"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown, And he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying?and he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying? These are the type of stupid questions Democrats ask, gotcha, your just not smart enough to see it I understand
Stop watching Fox News and listening to right wing radio. Your IQ will magically increase and Lord knows you need it.
Me? Lol you just said the response was bad, governor Newsom and Governor Como both praise Donald Trump for his reaction time. I think you need some help
You seriously will regret asking me such an easy question.
Let me repeat, give me an example of a question you think was horrendous or biased. I don't give a shit about your worthless article based on people's jaded perceptions.
Trump is basically governing on Patrick Buchanan's policies. Buchanan was a dignified and blah, blah, blah, like you claim to want.
Dignified? He was a xenophobic bigot just like Trump.
Pity Me Donnie said..........."They come at me with questions that are disgraceful, to be honest. Disgraceful," he continued. "Their manner of presentation and their words — I feel if I was kind to them, I’d be walked off the stage. I mean, they come at you with the most horrible, horrendous, biased questions."

Can a Trumplehead actually give me an example?

Perhaps the problem lies with a deluded buffoon who sees the questions as horrendous because he thinks his admin has done a great job dealing with the virus while at the same time doesn't feel he is responsible for the horrendous failure.
Why is it good for the National media to produce fake news 24 hours a day? To help the dnc? It’s only hurting your guys. Look at the elections
Trump lies and so does the MSM. Maybe we should just ignore them both. I do and think it might extend my life expectancy.
If you were asked 1,000 stupid questions a day I’m sure you would lie a few times lol wake up idiot
You’d never say that about a D potus. Stop being a partisan doofus.
For would If the media was republican,, wake up .. are brain dead? The media is 99% crazy left wing asking questions about Kung flu. Or if the president is responsible for the deaths, or use joe Bidens sexual assaults to question him about his past. Embarrassing
Please doofus stop. You are ignoring dumb Don’s lying. Stop being dumb.
So if Barack Obama was asked is he gonna stop all the black murders in his hometown, And he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying?and he was asked that 24 hours a day and he said he would and a black person was killed is that him lying? These are the type of stupid questions Democrats ask, gotcha, your just not smart enough to see it I understand
How about Trump repeatedly claiming he stopped travel from China to America for stopping the spread of COVID-19? He continues telling the lie even after endless exposures of his lie. Chances are you believe his lie and will defend his lie endlessly.
It did stop it from China.. you just twist his words because you are probably in a insane asylum lol TRUMP 2020 and I’m a democrat
Which words am I "twisting"?
You seriously will regret asking me such an easy question.
Let me repeat, give me an example of a question you think was horrendous or biased. I don't give a shit about your worthless article based on people's jaded perceptions.
Seriously? More people have died of corona then Vietnam should you be allowed to run for president again? Kung flu, the drug you promoted A few people died of cardiac arrest should you renounce the drug? ( even though all the patients already had a tube down the throat dying of corona)

You all are embarrassing
Trump is basically governing on Patrick Buchanan's policies. Buchanan was a dignified and blah, blah, blah, like you claim to want.
Dignified? He was a xenophobic bigot just like Trump.

I made a point about you fucktards shouting down a serious and dignified politicians with name calling and you call him some names.

You are just the type of fucktard I was talking about.
Trump is basically governing on Patrick Buchanan's policies. Buchanan was a dignified and blah, blah, blah, like you claim to want.
Dignified? He was a xenophobic bigot just like Trump.
He is? Any evidence?

And once again, the fucktards take a thread and turn it into a discussion of how racist are republicans.

It is a good trick. It works. It creates, though constant repetition, (see Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion) the illusion that it must be true, because there is so much talk about it.

The only downside(s) is that the people doing the trick, ie the libs, have to be completely vile lying pieces of shit, and not care that it is tearing this country apart and ruining quite a number of innocent people's lives.

