I've heard it on here so much enough is enough

They have ALWAYS been relevant and WHY the Second was crafted...it zooms right over your head.

"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." ~Thomas Jefferson

A free press is a greater deterrent than armed civilians

To bad one does not exist.

We have a more powerful free press than at any time in history
Yup, Democrats would never stand for that sort of thing even in 1960.

Now they feel he has this ready made shield that surrounds him and anyone who is critical of him has to be a racist.

1960 was 50 years ago. Republicans still balk at electing blacks. Managing to elect only SIX in the last hundred years

More far left lies!

It was the Republican Congress that passed the Civil Rights Bill and the Democrats were the party of NO! As always the far left wants to rewrite history.

Still trying to sell a North/South racial issue as a partisan politics issue

Doesn't work
To bad one does not exist.

We have a more powerful free press than at any time in history

because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?

The press is not a monolithic entity

We have developed this thing we like to call the interweb that allows even simple citizens to report and comment on the news. Nothing can be hidden any more.

The idea that liberals somehow "control" the press is a rightwing myth
To bad one does not exist.

We have a more powerful free press than at any time in history

because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?
If only the right wing had some kind of powerful media conglomerate, maybe even one the biggest ones in the world, or access to large radio syndicates, or a method of printing newspapers and journals, or even a way to utilize the internet.

If only...

We have a more powerful free press than at any time in history

because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?

The press is not a monolithic entity

We have developed this thing we like to call the interweb that allows even simple citizens to report and comment on the news. Nothing can be hidden any more.

The idea that liberals somehow "control" the press is a rightwing myth
Conservatism can never fail. It can only be failed.

We have a more powerful free press than at any time in history

because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?

The press is not a monolithic entity

We have developed this thing we like to call the interweb that allows even simple citizens to report and comment on the news. Nothing can be hidden any more.

The idea that liberals somehow "control" the press is a rightwing myth

we are talking about political press and media, aren't we? and those are lewtwing loons in 99% of the time. The degree in their crazy inclinations varies - MSNBC and NBC are more idiotic and more lying than CNN, usually, but the latter is labeled "commie news network" for a reason :D

they LIE and cover the left because they are the left

We have a more powerful free press than at any time in history

because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?
If only the right wing had some kind of powerful media conglomerate, maybe even one the biggest ones in the world, or access to large radio syndicates, or a method of printing newspapers and journals, or even a way to utilize the internet.

If only...

Maybe then the people would have heard of Benghazi and that Obama was born in Kenya
because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?

The press is not a monolithic entity

We have developed this thing we like to call the interweb that allows even simple citizens to report and comment on the news. Nothing can be hidden any more.

The idea that liberals somehow "control" the press is a rightwing myth

we are talking about political press and media, aren't we? and those are lewtwing loons in 99% of the time. The degree in their crazy inclinations varies - MSNBC and NBC are more idiotic and more lying than CNN, usually, but the latter is labeled "commie news network" for a reason :D

they LIE and cover the left because they are the left

What is the political press and media? In what stretch of the imagination do you believe that is the only way people get information?

Why they even have this thing called US Message Board......another branch of the liberal mainstream media?
You have such a poor perception of what an 18th century government was capable of

No way could they operate a 21st century superpower
Of course they could.

What the Constitution wouldn't allow, however, is the vastly bloated leech we have today.

You cannot understand this, but that would be a good thing.

Dave....you have such a simplistic concept of what a government is

18th century America had an economy and monetary system on the verge of collapse. The government was incapable of understanding the complexities of a modern society, military, treasury, international relations or budget

They would collapse in total confusion in a week
by that logic all of our rights should just be scrapped
You have no understanding of what "well regulated" means

Our founders did not have a standing army. They relied on militias for defense. The armed rednecks we have today do not foot the bill
"Regulated" means made regular. IOW, for example, the organizations and hierarchies would be common throughout the militias. Rules such as those found in the UCMJ would apply uniformly, or "regularly".

That the feds have abdicated their responsibility to regulate the citizen militias, in favor of operating a professional military-industrial complex, doesn't change anything.

The lack of understanding is all on your part.

