"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
He's just a whiny little bitch. So mistreated, so sad!
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
He's just a whiny little bitch. So mistreated, so sad!
Leftwingers will never admit to their crimes.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

Well, yes. But they expect to be allowed to do their shit, and not get called on it.

THey still haven't adjusted to the fact that Trump doesn't just stand there and let them take all the free shots they want, like all the other stupid republicans did.

THey are the worst sort of cowardly bullies, willing to dish it out, but whining like little girls, if someone gives it back.

It's really hard to adjust to a President of the United States who is so childish, thin skinned, and ignorant that lashes out at the slightest criticism or question. But mostly it's the lies. The never-ending stream of bullshit coming from the Presidents mouth.

That is on you.

Trump is basically governing on Patrick Buchanan's policies. Buchanan was a dignified and blah, blah, blah, like you claim to want.

And you people called him racist and destroyed him in short order. He did not know how, to respond effectively to your attack.

But the working class whites that those policies were crafted to appeal to, the people that are the backbone of this country, that built this country, there were still there, and still ignored.

Until Trump filled that vacuum.

YOu had your chance to have this discussion with a more standard politician. You choose to just shout him down.

Now you can have it with Trump instead. That was YOUR choice.

You realize, that that bloc of working class whites, will still be there when Trump is gone? You keep ignoring them, the next time will be even worse.

Your entire post is bullshit. It indicates a support for Trump’s racism, misogyny and xenophobia that does not exist

Trump was elected because he promised to help working people succeed. They’re sick of politicians who give tax breaks to the wealthy and nothing for them. Trump promised to help them. HE LIED.

Worse, the very people he promised to help, are the people who are dying in this pandemic: working Americans.

He promised to save lives. Then he gave up, walked away,and left it up to the states.

This virus kills old white men. Trump’s base. 80% of Americans think Trump is lying to them about the virus And that Trump cares more about the economy than he does the people.

Trump should be arrested and jailed for criminal negligence causing death for his role in all of this.

Trump will end his life as a pariah shunned by all. He’s killing the people. He’s destroyed the American economy. Why would anyone vote for four more yearsof this chaos and disaster.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

View attachment 331754
And they have gotten only worse.
.Noyes’ MRC study also indicated that 59 percent of impeachment coverage has been based on anonymous sources. Impeachment coverage has been 95 percent negative, while news of withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria was 98 percent negative, according to the study.
malignant tumors also get bad press.
For bri
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is mischaracterizing Joe Biden's position on the U.S. pandemic response, stretching the facts on his own policies in the crisis and playing down the risk to meatpacking employees who are being called to work as infections run high.

Trump capped the weekend by taking questions from Fox News anchors and viewers in an open-air evening session Sunday against the backdrop of the Lincoln Memorial. Over the previous week, Trump persisted in bragging about U.S. coronavirus testing despite the country's weak record on that front.

His comments were among many that fell short of reality in the past week as federal social distancing guidelines expired and some states took steps to reopen businesses. The nation’s death toll continues to climb.

Trump’s newest spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany, held the first White House briefing by a press secretary in over a year, pledging she will “never lie to you, you have my word on that.” She then spread several misstatements.

Trump and his veterans affairs secretary, meanwhile, exaggerated progress in the testing of front-line health workers during the pandemic. Trump has repeatedly insisted that anyone who needs a test can get one, but that’s not what the VA says about its employees.

A review:


TRUMP, claiming Biden called his travel restrictions on China xenophobic: “Biden has written a letter of apology.” ... “He actually apologized (and said) I made the right move.” — Fox News, Sunday night.

THE FACTS: There's no such letter in sight. Moreover, Biden supported Trump’s restrictions on travel from China — yes, essentially calling them the right move.

Trump's Democratic presidential rival has accused him of having a record of xenophobia but not explicitly in the context of the president’s decision to limit travel from China during the pandemic. Trump took to calling the virus the “China virus” and the “foreign virus” at one point, prompting Biden to urge the country not to take a turn toward xenophobia or racism in the pandemic.



