Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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I will never understand why so many of the very superintellligentest atheists on our planet are not able to answer a very simple question. Why is something here? Why is not only nothing? Any idea about? Why follows this what is here a kind of system? Why this sytem - why not another one? Where from comes this? And so on and so on ... Simple questions ...
Both string theory and quantum theory give possible explanations for the Big Bang. What explanation does your religion provide that can be mathematically validated?
Do you have evidence of religion from 400,000 years ago? I believe there was a mother figure found not long ago that set a new record. Let's look.

This says the oldest carved figurine is 33-43,000 years old.

A wooden structure was recently found and there was reason to believe it was constructed by Neanderthals.
Some Evidence has been found from the Paleolithic. I doubt they found the very first example.

I'm of the school of thought that it is an artifact of our sentience.

So, when sentience emerged, that's when you would find people attributing agency to objects and special status to themselves.

And the emergence of human sentience is when human history really starts.

So, 50,000 years or 400,000: it goes back to the beginning. All of human history.
What signs or signals should I have caught that might have lured me back to my childhood faith?
You judged God because your dog got himself blinded by not paying attention to the road, and God did not intervene the breach of a law of nature by upending the laws of velocity, impact, and pain caused by the doggie's experience. You, on the other hand, endeared yourself to the dog, which likely gave the poor little fella a lot of joy that you cared for him. God didn't stop the dog from appreciating your acts of love and kindness you gave, even if it was out of pity. Your protective instinct is the proof that God gave the klutzy pup a reason to be cheerful. For the dog, you made his life a better place out of your love. All God did was to let the experience give the dog all he wanted to have--your love, your pity, your caring, and your protection. God let you be the good guy. Can't you see the good that you did for your fuzzy friend? The experience turned you into that canine's hero, and he needed one. You did a good job, and so did God because he knew ahead of time that precious canine would soon be friended, loved, comforted, and the dog would never forget to love you for the rest of his life. You won the heart of what has long been known as man's best friend. You got to be his best friend. Lucky you! Even I thank God for your kindness to a poor little fella who wasn't paying attention to reality. There's more, but you're a smart guy. You'll figure it all out some day. :huddle:
I clearly remember our past exchanges and I see that you do as well. What an extraordinary human being you've turned out to be. Extraordinary...
I'm pretty sure I have addressed this before but....

Evolution and God are not mutually exclusive. Evolution is anything which moves from a lower state to a higher state; a less advanced state to a more advanced state; a less complex state to a more complex state. There have been 5 stages of evolution of space and time; cosmic evolution, stellar evolution, chemical evolution, biological evolution and evolution of consciousness.

In his book, "The Phenomenon of Man" Pierre Teilhard de Chardin describes evolution as a process that leads to increasing complexity, culminating in a Christ consciousness. He limited his observations to biological evolution but the same observation can be made about all stages of the evolution of space and time. The complexification of matter increased until it naturally and logically made the leap to the next stage. The last and final stage of evolution of space and time is consciousness. So it seems logical that consciousness would also increase in complexity until it to made the leap to the next stage which Chardin describes as Christ consciousness.
  1. The universe began as a soup of subatomic particles and radiation and naturally and logically complexified into hydrogen and helium. This is what is called the cosmic stage of the evolution of space and time.
  2. Hydrogen and helium then naturally and logically complexified into structures like stars and galaxies. This is what is called the stellar stage of the evolution of space and time.
  3. From the life cycle of galaxies and stars all of the other elements and compounds were naturally and logically formed. This is what is called the chemical stage of the evolution of space and time.
  4. As chemical evolution naturally and logically complexified the leap to biological life was made. This is what is called the biological stage of the evolution of space and time.
  5. As life logically and naturally evolved and complexified the leap to consciousness was made. This is what is called the conscious stage of of the evolution of space and time.
So we can see that each successive stage of the evolution of space and time complexified until it made the leap to the next stage. And it did so naturally and logically. So Chardin's assumption that consciousness will make the leap to a Christ consciousness is logical because it presumes that consciousness will evolve and complexify and make the leap to the next level because every other stage of the evolution of space and time did so too before it.

Does that answer your question? And BTW... this is an example of explaining what something is as opposed to criticizing it. I create. You tear down because you do not possess the intellectual capacity to explain what something is. Primarily because atheism does not require any intellect whatsoever.
Complexified? How does that jibe with the second law of thermodynamics?
I know for a fact you have never read the Bible.
Then you know wrong. I did read it but it was a long time ago and was not what you'd call an in-depth study.
As if you did you would know for a book written over 2,000 years ago
The OT is that old, but the NT is not.
and for telling the future or predicted, mumbo jumbo or whatever else you want to call it and gets it right every time
It most assuredly does not get it right every time. Most predictions are so shrouded in gobbledygook as to be completely indeciperhable.
how can you not believe in a supreme being.
Quite easily. You should try it sometime. You'd be amazed at the way everything just falls into place.
At least Under Dog or one of the other superheros.
I do know Underdog and I do not go to bed without putting a MilkBone-Softie-Superhero-Bone-Cookie under my pillow every night for him to snack on when he flies by to make certain we are all safe from evil-doers everywhere. ; - )
To paraphrase Nietzsche, there isn't enough love going around to waste any on an imaginary being.
Did you see his line about thoughts of suicide getting many a young man through a rough night?
To Crack Crock Cuckoo

Have you sorted out your age yet?
Remember you told us you were 53 but claim to have been an Atheist for 60 years .
We all want to know how you did that ?

