"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.
You know Don lies. Good for you.

Now let’s see if you are unbiased. Did O lie regularly and often?

I know your answer , but I love exposing the ignorance of partisans.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Pyetro, excerpted from your provided link, "President Trump on Sunday complained that he has been treated worse by the media than any previous president, including Abraham Lincoln.

Trump defended his frequent clashes with the press during a Fox News virtual town hall after a woman thanked him for his work and then asked why he avoids directly answering reporters' questions during coronavirus press briefings and instead opts to "speak of past successes and generally ramble."

"I am greeted with a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen," Trump said, sitting in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial. "The closest would be that gentleman right up there. They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."

Despite President Donald Trump’s high opinion of his own attributes, most Americans do not consider him to be the equal of Abraham Lincoln. Respectfully, Supposn
So, I make a point that you fucktards like to turn ever thread into a discussion of your accusations against your enemies, as a propaganda tool,
You brought Buchanan in to the conversation, calling him dignified. There is very little ambiguity about his positions. Calling Pat dignified is like calling Trump honest.

Correct. I made a point about Buchanan and how your side, shouted him down by calling him names.

YOur response was to call him names.

IN doing that, you demonstrated my point.

THank you.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
I would say until someone shoots him in the back of the head he hasn't been treated as badly as Lincoln.
Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.
You and other snowflakes are just butt-hurt that intelligent, educated people called you on your bullshit regurgitation / parroting of Democrat / fake news talking points.

Snowflakes attacked Trump for allowing people from China to come to the US after his travel ban was imposed ..... because you were either unwilling or too duped to know the people coming to the US were UNITED STATES CITIZENS.

'You' snowflakes like to tell / spread / parrot half-truths to attack the President...then get triggered when you appropriately get called on it.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
We should have a childs advocate present when ever Trump interacts witht he public to make it fair.
I would say until someone shoots him in the back of the head he hasn't been treated as badly as Lincoln.

Lincoln was attacked and mortally wounded by John Wilkes Booth....thank goodness the Democratic party's surrogate propaganda-pushing fake news organizations are lousy 'shots' and only fire 'duds'.

When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.
You know Don lies. Good for you.

Now let’s see if you are unbiased. Did O lie regularly and often?

I know your answer , but I love exposing the ignorance of partisans.
No, Obama did not lie regularly and often when compared to Trump's average of seven lies per day every day of his Presidency for a total of over 18,000 and still counting. Anyhow, Obama is no longer our President. You will always be hopelessly addicted to "what aboutism".
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.
You know Don lies. Good for you.

Now let’s see if you are unbiased. Did O lie regularly and often?

I know your answer , but I love exposing the ignorance of partisans.
No, Obama did not lie regularly and often when compared to Trump's average of seven lies per day every day of his Presidency for a total of over 18,000 and still counting. Anyhow, Obama is no longer our President. You will always be hopelessly addicted to "what aboutism".
Obama was asked soft ball questions.. get real buddy.. America is moving forward
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Pyetro, excerpted from your provided link, "President Trump on Sunday complained that he has been treated worse by the media than any previous president, including Abraham Lincoln.

Trump defended his frequent clashes with the press during a Fox News virtual town hall after a woman thanked him for his work and then asked why he avoids directly answering reporters' questions during coronavirus press briefings and instead opts to "speak of past successes and generally ramble."

"I am greeted with a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen," Trump said, sitting in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial. "The closest would be that gentleman right up there. They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."

Despite President Donald Trump’s high opinion of his own attributes, most Americans do not consider him to be the equal of Abraham Lincoln. Respectfully, Supposn


Of course, making a claim of "worse treatment" does not claim or even imply, a claim of being "Lincoln's equal".

THat was a very dishonest strawman you put forth there.

The fact that you felt a need to lie like that, demonstrates that you fear the validity of his point, being seriously looked at.
When Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg in 1863 he delivered a monumental speech for the ages aimed at uniting and healing a torn nation; when Donald Trump spoke at Gettysburg in 2016, he threatened to sue the many women who had accused him of sexual misconduct for defamation.

He never did sue any of those women. We all know why.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?
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YOur response was to call him names.
Again, accurately describing his policies isn't name calling.

Your name calling is name calling. Your name calling proves my point. YOu had a chance to debate these issues with a man that was willing to debate them in a serious and dignified manner, and you choose to shout him down by calling him "wacist" as though you were a pack of retarded children.

YOu have demonstrated, right here, why we can't talk to you. Because when people try to have serious discussions with you, you react like an ill mannered, retarded child.

Trump filled that vacuum. YOu don't like it?

Build a time machine, go back and slap past you in the face.
YOur response was to call him names.
Again, accurately describing his policies isn't name calling.

Your name calling is name calling. Your name calling proves my point. YOu had a chance to debate these issues with a man that was willing to debate them in a serious and dignified manner, and you choose to shout him down by calling him "wacist" as though you were a pack of retarded children.

YOu have demonstrated, right here, why we can't talk to you. Because when people try to have serious discussions with you, you react like an ill mannered, retarded child.

Trump filled that vacuum. YOu don't like it?

Build a time machine, go back and slap past you in the face.
Sounds like you are running away with your tail between your legs.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.

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