Jack Smith’s Documents Case Against Trump In Danger Of Being Tossed

FBI raid found many documents Trump claimed were returned
Cite the criminal statute that violated and the proof Trump violated it.
Trump is on tape showing top secret documents to uncleared reporter.
The tape is audio. Cite the criminal statute that violated and the proof that trump violated it (because an audio tape cannot be proof of that).
His lawyers say he fooled them into signing false statements.
Which lawyer said that, what proof do they offer and what criminal statute does that violate?
his IT guy says Trump ordered erasure of video evidence.
"Gus says," is your proof? How many videos were erased?
...and there is more.
Is it as unproven as the above?
Cite the criminal statute that violated and the proof Trump violated it.

The tape is audio. Cite the criminal statute that violated and the proof that trump violated it (because an audio tape cannot be proof of that).

Which lawyer said that, what proof do they offer and what criminal statute does that violate?

"Gus says," is your proof? How many videos were erased?

Is it as unproven as the above?


Trump is literaly on tape telling the reporter - "Here are top secret plans to attack Iran that I can no longer declassify and should not be showing you, hehe haha". That reporter WILL TESTIFY to seeing that document and you are talking about "cannot be proof"? You are fucked in the head.

Read the thread before throwing your laughable two cents, I've already cited legal analysis and specific statutes.

Trump will be convicted, you nutbags can no-no-no that all the way to the bank.
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That's your very brief way of ignoring my request.

It's easy to debunk your BS argument, you're acting as if the reporter is implying a charge that doesn't exist, when really the answer has more to do with tangential procedural violations - the two are unrelated.

But you didn't answer me.

I can't count how many times on these threads you stupid Lefties go into interrogation mode in a desperate attempt to obfuscate the main issue.

So I'll ask you again:

Please read the article I posted and go line by line - with receipts - to refute each and every point.

It's the least you can do after the hoops I've been jumping through for you morons over the past year.

We'll wait for you to issue your report.

OK, run along now.

Dummy I already did refute the very first point made in your OP.

You denying that I did over and over, without ever addressing a single word of mine, is both insane and silly.
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Read the thread before throwing your laughable two cents, I've already cited legal analysis and specific statutes.

Trump will be convicted, you can no-no-no that all the way to the bank.
The obstruction.case will get him...if nothing else. The dumb SOB thought he could hide subpoenaed documents from the DOJ.

We already know that the juries in DC will find him guilty. They would convict a ham sandwich if it was registered as a Republican..
I believe my brother would vote for trump next year but would also find him guilty if he were on a jury. A trump loyalist couldn’t hide his ignorance in a jury. H wouldn’t be able to dismiss evidence as fake news when it’s clearly facts
Dummy I already did refute the very first point made in your OP.

You denying that I did over and over, without ever addressing a single word of mine, is both insane and silly.
We all know trumps a criminal and they all know he’s innocent.
The obstruction.case will get him...if nothing else. The dumb SOB thought he could hide subpoenaed documents from the DOJ.

And I believe my state, a state trump would need to win, could keep him off our ballot if he’s a felon.

Remember republicans, states rights.

Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to kidnap my governor. Was that proud boys or oath keepers? Same groups trump coordinated with?

He weakes case is even a slam dunk. He misused campaign funds. Paid off stormy. And Michael Cohen went to jail for it. Now it’s trumps turn
The obstruction.case will get him...if nothing else. The dumb SOB thought he could hide subpoenaed documents from the DOJ.


The crime itself is too dumb and obvious to not get him. Orange idiot is on tape admitting everything to convict him a few times over.
The obstruction.case will get him...if nothing else. The dumb SOB thought he could hide subpoenaed documents from the DOJ.

One of the two employees of trumps is going to testify against him. And he ant trying to sell a book. He’s no5 going to prison for trump like Michael Cohen did.
The relavant fact is that Trump was in indicted.

