Jack Smith could be indicted for fraud

Most of the witnesses against P01135809 were his own staff. That is what most damning in this.
If it's the Democratic conspiracy the hyper-partisan weird worshipers claim, they certainly are pervasive.
I think they've been blinded, if they don't! We're smack dab in the middle of it, if you believe it hadn't occurred already almost 2000 yrs. ago, like some on the site do believe.

I'm not set in my ways in this, God only knows... I accept that.... You and i, are only given signs of the times... Not more, not less.

Sadly, you read entirely too many "signs of the times" in whatever unfortunate soul happens to be the American president. In the grand scheme of things, this is not that big a deal. Worse, people's souls are not determined on who they vote for president, not one way OR the other. Any Christian who says so is entirely too steeped in politics and not steeped enough in the Scriptures.
Sadly, you read entirely too many "signs of the times" in whatever unfortunate soul happens to be the American president. In the grand scheme of things, this is not that big a deal. Worse, people's souls are not determined on who they vote for president, not one way OR the other. Any Christian who says so is entirely too steeped in politics and not steeped enough in the Scriptures.
Of course their souls do not depend on what political side one takes, who even knows what politics Trump even supports? Even he doesn't know until the moment arises and then changes in the wind with whom he talks with.

It isn't Trump's politics that upsets me or makes me dislike him....that's downright childish, silly.

Go a little deeper in heart, mind, and soul, and think.... This is deeper than pastry.

For omitting that Trump said "Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices heard" on Jan 6. If the Grand Jury didn't hear all pertinent facts that is a violation of law : exculpatory evidence
Of course he'd redact that, because he simply places himself as a fraud by doing so, just like the whole effort is a super easy to see transparent fraud, especially when see stuff like that.

Heck, just from whatever everyone is seeing in the bull shite currently to date, it boggles the mind as to how any other conclusions can be drawn ?........

Anyone with a working brain can easily see how corrupt it all is, and it's because these people in DC have absolutely no kind of moral compass, dignity, fear of God or anything left anymore ..... It's all just a get Trump, and get him for Biden, Obama, Hillary, Schumer, Romney, (Mitch McConnell who must undoubtedly bees seeing his own spiritual hell coming as he looks into another realm while standing at the podium), along with Pelosi or every other minion Trump had to unfortunately deal with as he tried to MAGA while being our 45th president at a crucial time in world history.

This entire scheme should fail big time, but we have to go through the process of watching it slowly unravel while exposing the kingpin's involved.

Like Trump knows says - "these are some sick people" -
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Of course their souls do not depend on what political side one takes, who even knows what politics Trump even supports? Even he doesn't know until the moment arises and then changes in the wind with whom he talks with.

It isn't Trump's politics that upsets me or makes me dislike him....that's downright childish, silly.

Go a little deeper in heart, mind, and soul, and think.... This is deeper than pastry.
Good points. Taking in the bigger picture is always in play now, because without it, one is destined to be or remain ignorant and a repeat offender. Even for those who have sold their souls would say to the Lord if he were to walk up on them today - Lord why does thou come before it is our time(?) and the Lord would say back to them - peace be still, otherwise do not disturb my presence here with your ramblings, for I come with a message for all whom will open their hearts and minds to the truth.

They shall win the prize because the truth shall set them free, but for those who have freely given themselves over to the creature, then surely their time is coming along with his.
If it's the Democratic conspiracy the hyper-partisan weird worshipers claim, they certainly are pervasive.

There is no conspiracy. Only people being hyper-partisan are the MAGA MAGGOT. IF a Republican does not fully and completely believe every piece of shit that falls out of P01135809's mouth, that person is immediately and publicaly castigated. There is only rule MAGA...believe or die.
Yeah, I doubt it too. Different rules. We all know this. You're just good with persecuting your enemies
Don't worry. Some are the enemy of all who love our country and constitution. Some are just too dumb to know it yet, as still under the influence of the cult of personality and it's machine.
Don't worry. Some are the enemy of all who love our country and constitution. Some are just too dumb to know it yet, as still under the influence of the cult of personality and it's machine.
You calling other Americans the enemy makes you what ? Their enemy right ? What gave your side rights over the constitution in which has been seized for the purpose of a certain destruction ?
There is no conspiracy. Only people being hyper-partisan are the MAGA MAGGOT. IF a Republican does not fully and completely believe every piece of shit that falls out of P01135809's mouth, that person is immediately and publicaly castigated. There is only rule MAGA...believe or die.

Hahahaaha you’re silly.
I see duke sitting his keyboard in two day tightie whities and telling himself how afraid we of him.

comic book guy.gif

close enough.
Then Stacy Abraham should be indicted, she still hasn't conceded the election.

It is NOT that P01135809 did NOT concede, he did not. It is the fact that P01135809 attempted to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States by fraudulent means.

He was actively involved the "Fake Elector Scheme" and he made telephone to both Governor Kemp of Georgia and Secretary of State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger in which he ask them find "Just find 11,780 Votes." Which P01135809 thought would over turn the Georgia Election. They both refused.

Get your fucking facts straight. But being MAGA MAGGOT, you don't need no stinking facts, you believe all the lies you've been told.
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Hahahaaha you’re silly.

You're an idiot.

The only conspiracy (Seditious Conspiracy at that ) is Insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021. P0113587 was actively involved the "Fake Electors Scheme". Which is also a conspiracy under RICO statues.

P01135809 called both the Governor of Georgia and the Secretary of State for Georgia and asked them to "Just find 11,780", which walking Orange Shit Stain thought would over turn the election. They both refused knowing that if they had done so, they would be violating both the Constitution of the United States and the Georgia State Constitution and would also have committed Election Fraud.
It is NOT that P01135809 did NOT concede, he did not. It is the fact that P01135809 attempted to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States by fraudulent means.

He was actively involved the "Fake Elector Scheme" and he made telephone to both Governor Kemp of Georgia and Secretary of State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger in which he ask them find "Just find 11,780 Votes." Which P01135809 thought would over turn the Georgia Election. They both refused.

Get your fucking facts straight. But being MAGA MAGGOT, you don't need no stinking facts, you believe all the lies you've been told.
She said the election was rigged, just like Trump. Get your facts straight.
It is NOT that P01135809 did NOT concede, he did not. It is the fact that P01135809 attempted to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States by fraudulent means.

He was actively involved the "Fake Elector Scheme" and he made telephone to both Governor Kemp of Georgia and Secretary of State of Georgia Brad Raffensperger in which he ask them find "Just find 11,780 Votes." Which P01135809 thought would over turn the Georgia Election. They both refused.

Get your fucking facts straight. But being MAGA MAGGOT, you don't need no stinking facts, you believe all the lies you've been told.
Funny you keep making these guilty claims on an innocent until proven guilty American citizen before any trial, so otherwise you are part of the get Trump insurrectionist crowd who would thwart due process if you could get away with it. Why else would you and your cronies be acting in the ways that you do ?
Not with Biden's DOJ.
Time to start more than one impeachment hearing or inquiry. There has been stupindous amounts of dereliction of duty, and job qualifications lacking in a lot of the administrative appointees that were appointed. It goes all the way to the SC where we have a justice that can't even define what a woman is. Kidding me right ?

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