J.D Vance wants children to vote.

That's why I put a question mark at the end of my remark instead of a period. Thanks for the info on the vote to reduce voting age. How does that compare to giving parents use of additional ballots depending on how many children they have?

About the same, neither will be enacted and ratified. BTW, Vance mentioned the commiecrats efforts in the video, did you not watch it?

This is just another way of saying voters should have some kind of "skin in the game" to vote. Otherwise we get to your Democrat Utopia: voters who produce nothing, earn nothing, do nothing, who just vote themselves more and more "free goodies" with no one remaining to pay for all of it.

It seems ridiculous but this has destroyed nations in very horrid ways. See: Venezuela.

Speaking of which: insisting on proof of citizenship is step one to ensuring voters have "skin in the game"
Got it. You want some people to get more ballots than other people. How MAGA of you.
Got it. You want some people to get more ballots than other people. How MAGA of you.

I didn't say I "want" that, but there comes a point at which a society reaches Venezuela: not enough production and too many takers. Then the takers just vote more stuff for themselves, but there's not enough stuff to go around.

The law of supply and demand is sturdy and crashes societies
That's a typical pro-life argument you know. It's not the baby's fault that he/she was conceived in rape.

However, I'm not opposed to states who will allow early abortion in cases of rape where there is a POLICE report.
Interesting that you think a pregnancy from rape or incest is just an inconvenience. Must be a MAGA cult thing.

Those people are pure evil and liars. The TX law has provisions if the life of the mother is in danger. Also, where's the demand for compelling the woman to take responsibility for her own actions. And there are multiple federal programs to make sure children can get health care. Medicaid in not the only program available.

I didn't say I "want" that, but there comes a point at which a society reaches Venezuela: not enough production and too many takers. Then the takers just vote more stuff for themselves, but there's not enough stuff to go around.

The law of supply and demand is sturdy and crashes societies
You don't have to want it if you support someone that does as vice president. Do you understand Venezuela is not part of the US,?
Those people are pure evil and liars. The TX law has provisions if the life of the mother is in danger. Also, where's the demand for compelling the woman to take responsibility for her own actions. And there are multiple federal programs to make sure children can get health care. Medicaid in not the only program available.

This is about the crazy shit that Vance wants. Not what existing laws are.
Did he say later in the video that he really didn't mean what he had just said?

Actually I'm more concerned about the lies the evil cast spewed. Of course that video was recorded in 2021, before SCOTUS made abortion an issue for the States. I actually find it amazing people like that can get a following.

Dumbass. They take away choice. And if you could just see past your own religious fever dream, you'd see that keeping both as choices for women..will have the effect of encouraging women to have their babies...willingly.

But..that's just not in God's plan..is it? :)
What religious fever? And explain to me why having the choice to abort their kid will encouraging women not to abort their kid?
Yet, that doesn't happen to four-year-olds.

Not yet; depends on how how well you perverts and deviants do in the next election, which isn't going to be good, so we look forward to your sniveling and crying and lying for the next few months.

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