Relevant to what? An indictment is not evidence. All it is or has ever been is a mere allegation or set of allegations.
What you think of that fact is irrelavant to the point....
Nah. Again, it’s your petty little pointless that is irrelevant.
but that doesn't prevent you from accusing me of avoiding your deflection.
Sack up, child.
Ok, lets address your deflection - case against Trump is solid:
No. Not even close.
FBI raid found many documents Trump claimed were returned
Prove it. And even if he had made the claim, merely making a mistake isn’t criminal.
Trump is on tape showing top secret documents to uncleared reporter.
Not true. He’s on audiotape making an ambiguous statement. And you have not the slightest clue whether he was holding a previously classified document or a news article about the idiotic plan.
His lawyers say he fooled them into signing false statements.
Prove that. They may have all been mistaken. But Trump isn’t guilty if his lawyers made a mistake.
his IT guy says Trump ordered erasure of video evidence.
Uh huh. Is that what he swore to on his GJ testimony or is it now what he’s claiming? Show me. But you can’t.
...and there is more.
There is still nothing.
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The crime itself is too dumb and obvious to not get him.
To no charge trump of all the crimes he committed would be the definition of playing politics.

Trump and republicans believe presidents should be above the law. In a way I agree but not a guy who broke as many laws as trump did.

Kwami kilpatrick ran Detroit like a crime boss. Interesting trump commuted his sentence.
Relevant to what? An indictment is not evidence. All it is or has ever been is a mere allegation or set of allegations.

Nah. Again, it’s your petty little pointless that is irrelevant.

Sack up, child.

No. Not even close.

Prove it. And even if he had made the claim, merely making a mistake isn’t criminal.

Not true. He’s on audiotape making an ambiguous statement. And you have not the slightest clue whether he was holding a previously classified document or a news article about the idiotic plan.

Prove that. They may have all been mistaken. But Trump isn’t guilty of his lawyers made a mistake.

Uh huh. Is that what he swore to on his GJ testimony or is it now what he’s claiming. Show me. But you can’t.

There is still nothing.
It’s funny that you guys took affidavits so seriously in 2020 but no downplay being indicted Today
Cite the criminal statute that violated and the proof Trump violated it.

The tape is audio. Cite the criminal statute that violated and the proof that trump violated it (because an audio tape cannot be proof of that).

Which lawyer said that, what proof do they offer and what criminal statute does that violate?

"Gus says," is your proof? How many videos were erased?

Is it as unproven as the above?
The great thing is we don’t have to provide you evidence. It’s actually going to play out in court. Will trump lie on the stand or plead the 5th?
Prove it. And even if he had made the claim, merely making a mistake isn’t criminal.

Not true. He’s on audiotape making an ambiguous statement. And you have not the slightest clue whether he was holding a previously classified document or a news article about the idiotic plan.

Prove that. They may have all been mistaken. But Trump isn’t guilty of his lawyers made a mistake.

Uh huh. Is that what he swore to on his GJ testimony or is it now what he’s claiming. Show me. But you can’t.

There is still nothing.
I know better by now than to waste time with emotionally driven, shameless nutbags like you. You've proven yourself immune to rational thought.

It will be proven in court, where he will get convicted (or take a guilty plea).

You will be WrongAgain and I will be right again, it's all very simple and testable.
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To the past claim that Trump will be indicted. Duh.
You’re brainless. We all know he stands indicted. So, your present moron claim is that it’s relevant to note an indictment to establish that he is under indictment which is undisputed. :cuckoo:

Jeez. You’re a fucking idiot.
If you can't be bothered to read the conversation don't throw your two cents in.
If you can’t be bothered to reply intelligently, it’s likely because you’re already brain dead. Maybe consider quitting this board and try your hand at the Democrap Underground. 👍
It’s funny that you guys took affidavits so seriously in 2020 but no downplay being indicted Today

Which affidavits are you bleating about?

And even a chump like you ought to grasp that an indictment isn’t evidence.
I know better by now then to waste time on nitty-gritty details with insane nutter idiots like you.

It will be proven in court, where he will get convicted (or guilty plea).

You will be WrongAgain and I will be right again, it's as simple as that.
It will be a juries decision did he


How many counts? Perhaps a jury will convict trump of some but not of the most serious charges.

4 completely different cases, hundreds of counts. This is the best republ have to offer. Orange lex luthor. Or penguin
I know better by now then to waste time on nitty-gritty details with insane nutter idiots like you.

It will be proven in court, where he will get convicted (or guilty plea).

You will be WrongAgain and I will be right again, it's as simple as that.
You obviously have nothing. No surprise. You never do.

I doubt “it” will be proved in court. But even a conviction won’t mean diddly dick since it will inevitably be reversed on appeal.

Face it. I’m right. Always. And you’re a dildo, always. You’re as simple as they come.

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