Jack Smith’s Documents Case Against Trump In Danger Of Being Tossed

That's the kind of stupidity that the right lives on. Case gonna get tossed. By the same judge Chutkan that is apparently a Soros sponsored commie that only lives to fuck Trump over. She's gonna toss the case.

Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
All sounds right to me.
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.

Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
Oh look, a MAGA mouth breather thinks some hack reporter has more credibility as far as the law is concerned then Jack Smith, a Harvard Law school grad. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

BTW, how many war criminals has Paul Sperry convicted after burying them at trial in The Hague?
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
How does this BS square with an audio that has trump admitted he is showing secret classified docs to an unauthorized person and admitting that he can't declassify it now. Please.....Grow a Brain
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
Conservative fantasies.

Nothing more.
BTW, how many war criminals has Paul Sperry convicted after burying them at trial in The Hague?

Get a grip.

I know he's not breaking the epic news tale of a President whose walls are closing in due to being a Russian asset.

Or Jussie Smollet being assaulted by white supremacists at 1am in below zero Chicago winter with his Subway sandwich bravely in hand and intact. (Extra pickles.)

Or the Covington Kids lynching that poor innocent Native who never falsely accused anyone of a "hate crime" ever.

But all that aside, please try and understand you have roughly zero cache' or legitimacy left in the tank.

You've made utter fools of yourselves the last 7 years.

And no Legacy media label or credential such as CNN or NY Times or Bezos Post can change that simple, powerful reality.

So next time some news source you're not familiar with alludes to something that may have heretofore not penetrated your ignorant disinformation "DEMOCRACY!" bubble - perhaps be a little more open minded.

Because the more we start to see the realization slowly creeping in for you that you're losing, the more concerned we become that you're about to devolve into total disillusionment.

We're all Americans, after all. ;)
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century

How did "leftists degrade the concept"?
He’s been around for a long time. His Twitter feed is a constant stream of unverified conspiracy bullshit that turns into mainstream conservative talking points on a regular basis.
Let me ask, you believe anything bad about Trump?
Oh look, a MAGA mouth breather thinks some hack reporter has more credibility as far as the law is concerned then Jack Smith, a Harvard Law school grad. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

BTW, how many war criminals has Paul Sperry convicted after burying them at trial in The Hague?
How many journalists have corrupted the IRS?
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly a fan of the whole "anonymous sources" shindig.

But let's remember, before the Leftist MSM completely degraded the whole concept, protecting sources via anonymity used to be a valid journalistic approach that produced some of the greatest stories and critiques of power over the course of the twentieth century - much like before the entire "whistleblower" dynamic was equally cheapened by Leftist shenanigans. (To put it lightly.)

Furthermore, a RealClear Investigations reporter being the author of this brief definitely raised my eyebrows.

As the investigative arm of the well renowned RealClear Politics website, it delegates an air of legitimacy to what is being alleged here.

But enough of my yappin', here's what we got folks:

It's not a "Conspiracy Theory".

It's not even FAKE NEWS.

It's called journalism, which the Left once used to dabble in from time to time, prior to their Orange Man induced full frontal lobotomies.

And I, for one, am hoping this has merit.
The MSM is liberal, not leftist.
Get a grip.

I know he's not breaking the epic news tale of a President whose walls are closing in due to being a Russian asset.

Or Jussie Smollet being assaulted by white supremacists at 1am in below zero Chicago winter with his Subway sandwich bravely in hand and intact. (Extra pickles.)

Or the Covington Kids lynching that poor innocent Native who never falsely accused anyone of a "hate crime" ever.

But all that aside, please try and understand you have roughly zero cache' or legitimacy left in the tank.

You've made utter fools of yourselves the last 7 years.

And no Legacy media label or credential such as CNN or NY Times or Bezos Post can change that simple, powerful reality.

So next time some news source you're not familiar with alludes to something that may have heretofore not penetrated your ignorant disinformation "DEMOCRACY!" bubble - perhaps be a little more open minded.

Because the more we start to see the realization slowly creeping in for you that you're losing, the more concerned we become that you're about to devolve into total disillusionment.

We're all Americans, after all. ;)
Trump is facing over 90 felony charges. How's that for "winning"?

But keep trying to justify your support for a criminal scumbag lowlife by blaming the left for Trump facing justice which is long overdue.
The motions asked for by the prosecution are sus as hell from the get go. They are scrambling to make something out of this case. They don't have any evidence of wrong doing by Trump. All they have left is a sad attempt to get a sympathetic (IE: TDS riddled lunatics) grand jury.
Trump is facing over 90 felony charges. How's that for "winning"?


You people just keep bashing your heads against this rhetorical wall.

Do you not understand that over half the country sees these charges as a severe overshooting of the runway in a desperate attempt for the Democrats to finally, once and for all, after their twentieth attempt - vanquish Orange Man Bad?

That's all they see.

Wanna know why?

Cuz that's all it is!

MSNBC? Panicked.

How not to have a psychic meltdown when you see new Trump-Biden poll numbers​

CNN? Panicked.

The chance of Trump winning another term is very real​

The astounding stat in Biden’s very bad poll​

NY Magazine? Panicked.

Politico? Panicked.

The reality is even as you Commie bozos attempt to pummel us with cries of "FAKE NEWS!", it's not exactly a mystery that your own fucking treacherous media ecosystem knows you're in existential electoral danger.

But your heads are so far up your pompous posteriors that this blatant reality fails to resonate.

Which, hey, is just fine with us. It only all the more guarantees our impending victory.

But please spare us the idea that it's utterly incredulous that Trump could actually triumph.

It's as inane as it is disingenuous.

If you fools would actually face the music and then engage in a real debate about why so many people support him, maybe you'd learn something.

But if the past few years and my denouncement of the fascist Left has taught me anything: It's that you resemble everything you purport to decry - and you will never admit weakness.

Which, in the end?

Makes you the inevitable losers.

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