Jackie Chan gets it right

I am posting the letter, I hope you don't mind...

No this is what he said

When I first heard the news, I was absolutely enraged. As a public figure, I feel very ashamed; as his dad, I’m very sad and disappointed. But the person who feels heartbroken the most is his mom. I hope our younger generation will learn from Jaycee’s mistake and stay far away from drug abuse.” He added, “I would like to take this opportunity and say to Jaycee: you’ve done something wrong and you have to be responsible for the consequences. I’m your dad and I’ll always be with you. We will face the road ahead of us together. I should also take some of this responsibility because as his dad, I didn’t teach him well. Therefore, on behalf of Jaycee and myself, I extend our deepest apologies to everyone for the negative impact this has caused on society. Thank you.”

TMZ has lefty dyslexia...that is why they think Jackie Chan is bizzarre in what he wrote...

TMZ referred to this letter as “bizarre” to them I’m sure it was, after all the idea of

1. Expressing anger and shame at your child doing something wrong

2. Taking responsibility as a father and insisting his son do the same.

3. Apologizing to society and warning youth not to follow a bad example

…is completely contrary to the modern celebrity society where right and wrong are simply constructs and no person is responsible for their acts.
Fifty years ago, this letter by Chan would have been commonplace. Fuck TMZ and fuck this useless culture of narcissism we have devolved into. Jackie Chan is a mensch.
How is his letter bizarre? He supports his son, loves him, but knows he has to be responsible for his mistakes.

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