Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

too lazy to do any research on yer own 'eh? typical poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time. stay that way then, ignoramus.
she's working with world leaders and you are posting on USMB

yep, but i am not being laughed at on a world stage by people much more qualified & have no problems with being laughed at by a known racist. as far as that posting...

so are you.
you must be living in a bubble because the term ''racist'' means NOTHING now
you people have used it for crap and overused it
we laugh [ hahahahahah ] every time it's used

m'k... white nationalist.... supreeeeemasist...... torch bearer.... they are all the same to me - but 'racist' takes the fewest letters.

embrace it, own it, LOVE it...
there's that word again --hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahah
Jealous much...cow?

Oh speaking of cows. On the list of People Penny Hates are also fat people, did you know this? Yes. Penny judges a lot and I mean a LOT of people. She posted pics of fat people waiting in line to see Trump and she was judgey as heck about why they were fat and also, why they weren't working.

In reality, it's Penny's word and we're all here just on her good graces I guess. Jackboots, I've dubbed her.

I do not like privilege people. I had to work my way thought college and I had to work all my life. Ivanka is a just a privileged jack arse. Tramp is also.

And I also wore military boots.
....so you hate rich WHITE people like the RACIST Rev Wright and most blacks do?
what about the Obama daughters?--they are privileged? do you hate them also? or just whites???
[QUOTERich white men ]
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright

thank you for fking up by saying the Obama daughters are not privileged
Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Marylandand Washington, D.C.,
Sidwell "accepts only 7 percent of its applicants
Sidwell Friends School - Wikipedia
The Obamas Are Having a Seriously Luxurious Family Vacation
etc etc
You really want to compare the upbringing of Obama's daughters with those of the Trump idiot and his family? Giving those AH's gov't jobs they are HIGHLY UNQUALIFIED for?
For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

too lazy to do any research on yer own 'eh? typical poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time. stay that way then, ignoramus.

Like I said. You're a nothing trying to defend a stump

i'm stating facts & you can't show anything to refute it.
Defending the disrespect and rudeness of these old hags who've done nothing for their own countries seems important to you. We dont see what you want to see. This exchange says more about them than Ivanka
she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

too lazy to do any research on yer own 'eh? typical poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time. stay that way then, ignoramus.

Like I said. You're a nothing trying to defend a stump

i'm stating facts & you can't show anything to refute it.

You're blabbering and calling people racist.


no... i am calling ONE poster on this here thread a racist... why? because i have read his posts on enough threads to be stating fact. something that you are continually oblivious to... why? why you ask? because you are & will always be poorly educated. try looking at his posts... i know you won't because deplorables be as lazy as lazy can be when they know they will be proven wrong.
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

/----/ No one is laughing except you libtard moonbats.
Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

too lazy to do any research on yer own 'eh? typical poorly educated basket dweller that trump loves long time. stay that way then, ignoramus.

Like I said. You're a nothing trying to defend a stump

i'm stating facts & you can't show anything to refute it.

You're blabbering and calling people racist.


no... i am calling ONE poster on this here thread a racist... why? because i have read his posts on enough threads to be stating fact. something that you are continually oblivious to... why? why you ask? because you are & will always be poorly educated. try looking at his posts... i know you won't because deplorables be as lazy as lazy can be when they know they will be proven wrong.

I wouldn't be calling anyone poorly educated...I've read YOUR posts
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

She brings a cheerleaders point of view
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

She brings a cheerleaders point of view

She is FAAAAR more accomplished than you could ever hope to be tard.
Ivanka is HOT. I'd pay attention to her.
Only her body is "hot"! If you equate that with qualification, well, it seems kinda shallow, doncha think?

Well, I was trying to add a little levity to the conversation.

She's an attractive women all around, a Wharton grad, and a pretty accomplished business person. She's young, idealistic and a bit too progressive for my tastes. I think she has a good future in whatever she ultimately does after Daddy is no longer Pres.
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.
Lol, AOC is proof a college education is a waste of money.
Oh speaking of cows. On the list of People Penny Hates are also fat people, did you know this? Yes. Penny judges a lot and I mean a LOT of people. She posted pics of fat people waiting in line to see Trump and she was judgey as heck about why they were fat and also, why they weren't working.

In reality, it's Penny's word and we're all here just on her good graces I guess. Jackboots, I've dubbed her.

I do not like privilege people. I had to work my way thought college and I had to work all my life. Ivanka is a just a privileged jack arse. Tramp is also.

And I also wore military boots.
....so you hate rich WHITE people like the RACIST Rev Wright and most blacks do?
what about the Obama daughters?--they are privileged? do you hate them also? or just whites???
[QUOTERich white men ]
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright

thank you for fking up by saying the Obama daughters are not privileged
Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Marylandand Washington, D.C.,
Sidwell "accepts only 7 percent of its applicants
Sidwell Friends School - Wikipedia
The Obamas Are Having a Seriously Luxurious Family Vacation
etc etc
You really want to compare the upbringing of Obama's daughters with those of the Trump idiot and his family? Giving those AH's gov't jobs they are HIGHLY UNQUALIFIED for?
We also forgot about Chelsea, she is a privileged brat.
Oh speaking of cows. On the list of People Penny Hates are also fat people, did you know this? Yes. Penny judges a lot and I mean a LOT of people. She posted pics of fat people waiting in line to see Trump and she was judgey as heck about why they were fat and also, why they weren't working.

