"I've been treated worse than Lincoln", Trump said today

Given the misinformation, outright lies and overall bad behavior coming from Trump, the press has treated him mildly
No other president has gotten away with as much
He knows that if they get in the mud with him, he'll win. He has no bottom, no ugliness that is TOO ugly. They know it too.

So that's what we have: A President who rolls around in the mud, and a press that can only look at the spectacle in disgust.
Given the misinformation, outright lies and overall bad behavior coming from Trump, the press has treated him mildly

No other president has gotten away with as much
I think Dubya might have done worse, his wars were no laughing matter, but the way Trump has attacked other Americans (including the press), divided the nation and degraded the US's international status could be seen as worse over the long run.

On the other hand, if Dubya hadn't created Homeland Security and all these agencies, Trump would have had less power.
Trump has been treated like shit. Everyone can see that.
The thing is though, he brings so much of it on himself. The media attacks, Trump attacks. Back and forth it goes, and it just snowballs.
Given the misinformation, outright lies and overall bad behavior coming from Trump, the press has treated him mildly

No other president has gotten away with as much
The fake news has spewed more lies that Trump every thought of. It's behavior is appalling. You must believe people don't watch the news. They can all see for themselves what kind of nasty scumbags these people are. Only scumbags defend their behavior.
Given the misinformation, outright lies and overall bad behavior coming from Trump, the press has treated him mildly
No other president has gotten away with as much
He knows that if they get in the mud with him, he'll win. He has no bottom, no ugliness that is TOO ugly. They know it too.

So that's what we have: A President who rolls around in the mud, and a press that can only look at the spectacle in disgust.
ROFL! They are the mud, dumbfuck. No one is lower than a fake news "journalist."
So those who were behind the original intent were hardly present?
I don't know details of who/how many or when they backed out. Probably some people didn't know about the busloads of wingers who co-opted the event for their own purposes. Any locals (and it should have been a LOCAL event) who were there to object because of history or respect for Confederate ancestors or any of that were not only shouted down--they were effectively silenced, because after what happened at Charlottesville, anyone asking for the statue to remain would automatically be associated with the racists. Auto matically.

I can understand their viewpoint. I am proud of my ancestors that fought in the French and Indian Wars, the Revolution, the Civil War, World War I and II. "My" side won the Civil War and I am
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.





Is there a rally poster for this event in existence that SPECIFICALLY highlighted the purpose of protesting removal of confederate statues?

If so, I haven't been able to find one.
That was how it started, but the racist right crashed the party big time. One poster here who was in on the original protest about removing the statues said they backed out when they heard who was coming.....
Got any links?
It was a poster here. Feel free to call him fake news, but he's on "your" side.
I've tried to find some links to the people who originally organized the event, but it gets lost in the sea of hostile articles about the "White Nationalists" who crashed it.
You're right. I believe the Daughters of the Confederacy (something like that) were involved. Might be a place to start. If I remember right, it was Jim Bowie who posted about it. It's been a long time--I could be wrong.
I couldn't find anything saying they organized the original protest.
Nope. I don't insult people as a diversion from being wrong. I insult all leftwingers because they are douchebags who deserve it. When I'm wrong I just admit it. That's something FAUX has never done.
By "FAUX," you mean me, fucking moron?

As a matter of fact, just yesterday I admitted I was wrong and apologized for it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


BTW, he called the FAKE NEWS the enemy of the people. You TDS douchebags always leave that qualifier out. We know it isn't accidental. It's just your fundamental dishonesty.
Screenshot below.

My goodness. Are you lying or completely ignorant?

Either way, you are lost in your nutter ideology.

So he forgot to add the word "fake" before "press." If he said it "fake news" 10000 times and then said just "the press" one time, turds like you would accuse him of blaming all the press instead of just the douchebags you like.
He forgot to add the word you claimed he used.


Yeah, that would be the USMB fucking moron digging in his high heels rather than just admit he was wrong after claiming he admits he's wrong when he is. :lmao:
There ya go, making excuses for murderers again.

And there YOU go again making shit up. I am sorry you do not like the FACTS f what happened in Charlottesville. I am sorry you don' like the fact that a bunch of racists exercised their Constitutional and legal right to peacefully assemble. I am sorry you don't like how the Antifa leader confessed on tv that her group showed up with the intent to instigate violence and did so. I am sorry you get butt-hurt and triggered when the president is proven right...