Regulated meant controlled, trained and organized to be an effective fighting force

A bunch of rednecks with shotguns is not a well regulated militia

just remember, Madison was very clear this militia was not to be regulated by the government. it was to be regulated by the citizenry by leaders of their own choosing.
because it can lie and lie and lie and cover obama to get him reelected and otherwise root for dimocraps?

The press is not a monolithic entity

We have developed this thing we like to call the interweb that allows even simple citizens to report and comment on the news. Nothing can be hidden any more.

The idea that liberals somehow "control" the press is a rightwing myth
Conservatism can never fail. It can only be failed.

Conservatism needs to be tempered with compassion. At least that what's some guy named Bush said.
"Regulated" means made regular. IOW, for example, the organizations and hierarchies would be common throughout the militias. Rules such as those found in the UCMJ would apply uniformly, or "regularly".

That the feds have abdicated their responsibility to regulate the citizen militias, in favor of operating a professional military-industrial complex, doesn't change anything.

The lack of understanding is all on your part.

Regulated meant controlled, trained and organized to be an effective fighting force

A bunch of rednecks with shotguns is not a well regulated militia

just remember, Madison was very clear this militia was not to be regulated by the government. it was to be regulated by the citizenry by leaders of their own choosing.

Who the fuck made Madison boss?
Of course they could.

What the Constitution wouldn't allow, however, is the vastly bloated leech we have today.

You cannot understand this, but that would be a good thing.

Dave....you have such a simplistic concept of what a government is

18th century America had an economy and monetary system on the verge of collapse. The government was incapable of understanding the complexities of a modern society, military, treasury, international relations or budget

They would collapse in total confusion in a week
by that logic all of our rights should just be scrapped

Are you incapable of understanding the difference is a government and your rights?
We were talking about the responsibility of regulating that militia.

Neglecting to regulate something does not, as a matter of course, render it irrelevant.
Example: The Obama Administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws and border security. Both are very important and relevant; they just don't fit Obama's agenda of letting in as many illegals AKA potential Democrat voters as possible.

Border security and deportations have increased under Obama......Didnt FoxNews tell you that?

I don't watch Fox. But you simply can't comprehend that, can you?

But this is what the Obama Administration considers "strengthening border security":
The Border Patrol union reveals on its website that agents are forced to take lengthy computer courses known as “Virtual Learning Center” where they are taught in an “Active Shooter” course that if they encounter a shooter in a public place they are to “run away” and “hide.” Only if cornered by a shooter, as a last resort, should agents become “aggressive” and “throw things” at the attacker. They are also advised to “call law enforcement” and wait for their arrival.

This is downright insulting considering the U.S. Border Patrol is a law enforcement agency with officers that carry weapons for a reason. In the last few years violence in the southern border area has skyrocketed. In fact, DHS records show that as far back as 2008 there was a sharp increase in violence along the U.S. border with Mexico. The Obama Administration fought hard to keep the records secret but Judicial Watch forced their release with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. Read the report here.

More recently a State Department report exposed a “dramatic increase in violence” along the Mexican border and warned of “recent violent attacks and persistent security concerns” in the area. It lists tens of thousands of narcotics-related murders attributed to sophisticated and heavily armed drug cartels competing with each other for trafficking routes into the U.S. The agency repeatedly attributes the crisis to “narcoterrorism.”

In Texas the situation is so bad that state officials created a web site to track Mexican drug-cartel violence that’s transformed chunks of the southern border into a war zone. The Texas Department of Agriculture started the web site to keep farmers and residents informed about the growing danger created by Mexican drug cartels illegally crossing into the state. It’s occurring at an “increasingly alarming rate,” according to Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples and Washington is ignoring the crisis.​

And as for deportations:
“They’re doing a different kind of enforcement that results in higher numbers, but there are definitely not more people being removed from the interior of the country,” said Jessica M. Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, who testified about the data in court last week.

Homeland Security officials had to turn over the in-depth deportation numbers as part of the case, which involves a challenge from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and officers who say the Obama administration is preventing them from doing their jobs.

Under federal law, they say, they are required to arrest illegal immigrants they encounter, but they now fear being fired if they do so.

The change in deportations began four years ago but really stepped up in 2011, when the Obama administration issued guidance telling agents to stop deporting illegal immigrants unless they had major criminal records or had violated immigration laws repeatedly.


