Jack Smith could be indicted for fraud

No, there was no peacfully and patriotically making your voice heard. Jan. 6 was violence the state. An Insurrection to overthrow the duly and democratically elected government of the United States.

Fuck Off.
Fucktards like you have not seen the violence you are pushing for yet.

Picture 5-9X of what BLM riots were, and out for Democrat blood and that's close to reality.
I think you will find that even a conviction for incitement, sedition, "rebellion", none of these would legally disqualify him - or anyone else - from running for or holding that office. The Constitution is very clear about the qualifications and what would disqualify a citizen. The ONLY crime for which a conviction would disqualify a citizen from holding the office of POTUS is the Constitutionally defined crime of treason.
Since the two elements of that crime, both require a citizen to engage in fighting against America while it's at war, or lending aid and comfort to the enemy during such a time, it is impossible to convict Trump of that. The only hope for the Left on that count is to convince enough people that he's DQ'd to cause him to lose the election. His rise in campaign contributions and polling demonstrates that this tack isn't working and hasn't from the beginning.

IMO, the Left knows he's likely to win, especially if Biden or Newsome were the nominee so they want a plan B to keep him from being able to harm them once he's inaugurated. They will take this country into a kinetic Civil War before they'll allow him to hold that office again and damage their criminal schemes.
The constitution is VERY clear for office holders.... Especially Presidents....

YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW IT.....and follow all laws derived from it.

Which disqualifies him..... ;)
If that's the case, poor Trump! He's in BIG trouble with God!!! :eek:
Trump isn't an evil plotter. That's those that plot against him.
Trump is a fish-story telling uncle.
You know the damn fish wasn't that big.
Delicious Irony: these chattering monkeys who screeched about "The rule of law!" etc are gonna find out real soon just how political this is. The loss of the black vote is a canary in the coal mine. First Bragg's case will go bye-bye, then all the others will fall apart.

You will hate the "rule of law" turned on you, Dems. We tried to warn you.
Still putting yourself on the Judgment Seat over politics, huh? Strange
Jesus' blood hit the Mercy Seat, thereby completing God's sacrifice to man.

Yeah, I kinda understand it.

Not many people know about that one, but it has to do with when the Roman soldier pierced Jesus' side with a spear and blood and water ran out and God

cracked the ground open.

That was so Jesus' blood could hit the Mercy seat of the Ark of The Covenant which was stashed right under where he

got crucified on Golgotha by Temple workers 400 years prior. God told them to do that.

True story. And then God cracked the ground open so his son's blood could hit the Mercy seat. It all makes perfect sense if you think about it. The 10 Commandments were there, too.

That's why God tested Abraham, because of what he planned to do later. Sacrifice his own son so there didn't have to be any more sacrifices.

I know it's kinda deep, but the more people that realize that's why things are, the better.
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No, there was no peacfully and patriotically making your voice heard. Jan. 6 was violence the state. An Insurrection to overthrow the duly and democratically elected government of the United States.

Fuck Off.

Sure buddy. Sure.
These fools don't care because they've been programmed to hate the Bad Orange Man and to believe it's never going to harm THEM. They will cheerfully burn the country down if they think it means they can "win" against Trump and his supporters. It really IS an illness.
I only respect presidents who haven`t been charged with 91 felonies.
I could give a crap about POLITICS Sue.

This is about what is right vs. wrong, truth vs conjured up lies, facts vs fiction, the very soul of America.

You realize most Biblical scholars do not see America in Revelation, right? IOW by the time Revelation comes, America is already over. Which seems increasingly not only plausible lately, but like it may come sooner than we imagined.

For omitting that Trump said "Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices heard" on Jan 6. If the Grand Jury didn't hear all pertinent facts that is a violation of law : exculpatory evidence
Only at trial, not the grand jury. Hiding something only counts, if it’s something the other side doesn’t already know. Since Trump said it, he can’t claim that.

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