Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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Then you have the imagination of an amoeba, given the countless threads just on this board that bait atheists.

Fact is, you just reflexively vomit stupid shit, because you're an angry moron.
Hey fuckface: crick said I had done so not that others had done so. Your ability to focus is non existent.

And i didn’t say any stupid shit. You are too stupid to realize that you simply read your own post.
That’s not at all true. I haven’t made any designating comments about your lack of belief. Why lie?
Designating comments? Did you mean DENIGRATING comments like these?

Why is it so important to libtard atheists to denigrate the beliefs of others?

Why would they give a fuck if a person happens to believe in God or in miracles?

Does it impact their shallow lives?
I don’t think so. You’re merely sharing your personal lack of belief. That doesn’t invite a discussion.

I don’t buy that you care what I do or don’t believe. And I suspect that most people don’t care what you do or don’t believe.
I don’t recall ever suggesting otherwise. And, your comment is beside the point, dud.

I’m still wondering why so many of you atheists imagine anybody needs to hear how you don’t believe in God.
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Yeah … “there’s a book on it.” :confused:

It is clear you are unwilling or unable to have this conversation.

Now I realize the “facts” you stated in your comment #779, which I explained were one-sided distortions of history … you actually copied word for word from the cover jacket of this same book!

Can you name another institution that has done more to shape Western Civilization than the HRCC?

Or provide a published source that disputes my published source. Or better yet any published source which supports any of your silly off handed dismissal of facts that were PUBLISHED.
Someone aware there's no such correlation.
Incorrect. Thankful people are naturally more successful than thankless people. Humble people are naturally more successful than arrogant people. Accountable people are naturally more successful than people who point fingers at others. Forgiving people are naturally more successful than people who hold grudges.
You all could have easily fooled ME on that point. I have received an enormous amount of criticism for my beliefs; every single bit of which comes from self-described christians.
Not from me you haven't. I can't speak for others. Nor am I responsible for them. Personally I couldn't care less what you believe. Or don't believe. That's between you and God.
I appreciate the thought, but I believe my acceptance of science and the scientific method is the antithesis of faith. Science relies on evidence. Faith is belief lacking evidence. "Seek not to your own understanding...".

I suppose faith can mean many things. Perhaps it is a subtle knowledge of evidence that we just don't fully understand as of yet. After all can we really say that we fully understand ourselves?

Scientific method;
Always on the lookout for the next bit of new knowledge. That can't be a bad thing....not at all.
Complexified? How does that jibe with the second law of thermodynamics?
There are no perfect thermodynamic processes in any matter to energy or energy to matter conversion. So usable energy was lost along the way as a cost of creating order from disorder.
I'm of the school of thought that it is an artifact of our sentience.

So, when sentience emerged, that's when you would find people attributing agency to objects and special status to themselves.
This seems a particularly good reference for the subject to me.
Of course. But I can base that decision on things I learn from others.

I have. I don't think much of it. No self respecting deity would be fooled by or accept such a devotee. Besides, the costs during ones life of a truly devout weltsicht are much higher today than during Pascal's time.
It is your choice to make.

I feel being a Christian really helped me make it through some bad times. It has been a positive influence and a guide in my life.
Then what is it in the universe that tells him there must only be one god?

He? ... one moment ... I do not know now what you speak about when you say "him". But natural science for example "thinks" there is only one truth in the universe. So the creation of god and god have perhaps a common element in all forms of serios beliefs and plausible thoughts - without any guarantee always only to be right. Every way is step by step.

Here by the way the last favorite song from the atheist Stephen Hawking a short time before he died - whose atheism I always respected because he had a reason to be angry with the universe and its creation. Nevertheless I heard Stephen Hawking enjoyed life.

PS: This song is a prayer - and I am very sure Stephen Hawking knew this. He was no idiot. For me is the idea very comforting that he may rest now in the arms of god as a completely healed human being in an everlasting life in heaven. And if my belief is wrong so what? I will never find this out. On the other side: I only know that I do not know this. Indeed it is nearly unimaginable for me atheism could be the right form of belief because I am not able to believe this whole gigantic universe full of wonders is without any sense. A universe without the wonder of love and life is not my universe.
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Can you explain why you think atheism is a murderous belief?

This I did not say. I said the most murderous religion of the world had been atheistic. Examples: In the worst day - from my point of view the worst day - of the French revolution had been murdered - ah sorry: "executed" - more people than had been executed in more than 500 years from the Catholic church when she had also been in government integration. And the French revolution murdered a long time and this was only the worst day. Or take the Commies as an example. It is said in worst case scenarios that Mao murdered 100 million Chinese of all religions and Stalin murderered 20 million Russians. The Nazis murdered also millions including 6 million Jews - whose abysmally malignant mysticisms had been "pagan" and "scientific" but were indeed only atheistic and totally stupid (on a very high level of stupidity).
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