She said the Obama administration is “tricky” about the way it has reported deportations, trying to convince one side that it is stepping up removals while telling the other side that only serious criminals are targeted
But Ms. Tucker said the administration got caught last month when it released thousands of immigrants from detention, blaming the sequester budget cuts. The administration told Congress that the people it released weren’t dangers and didn’t need to be held anyway but Ms. Tucker said for years the administration has told immigrant rights groups that it is holding only serious criminals.

“They’re definitely talking out of both sides of their mouth, but they’re getting caught on that a little more,” Ms. Tucker said.​
Further: https://www.numbersusa.com/content/...stration-inflates-deportation-statistics.html
For the last few years, the Obama Administration has claimed that it's deporting a record number of illegal aliens. But, the Administration is adding numbers to its overall deportation statistics that have not been historically included in the total number of annual deportations. Here's a look at how the Obama Administration has artificially inflated the number of deportations.


The Obama administration has started counting certain “returns” as “removals” in order to artificially inflate the numbers and create a “record level” of deportations. Specifically, those caught by the Border Patrol who are shuttled to a different town along the border before they are returned are being dishonestly counted as deportations. This has falsely increased the number of total removals by more than 100,000 for the past two years.

In fact, if we count removals and returns together historically, then the Obama administration numbers are not close to “record-setting.” In the 1990s, the totals of returns and removals were well over one million. For example, according to the yearbook of immigration statistics, in 1996, removals and returns numbered more than 1.6 million, up from more than 1.3 million in 1995.​

But suckers like you fell for it, didn't you?
A free press is a greater deterrent than armed civilians
But what if the press is a propaganda outlet for the ruling class?

If not for the few conservative media outlets, Mr and Mrs Average American would know nothing of Benghazi or the IRS scandals other that what the White House wanted them to know.

Both the Benghazi and IRS scandals have been debunked....they're passed their prime. Benghazi in particular is pretty much dead. It wasn't on the white house's blame as much as "some" would leave you to believe.

Something that is still alive is the issues with the NSA, but it's not an easy situation to deal with, for any president.
Benghazi and the IRS scandals were debunked by the White House saying they were "phony scandals".

That's it. THAT'S the entire "debunking".

That may be good enough for you, but a lot of people still have a lot of questions.
Some reactionaries mistakenly believe that the founders are equal to modern day far right TeaPs and reactionaries. and would support the policies of modern day reactionaries.

And don't try that TeaPs and reactionaries are "classical liberals". Nup, they are tories.
Yes, the Founders wanted limited government, maximum personal liberty, and freedom from burdensome taxation.

NOTHING like the TEA Party.

Oh, wait...
And slaves. Sounds right.
Last edited:
Some reactionaries mistakenly believe that the founders are equal to modern day far right TeaPs and reactionaries. and would support the policies of modern day reactionaries.

And don't try that TeaPs and reactionaries are "classical liberals". Nup, they are tories.
Yes, the Founders wanted limited government, maximum personal liberty, and freedom from burdensome taxation.

NOTHING like the TEA Party.

Oh, wait...
And slaves. Sounds right.
Now you get to find quotes from modern conservatives calling for a return to slavery.

And before you try it, no, "Everybody KNOWS that's what they want!!" is inadmissible bullshit.
The press is not a monolithic entity

We have developed this thing we like to call the interweb that allows even simple citizens to report and comment on the news. Nothing can be hidden any more.

The idea that liberals somehow "control" the press is a rightwing myth

we are talking about political press and media, aren't we? and those are lewtwing loons in 99% of the time. The degree in their crazy inclinations varies - MSNBC and NBC are more idiotic and more lying than CNN, usually, but the latter is labeled "commie news network" for a reason :D

they LIE and cover the left because they are the left

What is the political press and media? In what stretch of the imagination do you believe that is the only way people get information?

Why they even have this thing called US Message Board......another branch of the liberal mainstream media?

Yes. "Discussion" boards are this evil genius diabolical plot liberals concocted to allow Republicans opportunity to constantly display their stupidity publicly. :muahaha:
First liberals on this board or some liberals claim that the founding fathers of this country were liberals. What I want to address is which liberal policy would the founders of America support?
Give their names and the policy.

First: which founding fathers, as they did not agree on everything?

Second: how the heck could anyone answer that?


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