James Carville calls GOP White Trash

Do they look white? Do they represent all Democrats?

It was the most divisive SOTU address ever, but she was rightly criticized for the display.

According to Carville he could drag a dollar bill through a Trailer Park and get your other half chase it. Fair assumption?
Biden didn't lie. There are Republicans who want to sunset SS and Medicare.

That's a fact.

Speaking of lying about one's opponents, Carville's remark comes nowhere near the Republicans' constant accusations of grooming, pedophilia, and Satanism.

Remove the beam from your own eye before pointing out the splinter in your neighbor's eye.

Stuff it Prog.
Carville got in a fight with William Shatner once.
He didn't. Republicans want cuts to SS and Medicare. There are some who have openly talked about ending it and/or privatizing it.
Sorry, McCarthy taking it off the table before the SOTU doesn't give Republicans a pass.

And it was a really good troll. I mean, Biden OWNED them Tuesday night. And they had ZERO cogent responses to him.
It's been a tough week for Republicans. :)
I would love a bill that eliminates Medicare and Social Security and creates a Constitutional Amendment that explicitly bans creating them or any thing like them ever again, even though we already have a Constitution that didn’t allow their creation or their continued existence.

A sunset bill isn’t that, you fucking pukestains.
Polite political discourse

they are white trash

Deplorable white trash.
They rioted at the Capitol and supported Trump, if you do that you are trash.
I call them trash on a daily basis, they are despicable people.

I am ashamed that they are considered Americans
I think calling them white trash is a little too much. Most working class whites that vote republican are hurting themselves since republicans have basically no use for anyone who is not wealthy...... except during voting season. Republicans are very good at bamboozling others. And if they get powerful enough for long enough then The USA will become a real oligarchy. And I did vote vote for trump but soon found out what low life criminal scum he really is.
He didn't. Republicans want cuts to SS and Medicare. There are some who have openly talked about ending it and/or privatizing it.
Sorry, McCarthy taking it off the table before the SOTU doesn't give Republicans a pass.

And it was a really good troll. I mean, Biden OWNED them Tuesday night. And they had ZERO cogent responses to him.
It's been a tough week for Republicans. :)

You’re funny!
He was right, just as Obama pegged them as circus barkers, Hillary pegged them as deplorable, Carville has now rightly pegged them as white trash.

You are what you do.

Four more days until Valentimes Day.
The Republican platform is fake news?

You are really around the bend, son.

It's incredible how hard you piss drinking tards work to maintain your delusions!
I'm not a partisan hack like you.
they are white trash

Deplorable white trash.
They rioted at the Capitol and supported Trump, if you do that you are trash.
I call them trash on a daily basis, they are despicable people.

I am ashamed that they are considered Americans

Funny, I have a feeling you look like a shorter and fatter version of James Carville.


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