"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Indeed. All the deranged Trumpsters coming to his defense. Honestly. Treated worse than Lincoln? SERIOUSLY? And then attacking Bush when Bush suggested we come together as a nation over the virus?

Then again, I am observant enough to know how Lincoln was treated while he was running for/became president, excluding the part where he was assassinated.

You know, because there was a time when he was alive.

Trump is a master of overstatement, that doesn't mean he's wrong.

There is a HUGE difference between Lincoln and Trump on many levels. Lincoln was highly controversial, journalism was blazing yellow, but unlike Trump I don't think Lincoln relentlessly and obsessively attacked the media or frankly lied in the daily, hourly way Trump does. Trump might be badly treated but unlike others he contributes to it because he is so thin skinned he can't let it go like his predecessors did.

And to reply to your post as a whole...

Do you honestly believe the liberal press always tells the truth about Trump? Always?
Nope. Nor have I ever claimed that. The liberal press is no more/no less honest than the conservative press. They might not outright lie but they may have bias, or not present the entire story. They may also get it absolutely right. There is still a lot of good investigative journalism.

Are you saying Trump does not contribute to the problems he has with the press?

Are you (and I don't mean this in a derogatory way), gullible enough to believe everything they say?

Again. No. But it isn't hard to be a critical thinker, to look for agendas, to also utilize a wide variety of media and to recognize sources that are not very reputable.

Or are you simply to biased against him to know when they are telling outright lies about the President?

What outright lies? Are you saying every negative thing they say about the president is an outright lie?

There are many many examples of the president lies - relentlessly and easily proved. Reporting on that is not lying.
Was there supposed be a post here?

Your reply: "What outright lies? Are you saying every negative thing they say about the president is an outright lie?"

Some of them are, most of them aren't. Will you acknowledge that the press is capable of dishonest reporting?

Your reply: "There are many many examples of the president lies - relentlessly and easily proved. Reporting on that is not lying."

And you are replying to an assertion I never made. Stop trying to read my mind, please.

There is a difference between reporting and lying. Reporting what you see and hear, exactly as you see and hear it, is not lying. Intentionally misconstruing and distorting what you see and hear to fit a narrative IS.
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The poor slob is comforting his ego by dreaming that in 50 years the history books will say he was a spectacular President.

And somehow you are convinced you are a clairvoyant.

Now you're saying the president is an egotist?

Your display of arrogance indicates that is not true.
No one has to be clairvoyant to guess how history is going to view a President with HIS record. Of course he's an egotist. WTF have you been for the past three years? I am displaying a fairly good memory, nothing more. You can try to shame me for speaking up, but it's not working. I'm not some Pentacostal Good Wife you can order around.
No one has to be clairvoyant to guess how history is going to view a President with HIS record
That's a cop out. Stop making predictions. Stop speculating. You are not patient enough to let history play out, let alone predict its outcome.

Of course he's an egotist. WTF have you been for the past three years?

I have been residing in reality, of which you have swiftly disabused yourself of. I know he's an egotist, but in some ways, you are being just as egotistical as he is.

I am displaying a fairly good memory, nothing more.

I disagree. I would equate it more with arrogance and presumptuousness than anything else.

You can try to shame me for speaking up, but it's not working.

I never said you couldn't. But you are not immune to being called on the facts. The facts disagreeing with you does not constitute an effort on my part to silence your opinion.

I'm not some Pentacostal Good Wife you can order around.

No, you are simply wrong. Nothing more, nothing less. You are an arrogant and presumptuous person who is convinced her opinion is the only correct one.

I treat everyone fairly when they are right about something, and when they are wrong, like you. Men and women alike.

Your attempt to paint me as a misogynist has failed. Please, continue with your self-projection, however.
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They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Does he know that Lincoln was assassinated?
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Other than not being assassinated he isn't far off. And the timing of his assessment is irrelevant.
WE're talking about the way the press treats him. John Wilkes Booth was not a member of the press.
No shit Sherlock lol. Did you try comprehending what I wrote or just go straight to the knee-jerk auto response button?
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Other than not being assassinated he isn't far off. And the timing of his assessment is irrelevant.
WE're talking about the way the press treats him. John Wilkes Booth was not a member of the press.
No shit Sherlock lol. Did you try comprehending what I wrote or just go straight to the knee-jerk auto response button?

Be sure you are replying to pyetro , and not bripat9643
No one has to be clairvoyant to guess how history is going to view a President with HIS record
That's a cop out. Stop making predictions. Stop speculating. You are not patient enough to let history play out, let alone predict it's outcome.

Of course he's an egotist. WTF have you been for the past three years?

I have been residing in reality, of which you have swiftly disabused yourself of. I know he's an egotist, but in some ways, you are being just as egotistical as he is.

I am displaying a fairly good memory, nothing more.

I disagree. I would equate it with arrogance and presumptuousness, to be honest.

You can try to shame me for speaking up, but it's not working.

I never said you couldn't. But you are not immune to being called on the facts. The facts disagreeing with you does not constitute an effort on my part to silence your opinion.

I'm not some Pentacostal Good Wife you can order around.

No, you are simply wrong. Nothing more, nothing less. You are an arrogant and presumptuous person who is convinced her opinion is the only correct one.

I treat everyone fairly when they are right about something, and when they are wrong, like you. Men and women alike.

Your attempt to paint me as a misogynist has failed. Please, continue with your self-projection, however.
You haven't offered any facts to contradict me.
You are an arrogant and presumptuous person, too, then, since you think YOUR opinion is the only correct one.
You're a freaking idiot whose self projections are clogging up this thread.
The topic is how Trump is viewed and will be viewed in 50 years. Try remarking on that instead of a diatribe about ME, you presumptuous ass.
You haven't offered any facts to contradict me.

Actually, I have. If you had bothered to read any of my posts in this thread.

The topic is how Trump is viewed and will be viewed in 50 years. Try remarking on that instead of a diatribe about ME, you presumptuous ass.

Uh no, this topic is seemingly about how YOU will view him in 50 years. No. It's just about you.

I did remark on it by the way. By disagreeing with him.

You are an arrogant and presumptuous person, too, then, since you think YOUR opinion is the only correct one.

Where did I say that? Can you point out where I said such a thing in this thread? Or anywhere on this board for that matter?

You're a freaking idiot whose self projections are clogging up this thread.

If those were self projections, I clearly would be a flaming liberal, immune to facts and reality, like you.

Clearly, from my posts here, I am nothing of the sort.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

Jesus dude, trump always makes everything about him.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Trump has been relentlessly attacked by the Democrat/Press hate machine worse than anyone who I can remember

You must have a very short memory.

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