TRUMP, on his emergency order to reopen meat plants after many closed because workers were sickened by COVID-19. “I think it’s all working out. ... Those people are tending to get better quickly.” — Fox News, Sunday night.

THE FACTS: He offered no support for the contention that workforces at meat plants are rapidly returning to health.

In a report Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said more than 4,900 workers at meat and poultry processing facilities have been diagnosed with the coronavirus, 20 of whom have died.

The illnesses occurred among 130,000 workers at 115 facilities in 19 states, according to the CDC. Some states didn’t provide data, so the actual count is believed to be higher.

The CDC said plant workers may be at risk for a number of reasons, such as difficulties with physical distancing and hygiene and crowded living and transportation conditions. The researchers suggested that disinfection be enhanced and that workers get regular screening for the virus, more space from co-workers and training materials in their native languages.

When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?
Cnn even called that fake news.. where you been? Debunked
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

Your depiction of what happened is pure horseshit. However, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a moron about it. You are immune to facts and logic.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

Your depiction of what happened is pure horseshit. However, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a moron about it. You are immune to facts and logic.


Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who can't find one person not chanting anti-Semitic slurs during that march. I even posted a link to a video of the entire march.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

Your depiction of what happened is pure horseshit. However, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a moron about it. You are immune to facts and logic.


Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who can't find one person not chanting anti-Semitic slurs during that march. I even posted a link to a video of the entire march.

Sorry, turd, but I'm not playing your game. I never said I was going to produce a list of such people. The march of one group was not the entire event. However, the racists seem to have co-opted the event and took it over.

Whatever the case, we're done.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

Your depiction of what happened is pure horseshit. However, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a moron about it. You are immune to facts and logic.


Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who can't find one person not chanting anti-Semitic slurs during that march. I even posted a link to a video of the entire march.

Sorry, turd, but I'm not playing your game. I never said I was going to produce a list of such people. The march of one group was not the entire event. However, the racists seem to have co-opted the event and took it over.

Whatever the case, we're done.


Fucking moron, the racists did not "co-opt" that event. It was their event.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?





When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

Your depiction of what happened is pure horseshit. However, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a moron about it. You are immune to facts and logic.


Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who can't find one person not chanting anti-Semitic slurs during that march. I even posted a link to a video of the entire march.

Sorry, turd, but I'm not playing your game. I never said I was going to produce a list of such people. The march of one group was not the entire event. However, the racists seem to have co-opted the event and took it over.

Whatever the case, we're done.


Fucking moron, the racists did not "co-opt" that event. It was their event.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?






I'm done arguing with you about it, moron.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.




Wrong, asshole. It was simply a protest against taking down some statues where some racists showed up.

Repeating your rant 1000 times won't make it true.
Fucking moron, which of those Unit the Right posters leaves you so retarded? Was it this one...?


That proves some racists attended the rally. It doesn't prove all the people who attended the rally were racists. How stupid do you have to be not to get that?
Fucking moron, which ones were not chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

The ones who aren't in the video, moron.


So at a racist rally, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, attended by racists -- you claim there were non-racists who hid from the camera? That's your exuse for why you can't find a single non-racist there, fucking moron?

And why would any non-racists [unwittingly] join a racist rally and continue to support such a rally by folks brandishing swastikas while chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us?"

Your depiction of what happened is pure horseshit. However, I'm not going to waste my time arguing with a moron about it. You are immune to facts and logic.


Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who can't find one person not chanting anti-Semitic slurs during that march. I even posted a link to a video of the entire march.

Sorry, turd, but I'm not playing your game. I never said I was going to produce a list of such people. The march of one group was not the entire event. However, the racists seem to have co-opted the event and took it over.

Whatever the case, we're done.


Fucking moron, the racists did not "co-opt" that event. It was their event.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?






I'm done arguing with you about it, moron.


Fucking moron, you're not capable of arguing. That's why you run. Like your idiocy that racists "co-opted" their own racist rally.


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