J6 Committee now claiming they never had access to any security footage

The door wasn't opened by an officer, it was opened by a protestor.

Bwhahaha .. the January 6 Committee had 18 months to review evidence -- the primary contributor being the security footage .. and they outsourced those responsibilities without reviewing any of the footage. I've also read about the selective editing with the addition of sound effects (e.g. screaming people) to intensify the emotional aspect.

Excellent decision by McCarthy to release the video footage to a third party to audit and qa our government. No wonder the liberals are bent out of shape and requesting the censorship of the video content (they didn't watch) from the American people.
Not just security footage, but literally millions of hours of "crowd-sourced" video and cell-phone footage as well. We know it was review because the FBI has proudly stated it was instrumental in identifying the citizens they have arrested over the last two years.
It's kinda weird that they just happen to have seen all the cherry picked, out of context
video, and not any that might have lent evidence to the contrary of them being guilty.

Common sense and you fools will never cross paths.
The January 6th committee wasn't a court determining guilt of individuals.

It was portraying how the riot occurred, which involved a lot of crime. With 41,000 hours of video, it was always going to be the case that the vast majority of it was not going to be seen in the committee. Showing video of Chansley aimlessly wandering the hallways provides no utility. Showing the violence that occurred does.
9 committee members. I have no idea how many staff but it was a lot. They interviewed over a thousand people and had over a million documents in addition to the footage, which was one small part of the overall investigation.

There was literally no investigation.
They declined to talk with a single relevant person who they thought might not follow the script.
Well you could say they ignored several years worth of footage to get a few hours worth of violent images of the crowd but also to capture the vitriolic and savage nature of those Berserkers involved.
You could also say that the violent images were cherry picked to present the notion that all of the protestors were violent. The liberal media and Tucker Carlson both cherry picked. A responsible journalistic approach would have been to show the contrasting images. Cherry picking aside, we now have seen the violent clashes with police in the Capitol as well as police walking with strange suspicious protestors in the Capitol causing no damage. All of the angles should have been shown at once.
Oh yes they were, that why individuals went to prison...by what the committee's Kangaroo Kourt submitted.

Sheesh you are such a minion for your masters, marener
I'm not sure you're aware of this, but Congress does not prosecute crimes.

The DoJ does.
The people who "might not follow the script" refused to testify.

I'm not sure you're aware of this, but Congress does not prosecute crimes.

The DoJ does.
I will give your cult leaders credit.
You are getting your ass handed to you by the wheelbarrow load and it has no effect on your programming.
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The January 6th committee wasn't a court determining guilt of individuals.

It was portraying how the riot occurred, which involved a lot of crime. With 41,000 hours of video, it was always going to be the case that the vast majority of it was not going to be seen in the committee. Showing video of Chansley aimlessly wandering the hallways provides no utility. Showing the violence that occurred does.

Where are the videos of this "violence"?
You could also say that the violent images were cherry picked to present the notion that all of the protestors were violent. The liberal media and Tucker Carlson both cherry picked. A responsible journalistic approach would have been to show the contrasting images. Cherry picking aside, we now have seen the violent clashes with police in the Capitol as well as police walking with strange suspicious protestors in the Capitol causing no damage. All of the angles should have been shown at once.
So when prosecuting a rapist is the prosecution obligated to mention all the time they observed the perp not raping someone, or can the limit the evidence they present to the actual crime committed.
So when prosecuting a rapist is the prosecution obligated to mention all the time they observed the perp not raping someone, or can the limit the evidence they present to the actual crime committed.

Where are the videos of these "actual crimes"?

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