...but that's YOUR problem.
I'm fine with the facts, but you don't seem to know what they are.
Trump has been treated like shit. Everyone can see that.
The thing is though, he brings so much of it on himself. The media attacks, Trump attacks. Back and forth it goes, and it just snowballs.
Given the misinformation, outright lies and overall bad behavior coming from Trump, the press has treated him mildly

No other president has gotten away with as much
The fake news has spewed more lies that Trump every thought of. It's behavior is appalling. You must believe people don't watch the news. They can all see for themselves what kind of nasty scumbags these people are. Only scumbags defend their behavior.
On a day to day basis, Trump puts out more fake news than all the media combined
BTW, he called the FAKE NEWS the enemy of the people. You TDS douchebags always leave that qualifier out. We know it isn't accidental. It's just your fundamental dishonesty.
Screenshot below.

My goodness. Are you lying or completely ignorant?

Either way, you are lost in your nutter ideology.

So he forgot to add the word "fake" before "press." If he said it "fake news" 10000 times and then said just "the press" one time, turds like you would accuse him of blaming all the press instead of just the douchebags you like.
He forgot to add the word you claimed he used.


Yeah, that would be the USMB fucking moron digging in his high heels rather than just admit he was wrong after claiming he admits he's wrong when he is. :lmao:
Very Trumpian.

This is one of the primary reasons for their adoration of the man. He operates right at their level: Stuck in grade school.
YOu are assuming that, because to you, pretty much anyone that disagrees with you on the issue of historical statues, you consider "wacist".
Great, there's yet another provable lie, falsely claiming I call anyone who disagrees with me on the issue of confederate statues, a racist.

Here I am, correcting you, the polar opposite of that, the last time you lied about that...

... I even told you I don't believe supporting those statues necessarily means one is racist. ...

I would suggest you stop lying but obviously, you can't. :(

You hateful and constant accusations of racism, towards everyone at the rally who was there to show support for the statues, convinced me otherwise.

I will take your denial of that, under advisement.

Seriously, you're not making much sense, even grading on a curve, for liberals.

You poor demented lying fucking racist.

You literally (and falsely) accused me of saying something I had already recently corrected the last time you falsely accused me of saying it.

Proving you're not a man, you dig your heels in too rather than just suck this up as a learning moment, and double down on your false statement.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can

Trump has an odd and off putting style, but his policies and actions are completely reasonable and mainstream, to a Traditional American.

Your hysteria is not called for.
To a Traditional, White, Male American
I'm a traditional, white, male, American and I think his policies are so poorly thought out that I hesitate to use the word policies to describe them.
Nope. I don't insult people as a diversion from being wrong. I insult all leftwingers because they are douchebags who deserve it. When I'm wrong I just admit it. That's something FAUX has never done.
By "FAUX," you mean me, fucking moron?

As a matter of fact, just yesterday I admitted I was wrong and apologized for it.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?


Post a link. I frankly don't believe it.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can
Says the moron who is about to vote for a senile child molester and rapist.
That's nothing but RWNJ propaganda.

You in the other hand want to vote for someone who paid off a child to not report his sexual misconduct.
BTW, he called the FAKE NEWS the enemy of the people. You TDS douchebags always leave that qualifier out. We know it isn't accidental. It's just your fundamental dishonesty.
Screenshot below.

My goodness. Are you lying or completely ignorant?

Either way, you are lost in your nutter ideology.

So he forgot to add the word "fake" before "press." If he said it "fake news" 10000 times and then said just "the press" one time, turds like you would accuse him of blaming all the press instead of just the douchebags you like.
He forgot to add the word you claimed he used.


Yeah, that would be the USMB fucking moron digging in his high heels rather than just admit he was wrong after claiming he admits he's wrong when he is. :lmao:
You're such a douchebag. You only ever win on trivia like this, and then you prance around like your some kind of rocket scientist.
When journalists report provable lies and misinformation promoted by Donald "Liar in Chief" Trump he whines like a pathetic baby he is being treated unfairly because the news is insisting on reporting news. His cult followers chime in as lemming support. Boohoo, the news media is reporting the news. No one should report when the leader lies and misinforms, even when about life and death issues says the cult.

You lie, and we call you on your lies.
You call people liars but have trouble quoting the lies. Hell, I have a poster insisting today Donnie "LIAR IN CHIEF" is being truthful when he claims he stopped all travel from China early in January.

So which lie are you calling me on? Perhaps you can quote some lies from the media from yesterday or today.

I've started whole threads on the lies, you vile libs tell, especially the libs who pretend to be " journalists".

I've done this before. I point out a lie. I provide proof it is a lie, you libs stonewall and then employ tactics to get the thread shut down.

