Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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So your belief is that some delusions are functional advantages? And you believe that these delusions explain what has happened at the societal level for every civilization since the beginning of man?

Are you stupid?
You misstate what he has said and then simply make up things he never voiced and THEN ask him if HE is stupid?
What Age are you now Crack?
I choose not to tell you. If you continue to attempt to find out, I will speak to management about your doxxing.
60 years an Atheist but only 53 years old.
My profile here reports my birthdate as January 1st, 1970. I expected everyone to realize that was the date every computer on the planet was giving them and never expected anyone to believe it was my actual birthday. Aside from that, I don't give the tiniest shit what you think about my birthday.
So how many years have you really been a TeaPot?
I have no idea what that inquiry means.
No wonder your body temperature varies so much when you talk about Golobal Warming and the effect it has had on your toilet habits .
Now you are simply lying.
Do you get hot in the bathroom and this affects thermometers everywhere?
You're inquiries are off topic for this thread and this forum.
Not all lies bear false witness. It doesn't say lying is a sin. It says bearing false witness is a sin. For instance, it wouldn't be a sin for me to say "your posts make sense" because I'm not bearing false witness against you so it's ok to lie that way.
If you believe that his post does not make sense and you state that it does, you are bearing false witness.
Odd that you don't believe in God but you do believe in mythic climate change.

Are the two connected in some way?
I do not believe in the supernatural. I do accept mainstream science. They seem connected to me. Can I presume, then, that you believe in a divine, spotted Gila monster of some sort?
Science, let alone modern science, was not “born in the Catholic Church.” Your claim that this is a fact is preposterous, and all the other “facts” you declare can be disputed as well.

The strongest argument that can be made for the Church as an institution protecting and preserving knowledge can probably be made for its monastic centers and its role during the Middle Ages in preserving books and some important written Latin texts and translations during the “Dark Ages” in Europe after the fall of Rome and through many following centuries…

The Catholic Church did not develop the idea of the free market. It existed in ancient times, both as an idea and in practice via trade in many commodities, as did money, interest, etc. etc.

Evolving “Canon Law” was only one influence on evolving Western legal traditions. It was strongly weakened after the Tudors in the English legal tradition particularly. Roman Laws predated it and Common Law with roots in Saxon and other Germanic traditions also were important. After the French Revolution, the Napoleanic Code reworked and modernized all these traditions and elements, basically de-feudalizing and codifying civil law in the French Empire. For the most part today Canon Law like Jewish Talmudic disputations are no longer central to Western legal tradition.

Almost every lasting religion and philosophy had strong elements within it concerning the supposed sacredness of human life. In many ways early Christianity, and the Catholic Church, however, also was a kind of death cult worshiping an afterlife and looking upon this world as unimportant and primarily a place of suffering. This too was a feature of many other religions and philosophies. Later, of course there were Catholic “humanists” like Erasmus and many others as well.
There's a book on it. Maybe you should read it. Or have you been published on this subject?

Amazon product ASIN 1596983280
Do you think it was some of your god's best work when he blinded my dog?
I don't think it works like that but if you do, have you given God credit for any of the good things that have happened to you?
Depends on what? Circumstances? If so, can you describe such circumstances or give us a good example?
Would it be evil to lie about hiding a Jew during the reign of Nazis? Is that enough of an example for you?
You've dug that whole deep enough that I have to worry about your oxygen supply. How are you feeling down there?
No, I have not dug my "whole" deep enough. I have peace through the storm. I don't believe you or FtFun do. I think you both are quite agitated over a good many things.
You misstate what he has said and then simply make up things he never voiced and THEN ask him if HE is stupid?
No, it's his refusal to admit religion serves a purpose no other agency can serve and that is the functional advantage and the reason for religion's continued existence that makes him look stupid. By refusing to acknowledge the functional advantage of religion, you both make a mockery of Darwinian evolution which is predicated on the continued existence of anything occurs for logical reasons.
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Taoism, in a practical sense.
I realize it became one, sort of, but I would not characterize Taoism as having begun as a religion. But a good point in any case. Grazzi.

In Taoism perspective, life after death refers to the belief that one will die and be reborn in another being based on their previous lives. This interpretation, he said, should encourage human beings to do good and benefit others because their virtues will spread positive energy.

I fully agree that we (the owners) were responsible for that dog being twice struck by cars. We walked him with a leash, but given his limited mobility, we used to let him out in the front yard with us, unleashed, while we did yard work. It was on such an occasion that he suffered his second accident. I was too young to have any recollection of his first. Mea culpa, mea culpa.
Good running from pillar to post trying to hide, honest, consistent and a proper Latin flavor to finish it off.
Nope you ran away because i wouldn't fall for your little tautology
Incorrect. You failed to engage because you had no answer that supported your worldview which was exactly what I was proving.
Like I said, when they become satisfied they forget God. Not everyone everywhere is in our situation. And even then it is a massive reservoir of belief. You'd like to believe its demise is imminent but that just isn't the case. Religion and faith in God will continue despite your wish otherwise.
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