"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Yeah, Obama had eight years to stockpile refresh and replenish our stockpile of PPE.

Did he? Well? DID HE?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: No.

Obama had a hard time getting the Republican Congress to authorize basic expenses...

Obama doesn't authorize funds, Congress does.
That’s absurd Joe. Ears doubled the national debt in just eight years, but you think Rs prevented him from spending. LMFAO.

Joe when will you ever learn? Ds and Rs are damn near identical twins.
Then again, I am observant enough to know how Lincoln was treated while he was running for/became president, excluding the part where he was assassinated.

You know, because there was a time when he was alive.

Trump is a master of overstatement, that doesn't mean he's wrong.

Um, half the country tried to leave because Lincoln merely got elected. He was attacked in the press constantly, and, oh, yeah, some Racist nutter shot him.

Despite that, he got us through a Civil War, preserved the union, and ended slavery.

Trump has played America on Easy Mode for three years, pretty much disgraced the office, managed to get impeached and utterly failed in the face of a national crisis.

But it's always about him, not the 70,000 dead, 1 million sick and 30 million unemployed.
Dishonest Abe was our worst potus. It’s too bad he didn’t meet his demise before he committed treason and caused 850000 deaths and destruction of half the nation.

Donnie’s really bad, but nowhere near as bad as Dishonest Abe.
That's a cop out. Stop making predictions. Stop speculating. You are not patient enough to let history play out, let alone predict its outcome.

Actually, it was easy to predict Trump's failure based on his past record.

This is a guy who lost money running casinos! Seriously, how can you be THAT incompetent?

So, you think he could do in two months what Obama didn't do in 8 years? Congratulations, you are irrational.

He's had 3 1/2 years to restock the supplies. He just didn't bother to do it.
They always said Lincoln. Nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.

I will disagree with the president on the assertion that he was "treated worse than Lincoln." Lincoln was assassinated because he had the audacity to abolish slavery. Lincoln died for what he did.

Trump suffers from a biased press. He has protection. There are no real threats to his life.

However, there are some people, like you, who would wish Trump death simply because he tears apart your simple-minded ideal liberal world day by day.

Trump should temper his words. Agreed. But you should refrain from looking for every flaw or weakness the man has to make him look unappealing. You are nothing more than a petty partisan, not an objective source of information.

And this is where we roll out the endless evidence of GOP doing what exactly did during the Obama Presidency.

But look at Fox News they give him wall to wall fawning coverage. These are the people who have a fit over a tan suit and a type of mustard.

The problem is Trump makes a lot of mistakes and those mistakes are costly in terms of lives and money. He also resists debate and transparency.
Just look at his latest accusations against China, the press has a duty to ask for the source of the information. He has refused, the press gets skeptical when a president does that Obama or Trump...

The press asks him questions in the last few weeks and he looses his temper... That is not the press reporting it, it is happening on TV...

By the way, Trump has said he has done a perfect job or a splendid job on the COVID response. In comparison every European Leader has stated they could have done better, actually I would say even the leader of democracies in the world says they could have done better.
Trump is the only one saying he was perfect. This is after having 27% of the world deaths while having only 5% of the worlds population and having weeks more to prepare. But by saying it was perfect he is also saying it can't be improved. To improve something you have to identify failures and fix them.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

Well, yes. But they expect to be allowed to do their shit, and not get called on it.

THey still haven't adjusted to the fact that Trump doesn't just stand there and let them take all the free shots they want, like all the other stupid republicans did.

THey are the worst sort of cowardly bullies, willing to dish it out, but whining like little girls, if someone gives it back.
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Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
By the media.. get it right
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
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They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.
Yeah we did because that moron while patting himself on the back is responsible for 1000,s of needless deaths for lack of acting quickly and in the american peoples best interests
You're a liar if you believe that. He was moving to protect the US while the left were still trying to impeach him.
You're just a kiss ass republican Trump does NOTHING unless it benefits himself and in this case his election chances Now the POS sees 100000 americans dying??WTF happened to the 15 and the magic he bullshitted about?
Um... yeah, if China "lied", then why did Trump praise them for their cooperation and transparency?

Curious, what would you have done in his place Joe? You specifically.

You have one of two choices: speak ill of them, and cause all diplomatic ties with China to deteriorate


Speak positively, and maintain diplomatic ties with them.

Why would Trump want to exacerbate an already tense situation with China by badmouthing them on the world stage? What point would there be in that?

You would have done nothing Joe. NOTHING.
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THey still haven't adjusted to the fact that Trump doesn't just stand there and let them take all the free shots they want, like all the other stupid republicans did.
He's the prez, not the star of a TV show. He or his surrogates have an obligation to answer questions from the media.

Look, think of it this way. What happens to people under his control who say or do things, by virtue of doing their jobs, that make him look bad? Like the people who testified during the House impeachment inquiry. Or the IG's he just fired. Or the woman from HHS who issued a critical report. He metaphorically sends them to Siberia.

But he can't control the questions the press asks, the ones that embarrass him. That expose his idiocy and incompetence. So he either refuses to answer questions (no more daily press briefings) or he characterizes the questions as unfair. They aren't unfair. They just make him uncomfortable because they are hard to answer. Tough shit. It comes with the job. Especially when you are so bad at your job.
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
But it's always about him, not the 70,000 dead, 1 million sick and 30 million unemployed.

Nope. It's about every way you can find to bring about his downfall. Hey, playing video games all day beats being a bitter old man like you. By leaps and bounds.

If you were truly concerned about the human cost of this crisis, you wouldn't be trying to use it as a weapon against your political opponents.

Check your heart at the door. If you have one.
He's had 3 1/2 years to restock the supplies. He just didn't bother to do it.

Once again, Obama had eight. Sorry you can't handle the fact that your guy airmailed a shot from the free-throw line. That would have been an easy pickup for the Democrats in the coming election "at least Obama had the foresight to restock the PPE stockpile".

Thing is, he didn't. He failed. He failed in just as much fashion as you claim Trump has.
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