Jack Chick Tracts - Read here!

You can click the corner box at right hand bottom of screen to make the picture bigger - for easier reading... thanks for reading!

Note - when you see the message in red and white letters rolling on the screen about Marx - keep watching - it isn't over yet!
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I believe that Jack Chick is correct in that the "Whore" of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Institution - but when Scripture is describing - Mystery Babylon - in Revelation 18 - it is also clearly identifying America. The bible is multi-faceted - there are Scriptures in Jeremiah that clearly prophesy the judgment of God coming upon the people but many centuries later - we see the fulfillment of Jeremiah's words - being revealed upon America. This video is probably one of the most important messages you will ever hear concerning the truth about the Roman Institution and what is happening upon the earth today. God bless Jack Chick for being a man of God willing to speak up for the truth. He is a true blessing! A great laborer for the LORD!
Some of my favorite witnessing tools are the Jack Chick Tracts because they can be left anywhere and people enjoy reading them! This is a link to some of the great Jack Chick tracts that have been printed over the years. The cartoon drawings are part of the attraction for reading. Millions of people have read them and many have been saved as a result of reading them. Enjoy! Chick Cartoon Tracts

Are Roman Catholics Christians
Continue reading on the link!

Always nice when someone's beliefs in a good and just god manifest as their persecuting others with similar beliefs.

"My lies and delusional thoughts are superior to everyone else's." ;)
You are mistaken. When the Roman Catholic Institution victimized 62 Million human lives in the Inquistion and later many millions more in hand choosing Hitler to destroy the Jews and Protestants (the real Christians) they couldn't kill off during their Inquisition - they were in no way persecuting others with "similar beliefs", Delta. The Roman Catholic Institution serves "the force". (Satan) They have nothing in common with those they persecute. Catholicism is the enemy of Jesus Christ and His Followers.

If you are a true Jew you are not a Baal worshiper. Those who have worshipped Baal must repent or lose their birthright just as Esau did.
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This is probably one of the most important Jack Chick threads you will ever read. VERY important message. Listen to this:

The better you understand history? The better you will understand what is coming in the future.
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As you can see the founder and first General of the Jesuit order was Ignatius Loyola - in the 1500's. He was also the founder of the Alumbrados (the Illuminati) He commissioned two of his best Jesuits to destroy Protestantism through Eschatology ( a study of Eschatology is the study of all prophecy of the coming of Jesus Christ ) These two Jesuits were under the extreme oath of induction. See the video above to learn the full story - and realize that the Illuminati was NOT founded by the Jews. That is propaganda that is put out by the Jesuits whose goal is still to destroy the Jews (and Christians ) and take Jerusalem for their Pope.












Satan's Master is a Jack Chick Tract now out of print. It is based on a true story.
The last Jack Chick is no longer in print - it is missing a few clips and I'll try to add those later God willing. Jack Chick Publications permits others to share these tracts - but not for profit and we are not to change any of the words - I buy Jack Chick tracts by bulk - 2 or 3 boxes at a time - also their comics and I support Jack Chick ministries - I am hoping he will reprint Satan's Master and also the tract Closet Witches. There are so many young people trapped in the occult today - I think it is important to reprint them and get them out there.
This is one of the most important comic book series you will ever read and hear by video because it is the true testimony of Ex - Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera and how he became a Jesuit and what his assignments were - he answered directly to the Pope and was ordered to infiltrate the Protestant churches - it was a devious plot against the Christian church - concocted by the Jesuits under order of the Jesuit General and Pope. You will also learn the truth story of the Crusades and the Vatican's approval of Hitler as the one to exterminate the Jewish people. He was considered a "Good and faithful Roman Catholic " .... just as Mussolini was!!

It is done in comic book form for a reason - the information you about to learn is all true. Please copy and make sure and send it out far and wide to let others know the truth. Thank you.


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