Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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Where did the "golden rule" arise? Consider this carefully and you may find that what allowed you to live your life and try to be generally good without an overt belief in G-d carried with it the underlying essense of G-d. Before the bible the Golden Rule didn't exist. Humans were even more savage-like in actions until G-d first spoke to Mlses.
I'm afraid that is incorrect.

Here is the Golden Rule from about 2,000 BC in Egypt.

Because you do not like to listen and you do not like to think, I guess. The advantage of your belief: You are not responsible. For nothing. But is this true? ... hmmm ... If you are not able to make something wrong then you are also not free. ... Are you sure you understand in which world you are living?
Then what is it in the universe that tells him there must only be one god?
No arrogance involved. People of science explore the physical, and there are many things to explore: Sea, sky, micro-organism to get started. They are fascinated by the unknown and wish to make it known.

In the same way, people of faith are exploring the unknown so that the unknowable can become known.

If science is not arrogant, then neither is religion. Both are areas of exploration.
Once upon a time, "people of faith" assumed they were responsible for all of it. What happened to convince them otherwise?
If science is not arrogant, then neither is religion. Both are areas of exploration.
100% wrong of course.

Religion insists upon the truth of thingss with no evidence, based on imagined authority.

A perfect illustration of the height of of arrogance, and the opposite of science.
Your Diety is the God of Man Made Global Warming.
There are several of you here that have brought the Environmental Forum topics here. Why? And who might be the "God of Man Made Global Warming"?
You worship at His alter every day of you miserable Environmental Wacko life.
My life is not yet made miserable by AGW. My children's and their children's lives will. Do you ever work to better the lives of your descendants?
the revolutionaries certainly opposed the position of the clergy in french society.

as to actual religious "faith" the leading revolutionaries were free masons and diests (just as santa anna, bolivar, houston and the texas revolutionaries and our own founders.)
Deism and theism were far more popular, and christianity less so, prior to the mid 1800s. Many contemporary christians seem to believe the church they attend, the manner in which they worship and their dominance in western society has been the standard for the last 2,000 years. Unfortunately, that is simply not so.
Like a birthmark, joy is not a 'desire' but what is. It is either present or it is not. That's the difference between joy and happiness/gladness.
I don't understand what you are saying. I would say that both joy and happiness were internal sensations; experiences, that are very commonly desired.
the revolutionaries certainly opposed the position of the clergy in french society.

as to actual religious "faith" the leading revolutionaries were free masons and diests (just as santa anna, bolivar, houston and the texas revolutionaries and our own founders.)
The French clergy were as corrupt as corrupt could be. They could certainly be opposed without opposing religious belief.
I work with students, so I sometimes hear the depressed, "I'm so stupid." Or, in PE, "I'll never be able to do that." No one is ever happy at such times, but depressed, thankfully, usually passing when assured they can learn, they can improve. Religion is an area of knowledge, a practice geared toward improvement. Take away any area of knowledge or practice--and that includes religion--may result in depression.

Lack of religion is not the only lack that can cause societal depression, and everyone practicing a religion is not the cure-all, either. Depression often stems from feelings that something is lacking--and that "something" is not always religion. In some cases it may very well be, and let's not overlook those some.
Have you read James Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man", "Dubliners" or "Ulysses"? The Catholic Church, particularly of his period, created a large number of hugely depressed individuals with the fragility with which they credited the human soul. Kinsey found that the most promiscuous women were out of faith Catholics. The reason is the same. It was too easy to fail and too difficult to regain their god's graces. It was not "a practice geared towards improvement". It was a once-only test upon which rested their eternal existence.
I do not believe in the supernatural. I do accept mainstream science. They seem connected to me. Can I presume, then, that you believe in a divine, spotted Gila monster of some sort?

When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”

― G.K. Chesterton
There's a book on it. Maybe you should read it. Or have you been published on this subject?

Amazon product ASIN 1596983280
Yeah … “there’s a book on it.” :confused:

It is clear you are unwilling or unable to have this conversation.

Now I realize the “facts” you stated in your comment #779, which I explained were one-sided distortions of history … you actually copied word for word from the cover jacket of this same book!

God is big on lip service, but that's an entirely different thing from there being so many positive benefits of belief that non-belief is illogical. That's just an intelligence test. Who wouldn't choose peace and joy over suffering and misery?
Someone aware there's no such correlation.
I don't understand what you are saying. I would say that both joy and happiness were internal sensations; experiences, that are very commonly desired.
he may differentiate earthly happiness from the joy inherent with his personal relationship-?
I do not believe in the supernatural. I do accept mainstream science. They seem connected to me. Can I presume, then, that you believe in a divine, spotted Gila monster of some sort?
ya done it, crick, i need to be baptized in the sacred gila river myself. if the holy polka dotted lizard wills it, of course
It doesn't lead to criticizing the beliefs of others to validate ours.
You all could have easily fooled ME on that point. I have received an enormous amount of criticism for my beliefs; every single bit of which comes from self-described christians.
i think, earlier,

ya done it, crick, i need to be baptized in the sacred gila river myself. if the holy polka dotted lizard wills it, of course
He has to clear it with the FSM first. They've all got their territories.
Who, new avatar. Very mean looking.
Why would anyone care about your atheism?
I haven't a clue. But its a discussion board and this particular forum is on religion. Maybe they want to ask a question, like you.
What’s the point in sharing your basic disbelief?
To have a discussion, this being a discussion board and all.
Are you hoping to convert believers into becoming disbelievers?
That would be cool, wouldn't it. I haven't done that in years.
Why? What difference does it make in your life what other people believe?
I personally think the entire planet would be DRAMATICALLY better off if every single religion on the planet disappeared. And if everyone were to get a college education, the species might actually survive the next few years. What do YOU think?
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