"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

"Fifty years after his death they said it may have been the greatest speech ever made in America," Trump continued. "I have a feeling that's going to happen with us. In different ways, that's going to happen with us."
I'm actually embarrassed for him. This is so pathetic. The poor slob is comforting his ego by dreaming that in 50 years the history books will say he was a spectacular President. He has been very tough on immigration in every possible way. His foreign relations accomplishments have been a tariff war with China and making buddies with a North Korean fanatic dictator which bore no fruit in negotiations. He was IMPEACHED for that little stunt in Ukraine. He closed his eyes and hoped Covid would go away and our country has been harder hit than any other country (that we know of). Forget his chronic misinformation to the public and his unPresidential language and tweets, forget "grab 'em by the pussy" and Stormy Daniels and the long line of women who have accused him of sexual harassment or worse.

Yeah, they're gonna build a memorial to him, probably.
I could explain why everything you claimed is a lie, but you aren't worth the trouble. Everyone already knows that everything you spew in here is bullshit.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.
Quite so. The left has talked about nothing else.
Criticize Trump and his base accuses you of being a Trump hater. Well, yeah. Lots to criticize and hate about him there. He came to the white house knowing nothing about government and how things work. That's fine because he's been a private citizen, not a politician. But then he never made any attempt to learn anything from day one. Hits the couch and the burgers while tweeting insults and nonsense hundreds of times a day to the whole world, as well as spending untold ours on the golf course. The guy's lazy and arrogant. Why repeat all his failures including this pandemic that he didn't believe was a big deal right up till? Probably till now even. He bitches about being impeached, which he called a hoax. If it was a hoax then why weren't witnesses allowed? If he had nothing to hide then he should have said 'bring it on' just like the macho guy this punk ass spoiled brat pretends to be.
Sooo, where was Pelosi and Chuck .. how did they prepare for the corona virus..

... and Blue State governors (what, over 70% of the deaths on their doorsteps)

Democrats .. free riders on responsibility, they only bring the whine.. the path of the coward..

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Criticize Trump and his base accuses you of being a Trump hater. Well, yeah. Lots to criticize there. He came to the white house knowing nothing about government and how things work. That's fine because he's been a private citizen, not a politician. But then he never made any attempt to learn anything from day one. Hits the couch and the burgers while tweeting insults and nonsense thousands of times a day to the whole world, as well as spending untold ours on the golf course. The guy's lazy and arrogant. Why repeat all his failures including this pandemic that he didn't believe was a big deal right up till? Probably till now even. He bitches about being impeached which he called a hoax. If it was a hoax then why weren't witnesses allowed? If he had nothing to hide then he should have said 'bring it on' just like the macho guy this punk ass spoiled brat pretends to be.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Other than not being assassinated he isn't far off. And the timing of his assessment is irrelevant.
His character is assassinated every day
As it was before he became president as it will be after he's gone Well deserved
If Obama had replenished PPE in 2009 it would now be out of date, especially as the IMPOTUS wouldn't have attended to it.

Curious, the purposes the PPE served in 2009 would have served the same purpose in 2020. 2009 Face shields would still work in 2020, same with caps, and gowns. Depending on how well they were preserved between then and now, the efficacy would not change.
Republican/rightwing press hate machine

You mean just Fox News? He had a whole battery of news organizations and press outlets coming to his defense, in lieu of acknowledging any truth that might be told about him.

No, not just Fox News. We have gone well beyond the days of main stream news outlets and cable - news is now blogs, internet, FB and countless other sources. That pick up and spread each others fare. Trump has never had his citizenship questioned, his patriotism, his loyalty to America, his stated religion, his school records, his birth certificate. Pretty damn major things.
Except for the citizenship issue, he has experienced all of that. He has been attacked for many other things. The media has called him a traitor too many times to count.

It's hilarious watching you weep for the president that got his ass kissed more than any president in history.

Really? They've called Trump a Muslim? They've claimed his school records are sealed and he's hiding something? That we don't know anything about him? That he has brought in the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House? That he wasn't born where he said?

I missed all that.
The press never called Obama a Muslim, dingbat. You're confusin what USMB forum members say with what the press says.

Obama's school records are sealed. He's obviously hiding something. Otherwise, why are they sealed? There's an awful lot that we don't know about Obama.

As for the Muslim brotherhood, he did support them in their takeover of the government of Egypt.

Well yes, they did - Fox & Friends, Gretchen Carlson - said his middle name implied he was a Muslim.

They aren't sealed. That's what is so stupid about the claim. There is no such thing as "sealed" school records. ALL school records are confidential. They are not released on demand - whether your are Barak Obama or Donald Trump. The only one's who can request them are the students themselves.