In reality, it's Penny's word and we're all here just on her good graces I guess. Jackboots, I've dubbed her.

I do not like privilege people. I had to work my way thought college and I had to work all my life. Ivanka is a just a privileged jack arse. Tramp is also.

And I also wore military boots.
....so you hate rich WHITE people like the RACIST Rev Wright and most blacks do?
what about the Obama daughters?--they are privileged? do you hate them also? or just whites???
[QUOTERich white men ]
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright

thank you for fking up by saying the Obama daughters are not privileged
Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Marylandand Washington, D.C.,
Sidwell "accepts only 7 percent of its applicants
Sidwell Friends School - Wikipedia
The Obamas Are Having a Seriously Luxurious Family Vacation
etc etc
You really want to compare the upbringing of Obama's daughters with those of the Trump idiot and his family? Giving those AH's gov't jobs they are HIGHLY UNQUALIFIED for?
you obviously didn't read or comprehend my links because of your hatred of whites
Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

They are just mad that the Border patrol had posted a funny picture of AOC performing fellatio on the President went viral, and that they cannot arrest or block them from their social page, like the way Pres.Trump couldn't block those that were being obnoxious on his Twitter's account.. But this video of Ivanka only shown a portion. But it didn't show her walking up and just started talking for no reason. They just added their own narrative on what they were hoping for to happened.
But the Dems are trying their best to make AOC the Dems' superstar, to make her look so gracious and intelligent, so that she can run for the presidency. But it looks like, Ivanka has taken the spotlight away from her.



Democratic Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson asserted that people who mock members of Congress online should face prosecution. Rep. Frederica Wilson demands prosecution for those who mock Congress online

Ivanka Trump Becomes Global Laughingstock In Viral G20 Clip

This clip on YouTube just makes me cringe. Ivanka has no business representing the country at the G20. She is not qualified, not worthy. Trump and his disgusting brood is turning America into a laughing stock.
Three years ago, no one would believe that a president of the U.S. would be openly mocked and laughed at in the open assembly of the U.N. I can't be the only one mortified by this orange clown and his disgusting family.

You Tards and your Butt Hurt never cease to amaze and amuse.....

You are just pissed off that most of your women are stupid and butt ass ugly.

TRUMP in 20 BABY................
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

AOC graduated with honors from Boston University with double majors in International Relations and Economics.

How does attacking AOC defend Nepotism Barbie?
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

AOC graduated with honors from Boston University with double majors in International Relations and Economics.

How does attacking AOC defend Nepotism Barbie?

Ivanka doesn't need defending....Occasional does...evidently
AOC has a degree from boston university where she majored in economics & foreign relations...that she actually held a job that she actually was hired for & actually was not given because her actual father passed away & actually has to pay back tuition because she actually wasn't given every actual advantage to do whatever the hell she wanted.

( e-vank-A actually does not worry that if she actually failed... she actually would have daddy take care of it all.)

not to mention that AOC was ELECTED to hold office as a congresswoman in the united states house of representatives.

can you say the same about e-vank-A?

lol... actually not even a little bit.

For someone having an econ degree she's stupid as a stump in economics.

And she had that degree and was a waitress? Yeah right

she became a bartender because her father passed away from cancer at the age of 48 & her mother would have been evicted because she couldn't make the rent on her own. AOC obviously didn't have the cash to buy herself a degree like them thar hollywood types.

learn the facts b4 you make an ass outa yerself.

Gfy if she had an econ degree why was she whoring at a bar?

Get over yourself...you're a nothing

AOC graduated with honors from Boston University with double majors in International Relations and Economics.

How does attacking AOC defend Nepotism Barbie?
And so, how much she has paid her professor to give her that degree? Or did she just do what she is best at, by getting down on her knees.

I do not like privilege people. I had to work my way thought college and I had to work all my life. Ivanka is a just a privileged jack arse. Tramp is also.

And I also wore military boots.
....so you hate rich WHITE people like the RACIST Rev Wright and most blacks do?
what about the Obama daughters?--they are privileged? do you hate them also? or just whites???
[QUOTERich white men ]
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright

thank you for fking up by saying the Obama daughters are not privileged
Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Marylandand Washington, D.C.,
Sidwell "accepts only 7 percent of its applicants
Sidwell Friends School - Wikipedia
The Obamas Are Having a Seriously Luxurious Family Vacation
etc etc
You really want to compare the upbringing of Obama's daughters with those of the Trump idiot and his family? Giving those AH's gov't jobs they are HIGHLY UNQUALIFIED for?
We also forgot about Chelsea, she is a privileged brat.

And almost as ugly as Hillary. Almost! And Web Hubbell didn't add anything to the mix either!

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