Even more amazing than your normal strange scribble .
Remember the adviso about posting content pertinent to a thread and a forum?
What's nonsense which members of the religion atheism - the most murderous religion which ever had existed - propagate by excluding themselves.
Can you explain why you think atheism is a murderous belief?
That fact that you do not believe in the Christian God is a decision only you can make.
Of course. But I can base that decision on things I learn from others.
You might consider Pascal’s wager.
I have. I don't think much of it. No self respecting deity would be fooled by or accept such a devotee. Besides, the costs during ones life of a truly devout weltsicht are much higher today than during Pascal's time.
Interesting. I enjoy studying many different religions/ beliefs including atheists sometimes. I enjoy talking to atheists getting their point of view as well as members of other religions. My favorite class in college was religious studies. I know some atheists who believe in some supreme being or supreme force or energy force, but not God. Some forms of Satanism are atheists, I use to belong many years ago to a Satanist club and it really was just an atheist organization. Now though I go to church and am a Christian. I guess we all do full circles of beliefs. I also have flirted with Buddhism and Hinduism. I also took an oath on the Quaran in front of witnesses, but I wouldn't consider myself a Muslim.... more of a Gnostic Christian I am. I have flirted with Judaism and Taoism too. I believe you can be a mix of all religions including atheism if you wish if you want be a part of all of them and just can't pick one religion to be a part of, for me it is easier that way. Religion is so fun to participate in...I enjoy being members of each one sometimes including Atheist organizations sometimes... but I still would consider myself a Christian. I also studied Scientology too, found that interesting as well as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Even though I would call myself a Christian... I do enjoy many works by athiests and I have had many athiest friends/ family members in my life. I loved Richard Dawkins books and his film "The God Delusion". He made a lot of sense and I agree with much of what Hawkins said, nonetheless I prefer enjoying myself in the many religions I enjoy practicing and studying.
Thanks. I hope your life stays as interesting as it seems to have been up till now. Be careful you don't let C'thulhu run into a Dionysian E. Musk. It could be the end of capitalism.
Who, new avatar. Very mean looking.

I haven't a clue. But its a discussion board and this particular forum is on religion. Maybe they want to ask a question, like you.

To have a discussion, this being a discussion board and all.

That would be cool, wouldn't it. I haven't done that in years.

I personally think the entire planet would be DRAMATICALLY better off if every single religion on the planet disappeared. And if everyone were to get a college education, the species might actually survive the next few years. What do YOU think?
I don’t think so. You’re merely sharing your personal lack of belief. That doesn’t invite a discussion.

I don’t buy that you care what I do or don’t believe. And I suspect that most people don’t care what you do or don’t believe.
You denigrate mine far, far more often than I make any comment about yours.
That’s not at all true. I haven’t made any designating comments about your lack of belief. Why lie?
==>Simple. If you still love and care about yourself and show mercy to someone or living things(such as your dog), you yourself are just like God. No need to worship him. :)
Well, that's good to know. Do I still have to get sick and die?

God's characteristics

According to the Bible and Christianity, God is often described with various characteristics:

1. Omnipotent and Omniscient: God is all-powerful and all-knowing. He has unlimited power and knowledge.
That could be fun. I'd win Wordle every day.
2. Loving and Merciful: God is depicted as a loving and compassionate being, showing mercy and forgiveness to humanity.
Except for that jerk across the street with his loud music.
3. Just and Righteous: God is fair and just in His actions and judgments. He rewards righteousness and punishes evil.
Like that guy across the street.
4. Eternal and Immutable: God has no beginning or end; He is eternal. His character and nature do not change.
Does that mean I can send the Jehovah's Witnesses packing?
5. Holy: God is morally perfect and separate from all sin and impurity.
Except for his frequent sex, right?
6. Creator: God is the creator of the universe and everything in it.
So finding a pair of pants that fit is a SNAP!
7. Father and Sustainer: God is portrayed as a Father figure who provides, protects, and sustains His creation.
Well... two kids was plenty. I can visit grandkids once in a while..
8. Faithful: God is faithful and keeps His promises.
He promises to party like its 1984.
9. Personal: While God is transcendent and beyond human comprehension, He is also portrayed as a personal God who desires a relationship with humanity.
Particularly the young sunbather up three doors on the right. We could do some mutual transcending.
These are just a few of >MY FAVORITE THINGS< the characteristics attributed to God in Christianity. It is important to note that different denominations within Christianity might have slightly different interpretations, but these are common themes across most Christian beliefs.

So I could have fixed my dog myself? Or never let him step in front of those cars? Or stop my brother from committing suicide or my friend's death of COVID or watch my mother starve from cancer or see a newborn infant die of its skin cracking and bleeding or see an internet video this very morning of a bald eagle bringing a cat to feed to its eaglets? Could I have stopped all of that? The world is filled with such massive amounts of the most awful tragedies and horrors imaginable - and many beyond that - how the F can anyone believe there is a caring, omnipotent deity out there and what the F do they actually think it is DOING for us?
I don’t think so. You’re merely sharing your personal lack of belief. That doesn’t invite a discussion.

I don’t buy that you care what I do or don’t believe. And I suspect that most people don’t care what you do or don’t believe.
No one is forcing you to post here dude. And you must realize how much I treasure any opportunity to put up my sig.
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No one is forcing you to post here dude.
I don’t recall ever suggesting otherwise. And, your comment is beside the point, dud.

I’m still wondering why so many of you atheists imagine anybody needs to hear how you don’t believe in God.
I don’t recall ever suggesting otherwise. And, your comment is beside the point, dud.

I’m still wondering why so many of you atheists imagine anybody needs to hear how you don’t believe in God.
Then you have the imagination of an amoeba, given the countless threads just on this board that bait atheists.

Fact is, you just reflexively vomit stupid shit, because you're an angry moron.
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