And no...he did not support the Muslim Brotherhood takeover - he supported the will of the Egyptian people in the electoral process.
"Fifty years after his death they said it may have been the greatest speech ever made in America," Trump continued. "I have a feeling that's going to happen with us. In different ways, that's going to happen with us."
I'm actually embarrassed for him. This is so pathetic. The poor slob is comforting his ego by dreaming that in 50 years the history books will say he was a spectacular President. He has been very tough on immigration in every possible way. His foreign relations accomplishments have been a tariff war with China and making buddies with a North Korean fanatic dictator which bore no fruit in negotiations. He was IMPEACHED for that little stunt in Ukraine. He closed his eyes and hoped Covid would go away and our country has been harder hit than any other country (that we know of). Forget his chronic misinformation to the public and his unPresidential language and tweets, forget "grab 'em by the pussy" and Stormy Daniels and the long line of women who have accused him of sexual harassment or worse.

Yeah, they're gonna build a memorial to him, probably.
I could explain why everything you claimed is a lie, but you aren't worth the trouble. Everyone already knows that everything you spew in here is bullshit.
Same to you, buddy.

None of what I said is a lie OR bullshit, and the reason you aren't going to argue it is because all you have is excuses devised by the Trump Propaganda Machine to twist the facts.
And, as the new person in charge - it was Trump's responsibility to make sure it was up to par when he took office.

Obama was president for 8 years thereafter, he had plenty of opportunities to replenish the stockpile. But he didn't. Suddenly you foist this responsibility on Trump?

What was that I said about 'duplicitous standards'?

Here is Exhibit A
Republican/rightwing press hate machine

You mean just Fox News? He had a whole battery of news organizations and press outlets coming to his defense, in lieu of acknowledging any truth that might be told about him.

No, not just Fox News. We have gone well beyond the days of main stream news outlets and cable - news is now blogs, internet, FB and countless other sources. That pick up and spread each others fare. Trump has never had his citizenship questioned, his patriotism, his loyalty to America, his stated religion, his school records, his birth certificate. Pretty damn major things.
Except for the citizenship issue, he has experienced all of that. He has been attacked for many other things. The media has called him a traitor too many times to count.

It's hilarious watching you weep for the president that got his ass kissed more than any president in history.

Really? They've called Trump a Muslim? They've claimed his school records are sealed and he's hiding something? That we don't know anything about him? That he has brought in the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House? That he wasn't born where he said?

I missed all that.
The press never called Obama a Muslim, dingbat. You're confusin what USMB forum members say with what the press says.

Obama's school records are sealed. He's obviously hiding something. Otherwise, why are they sealed? There's an awful lot that we don't know about Obama.

As for the Muslim brotherhood, he did support them in their takeover of the government of Egypt.

Well yes, they did - Fox & Friends, Gretchen Carlson - said his middle name implied he was a Muslim.

They aren't sealed. That's what is so stupid about the claim. There is no such thing as "sealed" school records. ALL school records are confidential. They are not released on demand - whether your are Barak Obama or Donald Trump. The only one's who can request them are the students themselves.

And no...he did not support the Muslim Brotherhood takeover - he supported the will of the Egyptian people in the electoral process.
he supported the Muslim brotherhood. Otherwise, he would have helped Mubarak stay in power. he is the one responsible for the whole "Arab Spring" in the first place.
Indeed. All the deranged Trumpsters coming to his defense. Honestly. Treated worse than Lincoln? SERIOUSLY? And then attacking Bush when Bush suggested we come together as a nation over the virus?

Then again, I am observant enough to know how Lincoln was treated while he was running for/became president, excluding the part where he was assassinated.

You know, because there was a time when he was alive.

Trump is a master of overstatement, that doesn't mean he's wrong.

There is a HUGE difference between Lincoln and Trump on many levels. Lincoln was highly controversial, journalism was blazing yellow, but unlike Trump I don't think Lincoln relentlessly and obsessively attacked the media or frankly lied in the daily, hourly way Trump does. Trump might be badly treated but unlike others he contributes to it because he is so thin skinned he can't let it go like his predecessors did.

And to reply to your post as a whole...

Do you honestly believe the liberal press always tells the truth about Trump? Always?
Nope. Nor have I ever claimed that. The liberal press is no more/no less honest than the conservative press. They might not outright lie but they may have bias, or not present the entire story. They may also get it absolutely right. There is still a lot of good investigative journalism.

Are you saying Trump does not contribute to the problems he has with the press?

Are you (and I don't mean this in a derogatory way), gullible enough to believe everything they say?

Again. No. But it isn't hard to be a critical thinker, to look for agendas, to also utilize a wide variety of media and to recognize sources that are not very reputable.

Or are you simply to biased against him to know when they are telling outright lies about the President?

What outright lies? Are you saying every negative thing they say about the president is an outright lie?

There are many many examples of the president lies - relentlessly and easily proved. Reporting on that is not lying.
And, as the new person in charge - it was Trump's responsibility to make sure it was up to par when he took office.

Obama was president for 8 years thereafter, he had plenty of opportunities to replenish the stockpile. But he didn't. Suddenly you foist this responsibility on Trump?

What was that I said about 'duplicitous standards'?

Here is Exhibit A
If it wasn't for double standards, Democrats wouldn't have any standards at all. They are even proud of the fact that they are hypocrites.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Nope. I watched it. Not at all how it played out, Pinocchio

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