Jack Smith’s Documents Case Against Trump In Danger Of Being Tossed

I'm sure every one of these cases is loaded with poison pills to ensure they get tossed. The ONE thing they can't afford is an acquittal. That would destroy seven years of narrative. Instead liberals will be strung along the 'we'll get him this time' path for another five years. Like lemmings headed towards a cliff.

You people just keep bashing your heads against this rhetorical wall.

Do you not understand that over half the country sees these charges as a severe overshooting of the runway in a desperate attempt for the Democrats to finally, once and for all, after their twentieth attempt - vanquish Orange Man Bad?

That's all they see.

Wanna know why?

Cuz that's all it is!

MSNBC? Panicked.

How not to have a psychic meltdown when you see new Trump-Biden poll numbers​

CNN? Panicked.

The chance of Trump winning another term is very real​

The astounding stat in Biden’s very bad poll​

NY Magazine? Panicked.

Politico? Panicked.

The reality is even as you Commie bozos attempt to pummel us with cries of "FAKE NEWS!", it's not exactly a mystery that your own fucking treacherous media ecosystem knows you're in existential electoral danger.

But your heads are so far up your pompous posteriors that this blatant reality fails to resonate.

Which, hey, is just fine with us. It only all the more guarantees our impending victory.

But please spare us the idea that it's utterly incredulous that Trump could actually triumph.

It's as inane as it is disingenuous.

If you fools would actually face the music and then engage in a real debate about why so many people support him, maybe you'd learn something.

But if the past few years and my denouncement of the fascist Left has taught me anything: It's that you resemble everything you purport to decry - and you will never admit weakness.

Which, in the end?

Makes you the inevitable losers.
If you fools would actually face the music and then engage in a real debate about why so many people support him, maybe you'd learn something

Be the first MAGAt to tell me what's not to loathe

You're a Cult of Daddy Issues..
You realize your avatar reveals you to be a truly sick and disturbed individual....

Actually, the Avatar is making a very appropriate point. The repubs seems to enjoy using things like their devotion to guns and their denial of climate change as some kinds of badges of honor, when in actuality, they are nothing but meat for the extreme sectors of their dying party.
I am rooting for him to ass pound the left.
This catcher?

Actually, the Avatar is making a very appropriate point. The repubs seems to enjoy using things like their devotion to guns and their denial of climate change as some kinds of badges of honor, when in actuality, they are nothing but meat for the extreme sectors of their dying party.

You're literally retarded.
I clicked on your post, which is no clickbait, but an honest expression of your helpless gullibility.

They know you Trumpsters are dupes, they know you don't know better, they know you will uncritically swallow their bs and spread it around.

You like to just say stuff.

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