Jack Smith could be indicted for fraud

Or......we've just looked at the evidence of serious crimes in the indictments.

And are fans of both due process and justice!
It is comical when Dems / Socialists make pompous claims they're
fans of both due process and justice!

We see the fraud, corruption and sleaze that oozes from the Dem / Socialist politburo. Everything from the Russia collusion fraud to the corrupt Dem / Socialist lackeys in the DOJ to the sleaze of Sloppy Joe laundering millions of dollars through shell companies.
Fucktards like you have not seen the violence you are pushing for yet.

Picture 5-9X of what BLM riots were, and out for Democrat blood and that's close to reality.

This never stops being funny. Old man if you ever tried anything more strenuous than shaking an angry fist at progress you'd injure yourself. 😄
It is comical when Dems / Socialists make pompous claims they're

We see the fraud, corruption and sleaze that oozes from the Dem / Socialist politburo. Everything from the Russia collusion fraud to the corrupt Dem / Socialist lackeys in the DOJ to the sleaze of Sloppy Joe laundering millions of dollars through shell companies.
...to the killing of our citizens 18-49 by allowing the number 1 cause of death to be freely entered across our open border.

For omitting that Trump said "Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices heard" on Jan 6. If the Grand Jury didn't hear all pertinent facts that is a violation of law : exculpatory evidence

The cult is, understandably, desperate to prevent the wealth of documented evidence and sworn testimony of so many Republican witnesses in all Trump's prosecutions from being presented to juries of his peers, but raging against and threatening officers of the court preforming their public responsibilities is futile.
You don't know what the Grand Jury heard, NO ONE DOES.
The evidence presented to the grand jury is what Trump has been charged with. A grand jury must look at the evidence to decide if the case should be bought to trial. If exculpatory evidence was omitted that is procedural misconduct
Fucktards like you have not seen the violence you are pushing for yet.

Picture 5-9X of what BLM riots were, and out for Democrat blood and that's close to reality.
Nice threat! (Jesus loves you for it! Not!)

You need to take a good look at your self, and knock it upside of the head!!!! :eek:
Duke likes to hint around to violence like he's some internet tough guy.

Marion Morrison is just as much coward as ass faced hollywood hero. Talks big, but does nothing. "The Duke" was known to run away from a fight as fast as his little feet could go. All his "Hollywood" bravery was that, hollywood. Behind the scenes, he couldn't fight his way out paper bag open at both ends.
Hmm..what was your name before? :D
The Duke, AKA John Wayne, was given the name: Marion Robert Morrison at birth. He's named after a civil war officer with a different middle name.

How can you be him, in your current state of knowledge? Learn Bubba, learn.
The cult is, understandably, desperate to prevent the wealth of documented evidence and sworn testimony of so many Republican witnesses in all Trump's prosecutions from being presented to juries of his peers, but raging against and threatening officers of the court preforming their public responsibilities is futile.
Most of the witnesses against P01135809 were his own staff. That is what most damning in this.
Marion Morrison is just as much coward as ass faced hollywood hero. Talks big, but does nothing. "The Duke" was known to run away from a fight as fast as his little feet could go. All his "Hollywood" bravery was that, hollywood. Behind the scenes, he couldn't fight his way out paper bag open at both ends.
But he didn't have to fight. All he had to do was be the best actor. True Grit is a good place to start.
You realize most Biblical scholars do not see America in Revelation, right? IOW by the time Revelation comes, America is already over. Which seems increasingly not only plausible lately, but like it may come sooner than we imagined.
I think they've been blinded, if they don't! We're smack dab in the middle of it, if you believe it hadn't occurred already almost 2000 yrs. ago, like some on the site do believe.

I'm not set in my ways in this, God only knows... I accept that.... You and i, are only given signs of the times... Not more, not less.

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