Jackson Calls for Blacks to Leave the Democrat Party!

Oh crap! Now I'm going to have to sit through a thousand posts screaming Uncle Tom this and Uncle Tom that.

Yep if you dare to think for yourself that's what you will be labeled. I've been around more black than white and hear the same bitching from both races. Welfare bums, crime, taking God out of everything ...ect but they STILL vote Democrat like it's been programed into them.
Feed the poor and they will breed.

Children work better hungry.

Let him die.

Disaster victims should pay to be rescued.

GOP "morals" and "family values". They aren't mine.
Providing services to the poor is NOT the same as systematic forced labor, beatings, rape and slavery is the simple truth recognized by folks with normal cognitive function.

ps: JoeB, your continual Mormon baiting is simply another form of bigotry, like antisemitism. Calling it as it is.

I agree helping the poor is a good thing, but making sure they stay on it for good all for a vote is a form of slavery. Have a good day.

You are wasting your time with Jake the Fake Starkey. He wont give your response a second thought and will not answer your questions. He is a troll and a liar, nothing more.

JimCrowie is one of the all time trolls and drools on the Board. His points get the comments they deserve, nothing more nothing less.

The entitlements are not slavery, pure and simple.
It wold be GREAT if the Black folks left the Democrat party and formed one of their own.
The Democrats would shit themselves...

Say goodbye to all those guaranteed votes.
Every election the Democrat party leaders will have to go hat in hand to the black coalition party
for approval of the next Democrat candidate.If the Democrats don't kiss ass enough the BCP puts up
their own candidate...Thus guaranteeing a GOP win...
When are Republicans going to do something that helps minority communities?

They are trying by getting them to stop supporting the party that kept them in chains for centuries; the Democrats.

Which party provided jobs training and placement programs? Which party established Urban development programs? Which party provided Headstart and other educational programs to help urban youth?
When are Republicans going to do something that helps minority communities?

They are trying by getting them to stop supporting the party that kept them in chains for centuries; the Democrats.

Which party provided jobs training and placement programs? Which party established Urban development programs? Which party provided Headstart and other educational programs to help urban youth?

Hows that job training placement program urban development Headstart shams working out for the black community? Last I saw, much of the black population was drowning in poverty, violence, broken homes, and illiteracy as much if not more than ever.
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why would blacks want to join a party that wants to take away their civil rights and voting rights?
Feed the poor and they will breed.

Children work better hungry.

Let him die.

Disaster victims should pay to be rescued.

GOP "morals" and "family values". They aren't mine.

Oh shut the hell up, your part of the problem.
They are trying by getting them to stop supporting the party that kept them in chains for centuries; the Democrats.

Which party provided jobs training and placement programs? Which party established Urban development programs? Which party provided Headstart and other educational programs to help urban youth?

Hows that job training placement program urban development Headstart shams working out for the black community? Last I saw, much of the black population was drowning in poverty, violence, broken homes, and illiteracy as much if not more than ever.

Well Republicans....put up or shut up

Start directing jobs and opportunities to minority and poor communities. Easy to shout "Get a job" while you send opportunities elsewhere
Which party provided jobs training and placement programs? Which party established Urban development programs? Which party provided Headstart and other educational programs to help urban youth?

Hows that job training placement program urban development Headstart shams working out for the black community? Last I saw, much of the black population was drowning in poverty, violence, broken homes, and illiteracy as much if not more than ever.

Well Republicans....put up or shut up

Start directing jobs and opportunities to minority and poor communities. Easy to shout "Get a job" while you send opportunities elsewhere

Well Democrats... put up or shut up. Start directing jobs and opportunities to minority and poor communities. Easy to shout " we are here to help you", while perpetuating programs that have helped destroy the black community.
Even when republicans endorse and fight for school vouchers because our school systems are broken you accuse them of segregation. There is no apparent winning when a republican wants to provide jobs and education to minorities. However, I do believe that the republican party should do more to fight against the liberal stereotyping machine and work more with black churches, schools and organizations. Of course it will be a pretty blood fight since the old white liberal establishment will scream bloody murder (or "segregation") every time a black person gets a job due to a better education provided by conservative policies but I believe it is a fight worth having.
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When are Republicans going to do something that helps minority communities?

School choice.

School choice is another GOP buzzword for segregation. It allows whites to move their children out of predominantly black schools. Give me a voucher so I can send my kid to a white school

Kinda like the school choice program in washington obama did away with, then had to reinstate it because of the outrage of the minorities? Got it.
What plantation?

You guys trying to use the metaphor of social services as a plantation both doesn't recognize the horrors of slavery and cheapens your own argument.

Slaves were subjected to untold brutality, murder, rape, breaking up of families and numerous other things that would be impossible for people who have never been slaves to understand.

The Plantation is a metaphor for keeping blacks in line and voting Democrat. As Lyndon Johnson said:

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

Quoted in Ronald Kessler’s (Author and Journalist for the Washington Post) Inside The White House
I don't equate "kowtowing the Koch Brothers" as "educated".

Not sure why you do.

No, he was smart enough to get off the plantation and you hate him for it. Maybe you should watch cnn and get some new talking points before you respond back.

What plantation?

You guys trying to use the metaphor of social services as a plantation both doesn't recognize the horrors of slavery and cheapens your own argument.

Slaves were subjected to untold brutality, murder, rape, breaking up of families and numerous other things that would be impossible for people who have never been slaves to understand.

That horror ended 148 years ago. There isn't a single person alive in the US who was legally a slave. Even the oldest of old blacks only heard those stories second hand.
How QUICKLY the leftards turn this thread away from what the main point of the video was, and that was for blacks to turn away from the democrap party because they're the party that hates GOD.

One thing for sure, all the little bubble headed leftists here have their copy of Sal Alinsky's, Rules For Radicals, memorized down to the page and paragraph.

Stupid little ass wipes.
No, he was smart enough to get off the plantation and you hate him for it. Maybe you should watch cnn and get some new talking points before you respond back.

What plantation?

You guys trying to use the metaphor of social services as a plantation both doesn't recognize the horrors of slavery and cheapens your own argument.

Slaves were subjected to untold brutality, murder, rape, breaking up of families and numerous other things that would be impossible for people who have never been slaves to understand.

That horror ended 148 years ago. There isn't a single person alive in the US who was legally a slave. Even the oldest of old blacks only heard those stories second hand.
Im assuming that's a two way street. When young black so called men rob, rape, and father children the have no intention of being responsible for and use "the legacy of slavery" excuse. You are willing to hold them accountable.....right?
What plantation?

You guys trying to use the metaphor of social services as a plantation both doesn't recognize the horrors of slavery and cheapens your own argument.

Slaves were subjected to untold brutality, murder, rape, breaking up of families and numerous other things that would be impossible for people who have never been slaves to understand.

That horror ended 148 years ago. There isn't a single person alive in the US who was legally a slave. Even the oldest of old blacks only heard those stories second hand.
Im assuming that's a two way street. When young black so called men rob, rape, and father children the have no intention of being responsible for and use "the legacy of slavery" excuse. You are willing to hold them accountable.....right?

Yes. Slavery sucked, but the people that suffered under it have been dead a long time. The living don't get to use the pain those people suffered as an excuse for anything.

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