"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day?
It doesn't. Why is it good for the country to have an incompetent prez who lies all the time? There is no greater source of falsehoods than Trump himself.

"All of the things we’ve done, and yet we have a very hostile press," he said.

He has it in his head he's been a great prez. He thinks erroneous notions about "the things we've done" afford him some sort of pass for being held responsible for failure. News flash. He is a deplorable man who has brought great harm to this country. It's not the media's fault that he is too small a man to accept he is accountable for his disastrous decisions.
Americans arent divided, they're just disgusted by these partisan poopheads on both sides, in the media and Washington.
To improve something you have to identify failures and fix them.

Of course, when you have the opportunity and the power to do so. Obama had the power. He didn't use it. He didn't replenish the stockpile nor did he feel compelled to identify any weaknesses in our testing system. He had a pandemic strike in his presidency, he learned nothing from it.
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Actually, it was easy to predict Trump's failure based on his past record.

This is a guy who lost money running casinos! Seriously, how can you be THAT incompetent?

You already had your mind made up Joe. There was no prediction to it.

You're such a terrible liar.
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day?
It doesn't. Why is it good for the country to have an incompetent prez who lies all the time? There is no greater source of falsehoods than Trump himself.

"All of the things we’ve done, and yet we have a very hostile press," he said.

He has it in his head he's been a great prez. He thinks erroneous notions about "the things we've done" afford him some sort of pass for being held responsible for failure. News flash. He is a deplorable man who has brought great harm to this country. It's not the media's fault that he is too small a man to accept he is accountable for his disastrous decisions.
I been around for many years, and know history, there has never been a better president and I’m a democrat
The press asks him questions in the last few weeks and he looses his temper... That is not the press reporting it, it is happening on TV...

Hmm, you must think the press is honest, without blemish, and sacrosanct. You seem to be convinced that every question the press asks Trump has productive intent behind it.

Do you really think that?
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They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
He has been treated worse than any other President by the media.

The media run fake news stories and lie about him 24/7.
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
Those are the kinds of horseshit false equivalencies that drive me crazy.

No amount of media bias or occasional inaccurate reporting ever..........ever excuses the POTUS for being a pathological liar.
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Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
Your premise is wrong. Penetrating questions that try to hold the prez responsible for his many failures are not stupid. They are the media's raison d'etre.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

Well, yes. But they expect to be allowed to do their shit, and not get called on it.

THey still haven't adjusted to the fact that Trump doesn't just stand there and let them take all the free shots they want, like all the other stupid republicans did.

THey are the worst sort of cowardly bullies, willing to dish it out, but whining like little girls, if someone gives it back.

It's really hard to adjust to a President of the United States who is so childish, thin skinned, and ignorant that lashes out at the slightest criticism or question. But mostly it's the lies. The never-ending stream of bullshit coming from the Presidents mouth.

People are dying by the tens of thousands and people are getting pissed about the President tweeting, watching TV, and attacking the press while tens of thousands of Americans die. In the simplest possible terms, it's unseemly. The nation is going through hell, and Trump acts like he's the one who is being endangered.

The President's primary responsibility is to keep the American people safe from all enemies, foreign and domestic. When more Americans are dying in this pandemic than any other nation in the world, when the virus is being allowed to rage unabated, with no leadership or direction, Trump has failed utterly to discharge the primary duty of his office.

More Americans have died because of the failure of this President to act in a timely way, than under any peacetime President in the history of the nation. And with the entire country sitting at home watching TV, Americans are seeing how horribly incompetent and corrupt the piece of shit living in the White House really is.

Trump has failed utterly and his behaviour is a reflection of his flailing, incompetent and dangerous response to the crisis. Watching the President rip a reporter for asking what Trump would say to Americans who are at home and frightened was jaw dropping.

Stand there and take it. It expect the President to show empathy and respect for the Americans who have died. Instead he send condolences by way of reading a stilted statement with no emotion, and then getting all excited by how poorly the economy is doing.

Trump is having a nervous breakdown on national television, and for the sake of Americans who continue to die by the thousands every single day, this Presidency needs to end. There will be 70,000 dead Americans by this time tomorrow. Nearly a million more are sick, and those who are sick and tested positive dying at the rate of 28%, you're looking a more than a quarter of million more deaths before the end of May. And that's if no one else gets sick.
Your premise is wrong. Penetrating questions that try to hold the prez responsible for his many failures are not stupid. They are the media's raison d'etre.


The media's raison d'etre these days is perpetrating a political agenda, not propagating useful information like you seemingly think they do.
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
For are the kinds of horseshit false equivalencies that drive me crazy.

No amount of media bias or occasional inaccurate reporting ever..........ever excuses the POTUS for being a pathological liar.
I made no excuses for dumb Don’s constant lying. I did the same with your Messiah’s constant lying, which you conveniently ignored or commended.

Now...who’s the smart one in this debate? LOL.
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
It's really hard to adjust to a President of the United States who is so childish, thin skinned, and ignorant that lashes out at the slightest criticism or question. But mostly it's the lies. The never-ending stream of bullshit coming from the Presidents mouth.

You could just simply exercise some self-restraint and ignore it. Why do you insist on causing yourself such mental anguish when there are ways to escape it? Hmm?

Or are you a glutton for punishment?
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.

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