We all know that you libs lie. I mean, what do you want? Me to pretend that you don't?
Nah, you never accomplished what you are claiming. You are lying to cover up your lies. But hey, let's give you the benefit of the doubt. What are your five best lies the media has told about Liar in Chief rRump?

Why five? I only need one. The perfect one. The Lie of Charlottesville, where the media, lied about what Trump said, telling the American People, that the President of the United States said that "nazis are very fine people".

Despite him clearly and explicitly stating the exact opposite.

That was you people being completely vile liars.

And now, you will defend that lie. And I will post the transcripts that prove that you are lying, and then you will employ evasive rhetorical tactics to hide the fact that you were proven to be a liar, and if I keep grilling you on it, you will eventually bury the thread in so much shit, that the mods shut it down.

Now, begin. Liar.
Which media organizations claimed Trump called nazis fine people? What did Trump mean when he said some of the protesters were fine people?

Don't waste my time. YOu know the lie, and you know that you are going to stand by it. So do so,, let's move this along.

Trump explicitly condemned nazis, and you vile libs lied about it and and claimed he said they were "very fine people".

YOu are vile liars, every god damn one of you.
There was no one there on the alt-right except for racists. Which ones were "very fine people?"
Yes there were, douchebag. Not everyone was a neo-Nazi.
It was a racist rally, fucking moron, created by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists.





Is there a rally poster for this event in existence that SPECIFICALLY highlighted the purpose of protesting removal of confederate statues?

If so, I haven't been able to find one.
I couldn't find a single one that didn't scream racism.
Post one then....

Don't need to, you did it for me. The last two you posted, do not make have any hint of racism, unless you are familiar with either extremely obscure speakers, or equally obscure neo-nazis symbology.

Thanks for admitting you lied, even though your confession was presented unwittingly.

Lying fucking racist, those 2 posters were filled with the names of the racist featured speakers at the rally.

Which most people have never heard of, thus not "Screaming racism".

Your claims are lies designed on only fool retarded children. Or in other words, your fellow liberals.
Great, let's see your evidence that "most people" never heard of any of those names....

They are nazis! No one listens to them, nor cares about what they have to say.
Dumbfuck, how do they know they are nazis if they never heard of them??

Common sense and logic is anathema to you.

Because I was told after the fact, that the rally was set up by neo-nazis and white supremacists.
There were other racists involved. Now answer the question... how do "most people" know they are nazis if they never heard of them??

YOu are assuming that, because to you, pretty much anyone that disagrees with you on the issue of historical statues, you consider "wacist".

That is your opinion, and not factual. YOu can call people "wacist" based on such an assumption, but that makes you the asshole then, not them.

Anyway, your obvious hate, even if you have somehow managed to try to put some space between you and the media on this particular example,

you obvious hate, is what I am talking about.

You drip hate from ever post, aimed at Trump and anyone that supports him.

Your hate, validates his claim.
Lying fucking racist, let's try this one more time ....

You claimed, with no evidence, that most people never heard of any of the names on that list.

I challenged you for evidence of that and you posted nothing but more of your dumbass lying fucking racist opinion. And as retarded as it was, your "evidence" that most people never heard of any of those names was because -- "They are nazis! No one listens to them, nor cares about what they have to say."

Now then, ya dumbass lying fucking racist ... how do "most people" know they are nazis if they never heard of them??

I never claimed that people knew they were nazis.

YOu are desperately trying to distract from the fact that you have admitted my primary point, ie that the Left as a whole, but specifically the media, lied about what Trump said in Charlottessville.

You agree with me on my primary point.

Yet, you can't clearly state that the media is lying about Trump and that thus his point about his treatment is valid.
That's what FAUX does when he gets into trouble. He focuses on one tiny little issue that has little to do with the main topic and that he thinks he can win on, and then he insults you as furiously as he possibly can.

He truly is an asshole. And a fool.

I'm the one that taught him, to not claim Trump said, "nazis were fine people". I was merciless with him.

As if I needed more evidence you're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:


Thanks for the laugh though. Much appreciated.
I'm not sure which is more bizarre: The thought that this man can say the things he says and act like the victim after, or the thought that his sheep don't see the irony.

Two truly disturbing choices there.

We are not sheep. You are.
Lol, you don't even realize it, do you.
you have to understand Crepitus these nitwits would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was an ah republican They are not Americans just traitors posing as Americans taking whatever they can
Says the moron who is about to vote for a senile child molester and rapist.
That's nothing but RWNJ propaganda.

You in the other hand want to vote for someone who paid off a child to not report his sexual misconduct.
Please post a link to something about Trump doing that. I've never even heard of it.

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