Jacksonville to Order mandatory Face Masks ahead of the Republican Nat'l Convention

Makes you wonder why they left Charlotte, N.C.

Trump, I am sure, is having a fit now.
What will the dems rulers of jacksonville do if gop conventioneers do not comply?
Probably the same as another city did for one of his recent pep rallies, say that they should be followed but will not be enforced in the convention hall itself, and do a lot of finger wagging and pontificating as their numbers of infected, dead and dying continue to rise. What did you think they would do?
Stop pointing at Drumpsters about masks. They want to bring back slavery days. It's the MAGA Way things should be.

Point at why they do not wear them.

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It doesn't matter. Trump is going to lose anyway
You keep telling yourself that but start making plans now for what you're going to do when Trump is reelected by a landslide come November. You already know screaming at the sky doesn't help so after you stop bawling what will you do?
Another "Dick" Foster post. Good job, man.
Probably the same as another city did for one of his recent pep rallies, say that they should be followed but will not be enforced in the convention hall itself

if its just an empty gesture then forget it

Makes you wonder why they left Charlottesville.

Trump, I am sure, is having a fit now.
Sounds prudent. Florida leads the country yesterday and today with 8,530 new cases yesterday and leading again today with 5,266 presently today, as well as leading today with the highest death toll of the day at 28 more Covid-19 dead since yesterday. Conventions of all kinds come and go in Florida cities. Dead is forever.
Absolutely. Cases are rising all over the state. Given the elderly population it is fool hardy to take unnecessary risks. Residents are angry enough that Covid is out of control in Florida and other states due to Republican misfeasance.
Another lie. Covid was out of control due to idiotic BLUE state DIM governors like Asshole Cuomo and Idiot Whitmer. The elderly population? Dim governors killed a whole lot of them with their nursing home orders. Your next pile of shit is?

Makes you wonder why they left Charlottesville.

Trump, I am sure, is having a fit now.
Sounds prudent. Florida leads the country yesterday and today with 8,530 new cases yesterday and leading again today with 5,266 presently today, as well as leading today with the highest death toll of the day at 28 more Covid-19 dead since yesterday. Conventions of all kinds come and go in Florida cities. Dead is forever.
Absolutely. Cases are rising all over the state. Given the elderly population it is fool hardy to take unnecessary risks. Residents are angry enough that Covid is out of control in Florida and other states due to Republican misfeasance.
Another lie. Covid was out of control due to idiotic BLUE state DIM governors like Asshole Cuomo and Idiot Whitmer. The elderly population? Dim governors killed a whole lot of them with their nursing home orders. Your next pile of shit is?
Wrong! Cuomo was the first in line and showed the red states what they should do to prepare for Covid. What did the Red States do With this time? The Repubs sat on their asses, played down Covid and opened too early. Now Texas has 5000 people a day going to the emergency rooms. Florida is in crisis mode. Repubs are guilty of political misfeasance of the worst kind. Though Repubs have shown themselves to be extraordinarily slow learners, at least Curry is smart enough not to go down the same road to disaster.

Makes you wonder why they left Charlottesville.

Trump, I am sure, is having a fit now.
Sounds prudent. Florida leads the country yesterday and today with 8,530 new cases yesterday and leading again today with 5,266 presently today, as well as leading today with the highest death toll of the day at 28 more Covid-19 dead since yesterday. Conventions of all kinds come and go in Florida cities. Dead is forever.
Absolutely. Cases are rising all over the state. Given the elderly population it is fool hardy to take unnecessary risks. Residents are angry enough that Covid is out of control in Florida and other states due to Republican misfeasance.
Another lie. Covid was out of control due to idiotic BLUE state DIM governors like Asshole Cuomo and Idiot Whitmer. The elderly population? Dim governors killed a whole lot of them with their nursing home orders. Your next pile of shit is?
Wrong! Cuomo was the first in line and showed the red states what they should do to prepare for Covid. What did the Red States do With this time? The Repubs sat on their asses, played down Covid and opened too early. Now Texas has 5000 people a day going to the emergency rooms. Florida is in crisis mode. Repubs are guilty of political misfeasance of the worst kind. Though Repubs have shown themselves to be extraordinarily slow learners, at least Curry is smart enough not to go down the same road to disaster.
HAhahahah! This moron actually believes that pile of shit? Cuomo is a colossal FAILURE. He did NOTHING. Encouraged people to go out and celebrate after even a putz like de Blasio told him to lock down the city. Cuomo REFUSED. Republicans guilty of malfeasance? Gee, let’s see here. The WORST states for deaths and cases are all BLUE states. Led by the murdering Cuomo who murdered thousands of elderly nursing home residents. Poor baby, totally debunked so easily.
Trump's determination to will away Covid 19 isn't working so well. Supporters won't come to his rallies, now he can't find a Republican state that is healthy enough to let his people prance around without a mask.
LoL! Basically.

Probably the same as another city did for one of his recent pep rallies, say that they should be followed but will not be enforced in the convention hall itself

if its just an empty gesture then forget it
Suspect so. I do not really know the mindset of those city leaders down there, but the mayor of that western city didn't get crucified for saying it should be done, but that she was not going to attempt to enforce inside the hall itself. If it is mandatory on the streets and businesses at that time, it could be another matter. They should mask, without a doubt and that many people from all over the country inside that hall and moving through the community hotels and restaurants for those consecutive days will undoubtedly cause an uptick. Everybody knows this. Everybody has known this. The prez wimped out on his first choice when he took offense, at them saying the same thing. He doesn't have time to wimp out this time, only bitching and posturing. Have a good time down there. Glad you're not coming my state, as we have no desire to compete with Florida for infection rates and death tolls. Too conservative up here.

Makes you wonder why they left Charlottesville.

Trump, I am sure, is having a fit now.
Sounds prudent. Florida leads the country yesterday and today with 8,530 new cases yesterday and leading again today with 5,266 presently today, as well as leading today with the highest death toll of the day at 28 more Covid-19 dead since yesterday. Conventions of all kinds come and go in Florida cities. Dead is forever.
Absolutely. Cases are rising all over the state. Given the elderly population it is fool hardy to take unnecessary risks. Residents are angry enough that Covid is out of control in Florida and other states due to Republican misfeasance.
Another lie. Covid was out of control due to idiotic BLUE state DIM governors like Asshole Cuomo and Idiot Whitmer. The elderly population? Dim governors killed a whole lot of them with their nursing home orders. Your next pile of shit is?
You sure that explains republican governed Florida and Texas?

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