"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Yep. every Republican president gets treated worse than the last. I couldn't imagine them going lower than they did with Bush, but they out did themselves with Trump
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.
No, they are based on the "hate Trump all the time" DNC narrative.
What? I could have sworn they asked questions based on the IMPOTUS's previous assertions about COVID-19.
You're suffering from brain damage.
I'm so pleased he's your leader and not mine. The blessing of merciful gods.

You're crying over that tub of lard getting exactly what she asked for?

She asked the IMPOTUS about his own words. He threw a tantrum.
If Trump didn't lie so much and unfairly attack everyone who criticizes him he would get far less bad press. The press has an obligarion to report when he lies. Period. The press has an obligarion to report when he attacks his critics. Period. Trump is suggesting it's unfair for news organizations to report the news.
All the so-called "journalists" he has attacked have deserved it, in spades.
Your opinion, but free speech, and free press allow those he attacks to respond and defend themselves. The problem is Trump and his supporters like you can't handle reality and it's making Trump and trumpoholics meltdown and whine. Honeymoon is over dick breath.
You're the one who is whining about Trump's attacks on the press, so who can't handle it?I'm simply pointing out that they got what they dished out.
What Trump and you do is whining. What I do is called bitch-slapping.
"Whining" is the label turds like you apply to criticism you have no defense for.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
God, you are stupid.

In the middle of a pandemic, YOU, and the LEFT made it about Trump.

Trump Defense Syndrome activated.
Or more like TCM (trumpanzee panic mode)
No, they are based on the "hate Trump all the time" DNC narrative.
What? I could have sworn they asked questions based on the IMPOTUS's previous assertions about COVID-19.
You're suffering from brain damage.
I'm so pleased he's your leader and not mine. The blessing of merciful gods.

You're crying over that tub of lard getting exactly what she asked for?

She asked the IMPOTUS about his own words. He threw a tantrum.

You and she have been crying ever since.
Jesus. Reading deplorables defend the IMPOTUS is like watching a car crash COVID-19 briefing in that reality is treated as an abstract notion.

There would be car crashes if we weren't on constant lockdown like we are now. Right now, the streets are empty, vacuous, as is your head.
The car crashes moved from the streets to the podium. Rather you than me.​
A toddler threw a self-pitying tantrum on live television on Monday night. Unfortunately he was 73 years old, wearing a long red tie and running the world’s most powerful country.
Republican/rightwing press hate machine

You mean just Fox News? He had a whole battery of news organizations and press outlets coming to his defense, in lieu of acknowledging any truth that might be told about him.

No, not just Fox News. We have gone well beyond the days of main stream news outlets and cable - news is now blogs, internet, FB and countless other sources. That pick up and spread each others fare. Trump has never had his citizenship questioned, his patriotism, his loyalty to America, his stated religion, his school records, his birth certificate. Pretty damn major things.
Except for the citizenship issue, he has experienced all of that. He has been attacked for many other things. The media has called him a traitor too many times to count.

It's hilarious watching you weep for the president that got his ass kissed more than any president in history.

Really? They've called Trump a Muslim? They've claimed his school records are sealed and he's hiding something? That we don't know anything about him? That he has brought in the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House? That he wasn't born where he said?

I missed all that.
The press never called Obama a Muslim, dingbat. You're confusin what USMB forum members say with what the press says.

Obama's school records are sealed. He's obviously hiding something. Otherwise, why are they sealed? There's an awful lot that we don't know about Obama.

As for the Muslim brotherhood, he did support them in their takeover of the government of Egypt.
Obama hiding ?? Trump didn't hide all those subpoened in his impeachment ? Didn't lie and hide his taxes ,and where's his college grades ? He'll sue if they're shown He was a pos in school and still is
Jesus. Reading deplorables defend the IMPOTUS is like watching a car crash COVID-19 briefing in that reality is treated as an abstract notion.

There would be car crashes if we weren't on constant lockdown like we are now. Right now, the streets are empty, vacuous, as is your head.
The car crashes moved from the streets to the podium. Rather you than me.​
A toddler threw a self-pitying tantrum on live television on Monday night. Unfortunately he was 73 years old, wearing a long red tie and running the world’s most powerful country.
The Gaurdian? Why don't you just quote The Daily Worker?
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Other than not being assassinated he isn't far off. And the timing of his assessment is irrelevant.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Trump has been relentlessly attacked by the Democrat/Press hate machine worse than anyone who I can remember

Obama was attacked by the Republican/rightwing press hate machine relentlessly. Birthers. Remember them? I could go on but you wouldn't see it.

So in other words, FoxNews was the only news network that didn't suck his dick nightly and moan quietly as they swallowed Obama's jizz.

Yea that's the same as what Trump is having to put up with. Yea.
They always said Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."
In the middle of a pandemic, Donald Trump makes it at all about himself again.
Other than not being assassinated he isn't far off. And the timing of his assessment is irrelevant.
WE're talking about the way the press treats him. John Wilkes Booth was not a member of the press.
You and she have been crying ever since.
Along with everyone else not a deplorable, we've been laughing. Deplorables are furious with the ship pile the IMPOTUS has handed them.
A toddler threw a self-pitying tantrum on live television on Monday night. Unfortunately he was 73 years old, wearing a long red tie and running the world’s most powerful country.
Lincoln was highly controversial, journalism was blazing yellow

And according to you, so is Trump. Also if you do historical and comparative analysis about press treatment of a sitting president during a time of crisis, one can just as easily assert the press was just as yellow now as it was in Lincoln's time.

I don't think so - at least not the main stream serious news in print, television, cable. There are standards and contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, getting something wrong isn't the same as lying. But when news sources start to focus on sensationalism, using extreme red-flag language, portraying things in extreme evil or heroic terms - that would be the same as yellow journalism. I think that is what we call tabloids today.

but unlike Trump I don't think Lincoln relentlessly and obsessively attacked the media or frankly lied in the daily, hourly way Trump does.
Unlike Trump, Lincoln, as did the rest of 1860's America did not have the luxury of social media. Lincoln was prosecuting a civil war, Trump is directing a response to a health crisis. Lincoln could not reach his constituents the way Trump can now.

Very true. However, I would not say the two (civil war and health crisis) are truly comparable and I do not see anything I have read in Lincoln's personality or behavior that would suggest he would behave like Trump. Much of Trump's media problem is Trump relentlessly shooting himself in the foot or obsessively tweeting and then complaining when the media jumps on it.

More importantly, news travels almost real-time now, which was not the case in Lincoln's time.

The comparison you make is flawed, just as much so as the comparison Trump made about "being treated worse than Lincoln."

The president's fault is not being concise. Yours is not being honest in your comparisons.

I think I am being more honest then you in comparisons between a president like Lincoln and a president like Trump, and I think you are being dishonest in labeling Trump's messaging as simply not being "concise". He is constantly contradicting himself, his staffers, reversing course, and blatant lying and frankly "concise" doesn't begin to cover that.

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