"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
Your premise is wrong. Penetrating questions that try to hold the prez responsible for his many failures are not stupid. They are the media's raison d'etre.
That would be the equivalent of asking Barack Obama every day why so many black people are getting shot in his home town. Should Obama have to step down? These are stupid questions full of hate, and America sees it. It’s why I left the democrat party . The party of failure and hate
The media's raison d'etre these days is perpetrating a political agenda, not propagating useful information like you seemingly think they do.
Give me an example of a question you think was "horrendous or biased."
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown, And he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying?and he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying? These are the type of stupid questions Democrats ask, gotcha, your just not smart enough to see it I understand
That would be the equivalent of asking Barack Obama every day why so many black people are getting shot in his home town.
So you are in the camp that doesn't think Trump should be held accountable for what he says and does?
Donald Trump is just a pathetic sample of a weak emotionally disturbed individual. He will never ever come even close to the honor and respect that is given to Abraham Lincoln by Americans. Donald Trump will be despised and mocked for generations of Americans to come. Future Americans will feel shame whenever his name is mentioned. Pissing on his grave will be on the future Americans bucket list.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown
If Obama had made a policy decision that directly lead to the deaths of thousands of black people in his hometown asking him to defend the decision would be fair game.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown
If Obama had made a policy decision that directly lead to the deaths of thousands of black people in his hometown asking him to defend the decision would be fair game.
Trump is responsible for NYC Taking 6 months to clean public trains? Lol
Or are you saying trump should be a dictator you claim you don’t want him to be? Get your insane stories right
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.

The problem is you people are insane assholes.
Trump is responsible for NYC Taking 6 months to clean public trains?
He is responsible for his failure to prepare the nation for the outbreak and his failure to act appropriately after the outbreak occurred. Just as NYC officials are responsible for their failures.
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown, And he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying?and he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying? These are the type of stupid questions Democrats ask, gotcha, your just not smart enough to see it I understand
Stop watching Fox News and listening to right wing radio. Your IQ will magically increase and Lord knows you need it.
Give me an example of a question you think was "horrendous or biased."

You seriously will regret asking me such an easy question.

Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown, And he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying?and he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying? These are the type of stupid questions Democrats ask, gotcha, your just not smart enough to see it I understand
How about Trump repeatedly claiming he stopped travel from China to America for stopping the spread of COVID-19? He continues telling the lie even after endless exposures of his lie. Chances are you believe his lie and will defend his lie endlessly.
He is in the SANE world. And he’s doing the best job any president has done and I’m a democrat
If that's true, which I doubt, then you are a brainwashed Dem.
How? He’s doing an incredible job, and you attack him instead of encouraging him , your hater of America, Americans come together, they don’t conceptualize incredibly divisive questions. Like I said America sees it, the walk away movement is huge in the millions.
Trump is responsible for NYC Taking 6 months to clean public trains?
He is responsible for his failure to prepare the nation for the outbreak and his failure to act appropriately after the outbreak occurred. Just as NYC officials are responsible for their failures.
Prepare? He shut down travel from China before any deaths, he took over ppe after they weren’t helping Americans first, I’m proud he didn’t become a dictator. We are supposed to be at 200,000 deaths 3 weeks ago... your math is off
THey still haven't adjusted to the fact that Trump doesn't just stand there and let them take all the free shots they want, like all the other stupid republicans did.
He's the prez, not the star of a TV show. He or his surrogates have an obligation to answer questions from the media.

Look, think of it this way. What happens to people under his control who say or do things, by virtue of doing their jobs, that make him look bad? Like the people who testified during the House impeachment inquiry. Or the IG's he just fired. Or the woman from HHS who issued a critical report. He metaphorically sends them to Siberia.

But he can't control the questions the press asks, the ones that embarrass him. That expose his idiocy and incompetence. So he either refuses to answer questions (no more daily press briefings) or he characterizes the questions as unfair. They aren't unfair. They just make him uncomfortable because they are hard to answer. Tough shit. It comes with the job. Especially when you are so bad at your job.

And if you can find an actual media, that asks actual questions, yes he should answer them.

BUt the partisan hack political operatives you have now? FUCK THEM.
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown, And he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying?and he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying? These are the type of stupid questions Democrats ask, gotcha, your just not smart enough to see it I understand
How about Trump repeatedly claiming he stopped travel from China to America for stopping the spread of COVID-19? He continues telling the lie even after endless exposures of his lie. Chances are you believe his lie and will defend his lie endlessly.
It did stop it from China.. you just twist his words because you are probably in a insane asylum lol TRUMP 2020 and I’m a democrat
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

Well, yes. But they expect to be allowed to do their shit, and not get called on it.

THey still haven't adjusted to the fact that Trump doesn't just stand there and let them take all the free shots they want, like all the other stupid republicans did.

THey are the worst sort of cowardly bullies, willing to dish it out, but whining like little girls, if someone gives it back.

It's really hard to adjust to a President of the United States who is so childish, thin skinned, and ignorant that lashes out at the slightest criticism or question. But mostly it's the lies. The never-ending stream of bullshit coming from the Presidents mouth.

That is on you.

Trump is basically governing on Patrick Buchanan's policies. Buchanan was a dignified and blah, blah, blah, like you claim to want.

And you people called him racist and destroyed him in short order. He did not know how, to respond effectively to your attack.

But the working class whites that those policies were crafted to appeal to, the people that are the backbone of this country, that built this country, there were still there, and still ignored.

Until Trump filled that vacuum.

YOu had your chance to have this discussion with a more standard politician. You choose to just shout him down.

Now you can have it with Trump instead. That was YOUR choice.

You realize, that that bloc of working class whites, will still be there when Trump is gone? You keep ignoring them, the next time will be even worse.

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