Jack Smith’s Documents Case Against Trump In Danger Of Being Tossed

Your inner sheep is showing.

Time for another booster.


That's right, you'll post about gay tennis, Covid vaccinations or anything else that pops into your idiot head....except what this thread is actually about.

Why? Because you obviously damn well know your op is bullshit.
Only time will tell. IMO, that's the one case that could be problematic for Trump.

But what do I know, I'm just a layman. :dunno:

I think it could be problematic. However the most dangerous in my opinion is Georgia.

Trump can be pardoned for two of them. I doubt he will be convicted in Nee York. The case is rather tenuous. But the Georgia Case is dangerous. First they take public corruption seriously here. Second. There is no Pardon possible in Georgia.
You’re all hopped up about convictions where there have been no trials yet. You hypocritical gasbag moron. What I’m saying is that even a conviction (if there are any) will be foiled for your cult because convictions can get reversed on appeal.

The charges are legally absurd. Bragg’s indictment can’t even state what the actual crime was.

The so-called “document’s” case means nothing. Nothing was classified. The case actually rests primarily on a non criminal statute.

Any charges related to January 6 are baseless. There isn’t a hint of a ghosts of a shadow of a speck of any evidence that Trump directed, asked or orchestrated any criminal behavior that day. Absolute bullshit.

And so forth.

The way our legal system is SUPPOSED to work is that the grand jury presentments and the ensuing indictments (case by case) are supposed to be scrutinized by neutral jurists. When they see that the legal theories are specious, they are SUPPOSED to dismiss the fucking indictments. (Also for prosecutorial misconduct before the grand juries, and for other related reasons.)

But when that isn’t what the judges could be bothered to do, then after a conviction, if any, appellate courts take up the load.
We know he’s guilty. You’re talking like a slick lawyer. Whatever you say Johnny cochran
Oh look, a FAGAt who forgets that his man crush Smith has had multiple cases tossed. Including by the SCOTUS for illegal actions. Better get your butthurt cream ready for when you lose this one too retard.
Did I touch a nerve, Trump asseater? You MAGAT mouth breather's have been soiling yourselves since Smith indicted your man crush Trump. That's how incompetent he is- you're scared shitless that he's finally going to nail Trump's ass to the wall.

But take heart, you'll always have the taste of his ass on your face.

Trump is literaly on tape telling the reporter - "Here are top secret plans to attack Iran that I can no longer declassify and should not be showing you, hehe haha". That reporter WILL TESTIFY to seeing that document and you are talking about "cannot be proof"? You are fucked in the head.

Read the thread before throwing your laughable two cents, I've already cited legal analysis and specific statutes.

Trump will be convicted, you nutbags can no-no-no that all the way to the bank.
You forgot to cite the criminal statutes.
The obstruction.case will get him...if nothing else. The dumb SOB thought he could hide subpoenaed documents from the DOJ.

What is the proof that he hid the documents as opposed to being unaware he still had them?
The great thing is we don’t have to provide you evidence. It’s actually going to play out in court. Will trump lie on the stand or plead the 5th?
Why not wait until you seen the slightest bit of evidence and understand the criminal statutes before you pronounce him guilty.

It's very un-American.

Which affidavits are you bleating about?

And even a chump like you ought to grasp that an indictment isn’t evidence.
If they thought about it hard enough, they could indeed understand that difference. In truth they wouldn't care if they did get it.

Just like they didn't care about the difference between impeachment and removal. Likely they were happier with him not removed, so they could impeach him again. All it takes is having a majority in congress to impeach an opposition party president, as Biden will learn soon.

But in their typical spike-the-ball-on-the-one-yard-line way, they did the victory dances over the impeachments as if they alone were a victory. Same as they are doing over the evidence-free indictments.
The obstruction.case will get him...if nothing else. The dumb SOB thought he could hide subpoenaed documents from the DOJ.

Obstruction is what will get Biden and Garland.
The great thing is we don’t have to provide you evidence. It’s actually going to play out in court. Will trump lie on the stand or plead the 5th?
Since you have no evidence, it won't play out like you believe.
We know he’s guilty. You’re talking like a slick lawyer. Whatever you say Johnny cochran
No. You’re a pre-judgmental, unduly overly partisanship hack moron. You don’t “know” that he’s guilty of anything. You may believe it. You certainly wish to believe it.

But that’s not the same as “knowing” it, you imbecile. And I see no valid reason to assume he’s guilty of any crime at all related to any of these absurd charges.
That's right, you'll post about gay tennis, Covid vaccinations or anything else that pops into your idiot head....except what this thread is actually about.

Why? Because you obviously damn well know your op is bullshit.

Yep, plus you're a better person than me all around.

You win.

Now shoo fly.

Trump is literaly on tape telling the reporter - "Here are top secret plans to attack Iran that I can no longer declassify and should not be showing you, hehe haha". That reporter WILL TESTIFY to seeing that document and you are talking about "cannot be proof"? You are fucked in the head.

Read the thread before throwing your laughable two cents, I've already cited legal analysis and specific statutes.

Trump will be convicted, you nutbags can no-no-no that all the way to the bank.
Hey dumbfuck, AUDIO tape shows nothing. You’re truly the one fucked in the head. Witnesses have already stated that NOBODY actually saw any document. Thus that reporter has already been debunked. Trump will never see a jail cell. You can cry and whine about that as he beats Joe soundly.
oh look, the goof showing no sources now demands one. Your crying and whining is getting old. Just to beat you to the punch. YOU have nothing. As per usual.

Nothing in his head.

I don't like wasting my time with intellectually dishonest posters.

There are at least a few Lefty wingnuts on here who have some integrity.

But this bozo certainly ain't one of em.

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