J6 hearings not be doing that well? ... CREW to Sue

As long as he is not saying the POTUS is sponsoring it there is no harm no foul. Handing out tees with the seal on them is not conveying that message any more than Amazon does when they SELL these products. Amazon.com : presidential seal
Yeah, I see this as a non issue......the left just has to get Him......LOL

I guess Letitia James case is caving in.
Not a high bar to clear...
New avatar for you:

Wait, I thought the guy investigating that said: no charges?

You got your 15 minutes. Here is the result:

No, James Comey suggested no charges. The only problem, charges were not up to Comey. He stepped out of his bounds saying that. It's not his job to give his opinion. It's his job to present FACTS. Well, he was fired because he was a lying scoundrel that let Hillary get away with multiple felonies. He admitted she committed crimes, then said "I suggest not charging her." Why not? Because shes part of your swamp?

Fucking democrats. Between Hillary and fucking Hunter they should be doing decades in prison. But noooooo.....nothing for them. But a Trump supporter? They're getting arrested for window tint too dark.
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The prosecutors took the recommendation of the republican lead investigator. Reality does not care about your childish fetishes. Once again.

They took the recommendation of fucking James Comey. An FBI director that broke the fucking law. Prosecuted for it? Oh fuck no. Not in this partisan fucked up fucking country we live in where we have two sets of laws, one set for the democrats and another for everyone else.

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These dems leave no stone unturned.
Pretty funny really. Someone sees a picture of a golf tee cover in an article and reports it to a specific assistant attorney general at the Justice department? :shok:

Can anyone say another leftwing anti-Trump hound group?

CREW - Citizens for Reform and Ethics in Washington: a group dedicated to reform and ethics in DC and this is all they found? :21: It wasn't even in DC! Some golf tee cover left over from when Trump was in office?

Wonder when THIS watchdog group was formed, on January 22, 2021? :lmao:
Those to. But it was displayed on golf carts as well. It was done by design.

I get that since it was Trump you are not allowed to say anything about it, but it is a cheap use of the presidential seal and we should not allow it.

Now, time for you to shove your head back up Trump's ass.
Biden's Diaper has the presidential seal on it and you think nothing of that.

Go to bed, Karen.
Yes he was. And even while the POTUS he is not allowed to use it for a profit.

No president was making money off those movies.

I do not know what a TDR people are, but I prefer that our leaders do not start to make the White House look like a Nasar racer.

I would feel the same way no matter which former POTUS was doing it. But then again every other living former POTUS was able to move on and have a life after the White House, but damn if Trump just cannot let go. One of the most pathetic things I have seen out of a grown man
Good luck proving he’s using it “for profit”. Or that it conveys “sponsorship of the US government”.

Jesus you people are delusional.
Good. Trump is not above the law no matter how much you worship him. I hope they get a nice fat fine
Well Gee Golly Wilikers ... ya don't say { spew }.
Unlike BLM and Antifa.Where more than 500 outright acts
of violent protests,Lootings,burnings and assualt were ongoing
for the entire Summer of Love { 2020 }.And these Unamerican
slugs get a pass.Even Kamala Harris helped fund their easy breezie
bailouts.Or more recently the way Stephen Colbert and crew
tresspassed on inside the basement of the Captol bldg. where
all charges got dropped.While a 69 yr. old lady with cancer is serving
60 days in jail for being inside the Capitol Bldg. during January 6th.
She went in because an officer was at the door ushing in and out
the flow.She has it on video.She also asked for help as she got pushed
in and trampled,cutting her knee and broke her glasses.That is what
happened to Ashli Babbett,as well.
Yes he was. And even while the POTUS he is not allowed to use it for a profit.

No president was making money off those movies.

I do not know what a TDR people are, but I prefer that our leaders do not start to make the White House look like a Nasar racer.

I would feel the same way no matter which former POTUS was doing it. But then again every other living former POTUS was able to move on and have a life after the White House, but damn if Trump just cannot let go. One of the most pathetic things I have seen out of a grown man
Yeah how indecent of a Potus.Just Imagine another Potus
Donating his Presidential salary every fiscal year to a named
Good luck proving he’s using it “for profit”. Or that it conveys “sponsorship of the US government”.

Jesus you people are delusional.
if you're not supposed to do it, just don't do it.

all this arguing about having the right to do something you're not supposed to do sounds so "liberal" to me but it's the other way this time.

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