Jack Hanna wants to free the pets

My pet is my avatar. Does anyone think that she would fare better in the wild?

Your pet is adorable!!!!

Perhaps J Hanna wasn't thinking so much about domestic animals,but more about wildlife?

I don't know....I can't say for sure because I haven't read that news . :)
Actually Jack Hanna was speculating on PETA and their agenda, he was not advocating turning cats and dogs like my 13 pound miniature poodle out of doors.
hahaha my 140# pound husky would pee himself to death if he was "set free" - chicken shit dog runs upstairs to cower in the bedroom if the dog next door barks at anything.
Columbus Zoo is an amazing place. I recommend least at two days to take-in all the exhibits.

The responses to this article are hysterical. lol
But Hanna, a leader in the movement to make zoos more accurately mirror natural habitats, says many anti-captivity activists don’t really understand that responsible zookeeping plays an important role in both conservation and protection.

“Having traveled the world, the only places I consider truly wild are Antarctica, parts of the Amazon and some places in Africa,” Hanna told Fox News in an email. “Even in Africa, the ‘wild’ places tend to be national parks with guarded boundaries.”

“Animals face many challenges, including habitat loss, poaching, severe weather, and war,” he continued. “The wild is not necessarily the idyllic place people imagine.”
My dog is blind. She has heart and liver disease. She is medicated three times a day. She's on a special diet.

She would still bite anyone in the add if they wanted to set her free.

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