Of course, as liberals, that is a plus for them, because they are soulless assholes.
I made a point about you fucktards shouting down a serious and dignified politicians with name calling and you call him some names.
Accurately describing his policies is not name calling.
imagine where we would be if we had a real president instead of someone who just plays one on TV
And once again, the fucktards take a thread and turn it into a discussion of how racist are republicans.
A thorough examination of Buchanan's own words and policies he advocated for reveal he was a neo-fascist xenophobe. I realize you don't want to be confronted with the truth, just don't blame me when you are.
I made a point about you fucktards shouting down a serious and dignified politicians with name calling and you call him some names.
Accurately describing his policies is not name calling.

You fucktards shouted down a Presidential Candidate who wanted to address certain problems, that you fuctards did not want to see addressed.

SO you called him names, and shouted him down.

But the problems were still there, hurting people. So when Trump came alone, and spoke out for us, we listened.

And you tried to do the same thing, shout him down by calling him names.

But, with Trump, it did not work.

And that is why you fucktards are so hysterical.
Tea bagger trumpoholics are tearing this country apart. Lincoln has been rated for generations as one of America's greatest Presidents but look a the disrespect he is shown here on USMB.
He shut down travel from China before any deaths
It amazes me that you folks continue to hang your hats on what ultimately was a completely ineffectual action that was incompetently executed.
There is unequivocal evidence Trump had ample warning and should have done much more much earlier.
Did Obama have evidence 20 blacks could be shot in Chicago a week after a mass shooting? This happened week after week and did nothing , you said nothing,, this is a pandemic, He called him xenophobic and racist for shutting down travel you people are in the same get some help
The IMPOTUS could have stockpiled PPE.

It was Obama's responsibility to replenish the stockpile after depleting it.

Go on, make more stupid assertions.

And, as the new person in charge - it was Trump's responsibility to make sure it was up to par when he took office.

As a comparison - if I am hired as a manager by an emergency response unit, and after 3 years, have never made sure all our supplies were adequately stocked, and we had an emergency and discovered - oh crap - we don't have enough stuff....do you think my boss is going to listen to me say "but but that was the responsibility of the guy before me, he was supposed to leave it stocked" - no, he is going to fire my ass. Because as the new guy - it's my responsibility too.
Trump isn't the manager of an emergency response unit, dumbass. If that was his only job, you might have a legitimate complaint. However, no president has ever had to deal with what Trump has had to deal with. Your complaint would comply equally to Obama, but none of you morons ever attacked him for doing exactly the same thing. That right there shows your craven hypocrisy.
And once again, the fucktards take a thread and turn it into a discussion of how racist are republicans.
A thorough examination of Buchanan's own words and policies he advocated for reveal he was a neo-fascist xenophobe. I realize you don't want to be confronted with the truth, just don't blame me when you are.

A thorough examination of Buchanan's own words and polices reveal that he was a nationalists who wanted American government policies designed to serve American interests.

All your name calling is just you, on some level, knowing that you cannot defend your policies based on their merits, so you have to shout down people by calling them names.

Which is what you did with Buchanan, and tried to do with Trump.

So, fuck you.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.

This persecution complex trump has is out of control.

His paranoia is out of control.

Everyone is mean to him. Everyone is out to get him. He whines and cries while Americans die by the tens of thousands. While Americans are lined up at food banks and as much as 20% unemployment.

Here's a thought, maybe the press wouldn't print the ugly truth about him if he started acting like a mature adult.

trump is his own worst enemy.

And they have gotten only worse.
.Noyes’ MRC study also indicated that 59 percent of impeachment coverage has been based on anonymous sources. Impeachment coverage has been 95 percent negative, while news of withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria was 98 percent negative, according to the study.
I made a point about you fucktards shouting down a serious and dignified politicians with name calling and you call him some names.
Accurately describing his policies is not name calling.

You fucktards shouted down a Presidential Candidate who wanted to address certain problems, that you fuctards did not want to see addressed.

SO you called him names, and shouted him down.

But the problems were still there, hurting people. So when Trump came alone, and spoke out for us, we listened.

And you tried to do the same thing, shout him down by calling him names.

But, with Trump, it did not work.

And that is why you fucktards are so hysterical.
Liar in Chief incestuous baby whiner orange blob pathetic little hands narcissist egomaniac delusional corrupt fucktard bone spurs coward Donald rRump is never called names he doesn't deserve.

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