafta be. you think that if he coulda gotten away with them being made overseas for pennies & selling them a huuuuuuge profit - he wouldn't have?

& what about ' Trump apparel, home items,hotel items, beverages' as stated in the article? what deplorable excuse you got for them?
Have democrats back the tariffs, he has said it would be better if everything was made here.. he’s a biz man and is using what democrats are allowing at the moment.. if you want it made here vote republican! He wants everything made here

then why hasn't he brought his stuff here already? you simply cannot answer that with anything solid.
Because he is a biz man.. he is using what the market and democrats are offering... DEMOCRATS DO YOUR JOB.. stop taking donations from people that outsource jobs

nope - he's a fraud who touts american jobs, whilst outsourcing his crap to the same countries he calls 'shit holes'.

Putting tariffs on outsourcing means he wants to jobs to return.. democrats are pissed lol
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was

& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
When unemployment reached 10% the house was controlled by democrats.. who’s Main job was to come up with ideas to keep people working but all they did was grand stand and attack bush all day.

trump had both the house AND senate for 2 years.

And he created 1000 manufacturing jobs a month lol and and unbelievable economic time... yes next haha
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was

& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
When unemployment reached 10% the house was controlled by democrats.. who’s Main job was to come up with ideas to keep people working but all they did was grand stand and attack bush all day.

trump had both the house AND senate for 2 years.

Do you like to eat dick? Ha
Job numbers are coming out next week. Looks like 185 thousand.. bluest June in 81 years.. I think you are deranged

sure - employment #s are good - but trump didn't do that by his lonesome. he piggybacked on the +/- 5% number that obama brought down from 10% in 2009.... & a great deal of those new jobs are still part time - which means people are still working 2-3 jobs without bennies.
Haha Obama... 30 hour a week cashier jobs haha thanks Obama.. Magic wand Obama “ how will he get these jobs back” “magic wand” Obama
Hahah what a joke he was

& b4 that W thought it was great that 'americans can have 2 or 3 jobs'.
When unemployment reached 10% the house was controlled by democrats.. who’s Main job was to come up with ideas to keep people working but all they did was grand stand and attack bush all day.

trump had both the house AND senate for 2 years.


... obviously he didn't..

... but despite the lack of effort by the malignant TDS Democrats, he's doing a great job.
th (1).jpg .. relax.. Darlin Playtime.. :)
why wouldn't i? in fact that would be much more economical for both biz'nez AND consumers AND the environment.
Well welcome to the Republican Party! Ha democrats refuse to even think about it because it might have smog lol,, and democrats only allow permits for biz that will use high priced union contracts... so hell yea! Welcome to the republican parry!

lol... uh-huh. first of all, i am not a (D)... so there's that. 2nd of all - deregulations on air & water should never be compromised. now show me a credible, unbiased link about them thar union jobs & companies ok?

<psssst> you should read eisenhower's platform regarding unions. in case you are really poorly educated - i'll fill you in on a little secret.

general eisenhower was a (R). lol....
So you would rather Healthy fish but poor uneducated citizens? Lol OKAY

Almost all building projects can only be done by either unions or a handful of contractors that have been issued licenses by democrat mayor,, WHICH DRIVES THE PRICE OF LAND AND REAL ESTATE, only access to these properties is extremely rich people. Which forces poor and ordinary people in to subsidize housing and gov control housing aka slavery.

This also hampers small business, because they can’t compete with unions and rich contractors who can buy there way in to contracts.

Unions were a lot less corrupt back then..

the most prosperous time in american history was post WW2 during the 50s & 60s when unionized jobs flourished & were the norm. my father - who only had an 8th grade education was able to afford a car, home, supported my stay at home mom & 5 kids on a factory union job at the international silver company.

So is mine you’re so intellectually struggling it’s not even funny ... THE PRICE OF PROPERTIES HAS SKYROCKETED because these cities have limited the amount of contractors by placing unrealistic passing requirements that only a few people can obtain ..

In the 50’s and 60’s you had tons more private contractors that kept them in cities competing for JOBS, and a grandmother calling city hall everyday. Now they moved out or died they have been replaced with submissive uneducated foreigners and democrats are running shop over the people.. absolutely zero questioning. The media has a left wing agenda . Its a dictatorship over jobs here and it’s un-American.

uh-huh. credible unbiased link?

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